Android Question Show keyboard on edittext


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I have a scrollview that containt layout with any edittext view
When i focus on edittext,scrollview scroll to it view and show keyborad
But sometime keyboard is place on edittext and i dont see edittext
Even i use a one panel and set 2 edittext in panel and show keyboard for typing that again i dont see edittext
How solve it? (i use IME and wouldn't successfull)


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You should use IME and handle the HeightChanged event.
Erel in below link,i have a textedit and when keyboard is shown,edittext is behind and i cannot use IME
HeightChange dont help me
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Try adding this to your manifest (replace [Activity] with the name of the activity that the edittext is in):

SetActivityAttribute([Activity], android:windowSoftInputMode, adjustPan|stateHidden)
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