The 100,000+ Downloads Club


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Good morning to everyone! I am so glad writing here first post!
My app Driving License(Δίπλωμα Αυτοκινήτου) just reached 100.000 downloads and still got 4.3/5 rating. It was realesed about one year and half before and it's still first at Education category here in Greece. I would like to thank every single one of you, especially you Erel for 24/7 support. I got something bigger in the works...
2015-01-10 10.52.36.jpg


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my first android app: AndroidDreamer, still going strong, now with nearly 210,000 downloads despite not having been updated since March 31, 2012! I am going to work on this app in the coming months or perhaps not... I have been saying that for more than 2 years by now ;)

I had another app called Vu+ Player, which had been downloaded 200,000 times with more than 100,000 active users until it was removed. However, it was published under a different name but developed and licensed by me. With some luck, you may find some screenshots of it around the web (similar to my avatar). EDIT, just noted that the app is still available for download in some alternative app-stores (for instance here)
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I did have an App that was downloaded > 100k times, but then the organisers of the Sochi Winter Olympics got it suspended..! I contacted them and Google but neither responded to get it unsuspended and then there's no way back - you can't change anything about it, to get it unsuspended!! <grrrrr>

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 07.35.08.png


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Dear b4a community, this app was/is very popular because it's essential for every LG G2 user who wants to install custom recovery.

The first app is AutoRec (only for rooted lg g2 devices, all variants are supported)


I've created a lot of small useful tools for Samsung S2, S3, but most are for LG G2, including the camera backup/restorer/installer, emoji replaces, G3 keyboard installer(for all rooted phones), G2 unrooter.

Xda profile

Basic4android is the best suite ever :)


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The downloads which I can count - for all variants are over 300000 (androidfilehost) , but the apks are also on other forums where I don't have the insight (dropbox, mega and other file sharing)


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Interesting but downloaded 100,000 does not mean to have 100,000 active installs, maybe it would be interesting to know how many active installs are there for those apps, one of my apps reached 14,000 active on 60.000+downloads and this is in my view a big %, what is your %? (active/downloaded)

The thread title is The 100,000+ Downloads Club and My APKs crossed that line...

...anyway at time I'm writing My APKs owns 41,842 active on 105,307 total installations and an average rating of 4.40 on 2,018 total ratings and this is in my view a BIG success :D


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