I'm using the code snippets below for my message boxes. I have these running in a module.
First I define the vb like constants, I kept on forgetting with the DialogResponse constants so I decided on this, seeing coming from a vb background..
Then I defined a sub to return the constants based on what a user selects in the normal msgbox.
Then I defined the various methods for my message boxes, with these you pass the title and the message prompt to display and they will return the vblike msgbox constants for YesNoCancel and YesNo prompts.
Off course, you can use your own icons.
First I define the vb like constants, I kept on forgetting with the DialogResponse constants so I decided on this, seeing coming from a vb background..
Public vbYes As Int = -1
Public vbNo As Int = -2
Public vbCancel As Int = -3
Public UseIcons As Boolean = True
Then I defined a sub to return the constants based on what a user selects in the normal msgbox.
'return msgbox results
Sub vbYesNoCancel(ans As Int) As Int
Select Case ans
Case DialogResponse.POSITIVE
Return vbYes
Case DialogResponse.CANCEL
Return vbCancel
Case DialogResponse.NEGATIVE
Return vbNo
End Select
End Sub
Then I defined the various methods for my message boxes, with these you pass the title and the message prompt to display and they will return the vblike msgbox constants for YesNoCancel and YesNo prompts.
' return an error prompt
Sub Error(sTitle As String, sMessage As String)
If UseIcons = True Then
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle & " Error", "Ok", "", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "exclaim.png"))
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle & " Error", "Ok", "", "", Null)
End If
End Sub
' show an alert
Sub Alert(sTitle As String, sMessage As String)
If UseIcons = True Then
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Ok", "", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "exclaim.png"))
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Ok", "", "", Null)
End If
End Sub
' show yesnocancel
Sub YesNoCancel(sTitle As String, sMessage As String) As Int
Dim answ As Int
If UseIcons = True Then
answ = Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Yes", "Cancel", "No", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "question.png"))
answ = Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Yes", "Cancel", "No", Null)
End If
Return vbYesNoCancel(answ)
End Sub
' show yesno
Sub Confirm(sTitle As String, sMessage As String) As Int
Dim answ As Int
If UseIcons = True Then
answ = Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Yes", "", "No", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "question.png"))
answ = Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Yes", "", "No", Null)
End If
Return vbYesNoCancel(answ)
End Sub
' show yesno
Sub YesNo(sTitle As String, sMessage As String) As Int
Return Confirm(sTitle,sMessage)
End Sub
' inform
Sub Inform(sTitle As String, sMessage As String)
If UseIcons = True Then
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Ok", "", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info25.png"))
Msgbox2(sMessage, sTitle, "Ok", "", "", Null)
End If
End Sub
Off course, you can use your own icons.