Spinner in header/title bar


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I've been looking for a way to have a menu as a spinner control in the title bar (while retaining the title bar's normal functionality and appearance).

I want to do it the same way that it appears in the google currents software.

I've seen the SliderMenu class but that is a slider not a spinner and in addition it means making a fake title bar which I wanted to avoid doing (principally to avoid mucking around with making skins compatible etc).

Any help much appreciated.




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Sure, see below. In that shot from the play store you can see that the title appears to be a standard with an icon, then the spinner, then on the right the JB 3 dots for extras.

Or do you think that is a constructed fake title?




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the title bar's normal functionality and appearance).

That does not mean much to me. I have a few dozen of apps and the title bar appearance is not really consistent. A lot of them has no title bar at all. Moreover, each manufacturer creates its own theme and changes the system drawables. When I run an app on my phone and the same app in the emulator, I have a different title bar.
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I looked at the other two and they look good but don't do what I wanted.

I've modded the ActionBar lib to remove the Text element and add in it's place a Spinner object.

The issue that I'm having at the moment is tying the spinner's click event back into a sub on the original module. I've got the following code in the Initialize function:

Dim Action As typAction
      Action.Module = abModule
      Action.OnClickSub = uxMenuSpinnerOnClickSub
      uxMenuSpinner.Tag = Action
      Dim r As Reflector
      r.target = uxMenuSpinner
      r.setontouchlistener( "spinner_touch")

I then have the following sub
Private Sub Spinner_Touch(ViewTag As Object, Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float, MotionEvent As Object) As Boolean
   If Action = 1 Then   '= UP
      If SubExists(abModule,uxMenuSpinnerOnClickSub) Then CallSub3(abModule,  uxMenuSpinnerOnClickSub,  2, "    Sync now")
   End If
End Sub

This works although at the moment I don't have any clue as to how to work out which the clicked row in the spinner was. If I know that then I can pass the correct data back to the proper spinner handler.

Any thoughts please?

Best regards,

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You did it the wrong way. The class doesn't need to be "modded". Add your spinner from the Activity code like this:
MyActionBar.AsPanel.AddView(MySpinner, Left, Top, Width, Height)
So your spinner is an activity view and you can handle its events as usual.

If you want this spinner in every activity, create a class that initializes the ActionBar and adds the spinner. Then, make an instance of this class in every activity instead of creating an instance of the ActionBar class.
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Ah, many thanks for that - I'll look into it over the weekend.

Newbies eh? :)

Thanks for your help.


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