sql update is performed but does not show in activity

Hero post

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Longtime User
I am starting to feel silly.
I have an activity that updates the database. When I run the activity again, the update does not show. But when I look at the content of the updated table (through other activities), the update was performed.
(detail. the field OneRM is altered, but when I rerun this activity is shows the old value, while other activities show the new value.)
The code is now a bit messy, because of different experiments.
I really could use some help here

'Activity module new 1 rm test
Sub Process_Globals
   Dim sql1 As SQL
End Sub

Sub Globals
'from the design
   Dim btnCancel As Button
   Dim btnSaveAndExit As Button
   Dim edtDate As EditText
   Dim edtLoad As EditText      
   Dim edtReps As EditText      
   Dim ExerciseLabel As Label
   Dim ImageView1 As ImageView
   Dim lblLoad As Label
   Dim lblRep As Label
   Dim lblSet As Label
   Dim tglProper As ToggleButton
   Dim lblProper As Label
   Dim lblOneRM As Label
   Dim edtOneRM As EditText   
   Dim spnExercise As Spinner
   Dim SelectedExercise As String : SelectedExercise = ""
   Dim OneRMCalc As Float
   Dim CurrentOneRM As Int
   Dim CurrentProper As Int
   Dim Today As Long
   Dim dte As String
   Dim ExerciseArray(100) As String
   Dim NewOneRM As Int      : NewOneRM = 0
   Dim NewProper As Int   : NewProper = 0

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   sql1.Initialize(File.DirDefaultExternal, "fit.db", True)
   edtOneRM.Text = 0
   edtDate.Text = dte
   edtLoad.TextColor = Colors.Red
   edtReps.TextColor = Colors.Red
   'Load exercises in spinner
   spnExercise.Enabled= True
   spnExercise.Prompt = "Select Exercise"
   spnExercise.TextSize = 12dip

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
Sub PopulateSpinner
Dim exCurs1 As Cursor
   exCurs1 = sql1.ExecQuery("Select exercise from Exercises order by exercise")

For i = 0 To exCurs1.RowCount -1
   exCurs1.position = i
   ExerciseArray(i) = exCurs1.GetString("exercise")

End Sub

Sub GetDate
   Today = DateTime.Now
   DateTime.DateFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy"
   dte = DateTime.Date(Today)

End Sub

Sub lblSet_Click
End Sub
Sub lblRep_Click
End Sub
Sub lblLoad_Click
End Sub
Sub ExerciseLabel_Click
End Sub
Sub edtReps_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
End Sub
Sub edtReps_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
   If edtReps.Text = 0 Then
      edtReps.TextColor = Colors.red
      edtReps.TextColor = Colors.Blue
      OneRMCalc = edtLoad.text*(36 / (37 - edtReps.text))'based on the Brzycki formula
   End If
   If edtReps.Text > 5 AND edtReps.Text< 13 Then 'Proper number of reps
      CurrentProper = 0
      tglProper.checked = True
      edtOneRM.TextColor = Colors.Green
      tglProper.checked = False
      edtOneRM.TextColor = Colors.Red
   End If
End Sub
Sub edtLoad_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
End Sub
Sub edtLoad_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
   If edtLoad.Text = 0 Then
      edtLoad.TextColor = Colors.red
      edtLoad.TextColor = Colors.Blue
      If edtReps.text <> 0 Then
         OneRMCalc = edtLoad.text*(36 / (37 - edtReps.text))'based on the Brzycki formula
      End If
   End If
   edtOneRM.Text = OneRMCalc
   If edtReps.Text > 5 AND edtReps.Text< 13 Then 'Proper number of reps
      CurrentProper = 0
      tglProper.checked = True
      edtOneRM.TextColor = Colors.Green
      tglProper.checked = False
      edtOneRM.TextColor = Colors.Red
   End If
End Sub
Sub edtDate_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
End Sub
Sub edtDate_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub btnSaveAndExit_Click
NewOneRM = edtOneRM.Text
If tglProper.Checked Then
   NewProper = 1
   NewProper = 0 
End If
Msgbox (SelectedExercise&" "& NewOneRM&" "& NewProper,"Current")

If SelectedExercise = "" OR NewOneRM = 0 Then
   Msgbox ("No value to save", "Error")
   'Msgbox ("doing the safe thing","here")
   Dim WhereFields As Map
      WhereFields.Put("exercise", SelectedExercise)
      DBUtils.UpdateRecord(sql1, "Exercises", "OneRM", NewOneRM, WhereFields)   
      DBUtils.UpdateRecord(sql1, "Exercises", "OneRMProper", NewProper, WhereFields)   
End If
End Sub
Sub btnCancel_Click
End Sub
Sub spnExercise_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim excurs2 As Cursor
      excurs2 = sql1.ExecQuery("Select id, exercise, OneRm, OneRMProper from Exercises")
      excurs2.Position = Position
      CurrentOneRM = excurs2.Getint("OneRM")
      CurrentProper = excurs2.Getint("OneRMProper")
      edtOneRM.Text = CurrentOneRM
      If CurrentProper = 0 Then
         tglProper.checked = False
         tglProper.checked = True
      End If
      SelectedExercise = Value
'Msgbox(Position&": "&Value,"selected value")   
End Sub
Sub tglProper_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub lblProper_Click
   Msgbox("A proper 1RM test has between 6 and 12 repetitions in one minute","Proper 1 RM test")
End Sub
Sub lblOneRM_Click
End Sub

Hero post

Licensed User
Longtime User
That does seem to be the case. The weird thing is that that occurs only in this activity, even after restarting the app.
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Hero post

Licensed User
Longtime User
No change,
I find it amaizing that on activity sees the change and the other does not. Even after a reboot. It as if they are looking at different data bases.
Is there a way of directly accessing or quering the database?
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Hero post

Licensed User
Longtime User
Found it !!!

With the help of Klaus i believe I found the problem.
When I fill the spinner I sort the exercise name.
When I click it I get a position in the sorted list.
The cursor I use to get the OneRM value however is not sorted, so the pointer actually points at the wrong record. :BangHead:
That explains the weird returned data.

Thanks for all the input and Ideas.

and MC73, you are right, I sometimes forget to close objects. The total code still needs a big cleanup.
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Hero post

Licensed User
Longtime User
Found it !!!

With the help of Klaus i believe I found the problem.
When I fill the spinner I sort the exercise name.
When I click it I get a position in the sorted list.
The cursor I use to get the OneRM value however is not sorted, so the pointer actually points at the wrong record. :BangHead:
That explains the weird returned data.

Thanks for all the input and Ideas.

and MC73, you are right, I sometimes forget to close objects. The total code still needs a big cleanup.
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