There is no hard limit. Which error do you get?
Hi Erel
I don't actually get an error. I load in over 500 names from a text file but only about 250 display in the spinner at runtime. Is it a List problem? I have been using a list to add them. Maybe I should use readline and do it line by line?
This code loads three values per record (reference int, name string, name-latin string) and it only displays the first about 250-ish records even though there are about 520 records...
words = File.ReadList(File.DirRootExternal, sdcard_folder & indexis)
y = 1
For x = 0 To Index_size - 1 Step 3 'the 0 relates to the first entry in the file in .get(0)
REFis(y) = words.Get(x) 'record ref
NameCommonis(y) = words.Get(x+1) 'common name
NameLatinis(y) = words.Get(x+2) 'latin name
y = y + 1 'y counts thru the actual records