Hi there
I have created a service in my test app which gets data from a remote database and inserts it into a local db. I have on my activity a button which gives me the current row count of one of the local tables. When I start my app and in turn the service, a toast message tells me that the data has downloaded.. Every 5 seconds it does another download and a toast message informs again. However if I click my button on the activity to show me the current row count the service seems to halt until the ok button is pressed. I thought that the service would just keep running in the background and not halt for anything and I guess I am going something wrong. Have I missed something fundamental in the understanding of the services? I hope not, my brain hurts
Thanks in advance,
I have created a service in my test app which gets data from a remote database and inserts it into a local db. I have on my activity a button which gives me the current row count of one of the local tables. When I start my app and in turn the service, a toast message tells me that the data has downloaded.. Every 5 seconds it does another download and a toast message informs again. However if I click my button on the activity to show me the current row count the service seems to halt until the ok button is pressed. I thought that the service would just keep running in the background and not halt for anything and I guess I am going something wrong. Have I missed something fundamental in the understanding of the services? I hope not, my brain hurts
Thanks in advance,