Android Question [Solved]How to get result from StartActivity(Intent)


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I'm using the AppUdating library
When the update is presented to the user, started by
Dim i As Intent
  i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "file://" & File.Combine(File.DirDefaultExternal, "tmp.apk"))
I would like to get a feedback if the user cancled the installation of the new .apk.
Searching the Forum I found "StartActivityForResult", however I don't get how to incooperate it in here.

Al I need is a feedback into the original app, since if the user confirms the installation, the original app wil be killed in the process of updating.


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Thanks for the reply.
Using the Event "PackageAdded" will not solve problem, since this Event will only fire if the Installation was accepted. However, I'm looking just for the opposite.
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Looks like I got in working, using a Boolean which is set only if the Status from the apkUpdate tells me the user was asked o install (Checked in _UpdateComplete Event).
This Boolean is checked in the activity routine.
I'll look into more details after the weekend (busy with realworld stuff!)
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I got it solved:
In the Activity_Resume Event I use:
  If (UpdateTried=True) Then  'this Global Boolean is set to True in the _UpdateComplete Event.
       Dim Check As Int
       Check=Msgbox2(  MyResources.getapplicationString("UpdateTried"),MyResources.getapplicationString("UpdateTriedTitle"), MyResources.getapplicationString("UpdateTriedButtonFollowingUpdates"),"",MyResources.getapplicationString("UpdateTriedButtonCancelUpdates"),Null)
       If (Check=DialogResponse.negative)Then
         AutoUpdate=0 'Global Var holding the Setting for AutoUpdate
         chbxAutoUpdate.Checked=False 'The OptionsView in which the AutoUpdate Setting can be set manualy
       End If
       UpdateTried=False 'Reset the Boolean for further use.
   End If
and in the _UpdateComplete Event:
Sub Updater_UpdateComplete
   Select apkupdt.Status
     Case apkupdt.OK_CURVER
       Log("Running apk version: " & apkupdt.CurVN)
     Case apkupdt.OK_WEBVER
       Log("Webserver apk version: " & apkupdt.WebVN)
       Log("Optional Change Log data: " & apkupdt.WebChangeLog)
     Case apkupdt.OK_NEWERAPK
       Log("Newer version available")
     Case apkupdt.NO_NEWERAPK
       Log("No newer version available")
     Case apkupdt.OK_DOWNLOAD
       Log("Newer version downloaded")
     Case apkupdt.OK_INSTALL
       Log("User asked to install newer version")
     Case Else
      Log("Status: "&apkupdt.Status)
   End Select
End Sub
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