Android Question [Solved]Change customlistview to bold

Ricky D

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I don't see a way to make my text lines be bold. I can set the color. Is there a way to make them bold?


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A CLV is the base Object. It can not "be bold".
Add a Textobject to the CLV and set the Texts Typeface to be Bold.
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Ricky D

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I'll have a look but I'd rather keep it simple I'll write a test app to see if listview will allow me to do it
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Are you speaking of CustomListView or ListView.

For CustomListView you got the answer from DonManfred.

In ListView for single line use:
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
The same principle is valid for the other layouts.
But, be aware that these settings are valid for all lines with the same layout (SingleLineLAyout,TwoLinesLayout or TwoLinesAndBitmapLayout).
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Ricky D

Well-Known Member
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Are you speaking of CustomListView or ListView.

For CustomListView you got the answer from DonManfred.

In ListView for single line use:
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
The same principle is valid for the other layouts.
But, be aware that these settings are valid for all lines with the same layout (SingleLineLAyout,TwoLinesLayout or TwoLinesAndBitmapLayout).
I have found that the listview doesn't move up the screen when the keyboard appears. I'll try customlistview but I don't know how to tie csbuilder into it or about a text object to add to it
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This is a slightly modified example of the CLV .. it is using the class module .. not the CLV Lib.
You can pass a parameter should you want text to be Bold or not.

There are two methods to insert Text to the CLV's ...

clv1.AddTextItem ... (this adds a panel containing a Label with your text)
Study the subs 'AddTextItem' & 'InsertAtTextItem' within the CLV class module

clv2.Add(CreateListItem ... (this adds a panel containing whatever views you wish to add ) this can be done via the designer.
The example loads layout "CellItem" which holds a Label, Button & Checkbox.
Study the sub 'CreateListItem' in the Main Module.


  • BoldCLV
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Ricky D

Well-Known Member
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This is a slightly modified example of the CLV .. it is using the class module .. not the CLV Lib.
You can pass a parameter should you want text to be Bold or not.

There are two methods to insert Text to the CLV's ...

clv1.AddTextItem ... (this adds a panel containing a Label with your text)
Study the subs 'AddTextItem' & 'InsertAtTextItem' within the CLV class module

clv2.Add(CreateListItem ... (this adds a panel containing whatever views you wish to add ) this can be done via the designer.
The example loads layout "CellItem" which holds a Label, Button & Checkbox.
Study the sub 'CreateListItem' in the Main Module.
Thanks a lot this fixed it! I recompiled your version to the library and changed my code to include the bold on my autocompletes I have.
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