Android Question Starter sevice usage


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before starter service feature, i used to make normal services
my service used httputlis and some other libraries m

is it safe if i put big code in starter service ?

i added starter service to my existing project and services but i see that starter service it running and taking place from the device memory and the only thing i need it for is handling uncaught errors

so can i combine and old service with the starter service and it will still can handle uncaught errors ??


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Yes, you can run other code in the Starter Service. Just make sure your code can handle Service_Create and Service_Start being called before Activity_Create and Activity_Resume of your Main Activity.
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Yes, you can run other code in the Starter Service. Just make sure your code can handle Service_Create and Service_Start being called before Activity_Create and Activity_Resume of your Main Activity.
Erel said here
The starter service should be excluded from compiled libraries. Its #ExcludeFromLibrary attribute is set to True by default.

can #ExcludeFromLibrary effect my service at anyway ?
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All that means is that if you compile your project to a library, it won't include the StarterService module. If you compile it like a normal project, #ExcludeFromLibrary won't have any effect.
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