Thought I'd introduce myself...


Licensed User
...Hello everyone! Gin and Tonics all round!


Just thought I'd say hello to everyone and say how blooming excited I was when I download the trial of Basic4PPC. First I was thrilled by the desktop IDE. Then simply flabbergasted by the mobile IDE.


No more will we have stop coding for those necessary toilet breaks!!!

Save - Synchronize - Sit on the loo for half an hour (or more depending on your pins'n'needles tolerance!)

I look forward to purchasing the full license on Monday and sharing experiences with everyone.

Bye bye!


Licensed User
Longtime User
No more will we have stop coding for those necessary toilet breaks!!!

Save - Synchronize - Sit on the loo for half an hour (or more depending on your pins'n'needles tolerance!)

Hi and Welcome to the community...
Some of the world's best, or not so good, Ideas have come up in the WC, so you are more than welcome to share them with us......the ideas I mean :sign0161: :)