This is a wrap for this Github project.
Author: DonManfred (wrapper)
Version: 1
Author: DonManfred (wrapper)
Version: 1
- VerbalExpression
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- add (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Append literal expression Everything added to the expression should go
trough this method (keep in mind when creating your own methods). All
existing methods already use this, so for basic usage, you can just
ignore this method.
Example: regex().add("\n.*").build() // produce exact "\n.*" regexp
pValue: - literal expression, not sanitized
Return type: @return:this builder - addModifier (pModifier As Char) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
- any (value As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Shortcut to {@link #anyOf(String)}
value: - CharSequence every char from can be matched
Return type: @return:this builder - anyOf (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
- anything As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add expression that matches anything (includes empty string)
Return type: @return:this builder - anythingBut (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add expression that matches anything, but not passed argument
pValue: - the string not to match
Return type: @return:this builder - atLeast (from As Int) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Produce range count with only minimal number of occurrences for example:
.find("w").atLeast(1) // produce (?:w){1,}
from: - minimal number of occurrences
Return type: @return:this Builder - br As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Shortcut for {@link #lineBreak()}
Return type: @return:this builder - build
- capt As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Shortcut for {@link #capture()}
Return type: @return:this builder - capture As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Adds capture - open brace to current position and closed to suffixes
Return type: @return:this builder - count (count As Int) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add count of previous group for example: .find("w").count(3) // produce -
count: - number of occurrences of previous group in expression
Return type: @return:this Builder - digit As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add same as [0-9]
Return type: @return:this builder - endCapt As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Shortcut for {@link #endCapture()}
Return type: @return:this builder - endCapture As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Close brace for previous capture and remove last closed brace from
suffixes Can be used to continue build regex after capture or to add
multiply captures
Return type: @return:this builder - endGr As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Closes current unnamed and unmatching group Shortcut for
{@link #endCapture()} Use it with {@link #group()} for prettify code
Example: regex().group().maybe("word").count(2).endGr()
Return type: @return:this builder - endOfLine As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Mark the expression to end at the last character of the line Same as
{@link #endOfLine(boolean)} with true arg
Return type: @return:this builder - endOfLine2 (pEnable As Boolean) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Enable or disable the expression to end at the last character of the line
pEnable: - enables or disables the line ending
Return type: @return:this builder - find (value As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add a string to the expression Syntax sugar for {@link #then(String)} -
use it in case: regex().find("string") // when it goes first
value: - the string to be looked for (sanitized)
Return type: @return:this builder - getText (toTest As String) As String
Extract full string that matches regex Same as
{@link #getText(String, int)} for 0 group
toTest: - string to extract from
Return type: @return:group 0, extracted from text - getTextGroups (toTest As String, group As Int) As List
Extract exact group from string and add it to list
toTest: - string to extract from
group: - group to extract
Return type: @return:list of extracted groups - group As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Same as {@link #capture()}, but don't save result May be used to set
count of duplicated captures, without creating a new saved capture
Example: // Without group() - count(2) applies only to second capture
regex().group() .capt().range("0", "1").endCapt().tab()
.capt().digit().count(5).endCapt() .endGr().count(2);
Return type: @return:this builder - lineBreak As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add universal line break expression
Return type: @return:this builder - maybe (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add a string to the expression that might appear once (or not) Example:
The following matches all strings that contain http:// or https://
VerbalExpression regex = regex() .find("http") .maybe("s") .then("://")
.anythingBut(" ").build(); regex.test("http://") //true
regex.test("https://") //true
pValue: - the string to be looked for
Return type: @return:this builder - multiple (pValue As String, count() As Int) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Convenient method to show that string usage count is exact count, range
count or simply one or more Usage: regex().multiply("abc") // Produce
(?:abc)+ regex().multiply("abc", null) // Produce (?:abc)+
regex().multiply("abc", (int)from) // Produce (?:abc){from}
regex().multiply("abc", (int)from, (int)to) // Produce (?:abc){from, to}
regex().multiply("abc", (int)from, (int)to, (int)...) // Produce (?:abc)+
pValue: - the string to be looked for
count: - (optional) if passed one or two numbers, it used to show count
or range count
Return type: @return:this builder - nonDigit As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add non-digit: [^0-9]
Return type: @return:this builder - nonSpace As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add non-whitespace character: [^\s]
Return type: @return:this builder - nonWordChar As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add non-word character: [^\w]
Return type: @return:this builder - oneOf (pValues() As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Adds an alternative expression to be matched based on an array of values
pValues: - the strings to be looked for
Return type: @return:this builder - oneOrMore As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Adds "+" char to regexp Same effect as {@link #atLeast(int)} with "1"
argument Also, used by {@link #multiple(String, int...)} when second
argument is null, or have length more than 2
Return type: @return:this builder - or (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add a alternative expression to be matched
Issue #32
pValue: - the string to be looked for
Return type: @return:this builder - range (pArgs() As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add expression to match a range (or multiply ranges) Usage: .range(from,
to [, from, to ... ]) Example: The following matches a hexadecimal
number: regex().range( "0", "9", "a", "f") // produce [0-9a-f]
pArgs: - pairs for range
Return type: @return:this builder - removeModifier (pModifier As Char) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
- searchOneLine (pEnable As Boolean) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
- something As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add expression that matches something that might appear once (or more)
Return type: @return:this builder - somethingButNot (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
- space As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add whitespace character, same as [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
Return type: @return:this builder - startOfLine As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Mark the expression to start at the beginning of the line Same as
{@link #startOfLine(boolean)} with true arg
Return type: @return:this builder - startOfLine2 (pEnable As Boolean) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Enable or disable the expression to start at the beginning of the line
pEnable: - enables or disables the line starting
Return type: @return:this builder - tab As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add expression to match a tab character (' ')
Return type: @return:this builder - test (pToTest As String) As Boolean
Test that full string contains regex
pToTest: - string to check match
Return type: @return:true if string contains regex, false otherwise - testExact (pToTest As String) As Boolean
Test that full string matches regular expression
pToTest: - string to check match
Return type: @return:true if matches exact string, false otherwise - then (pValue As String) As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add a string to the expression
pValue: - the string to be looked for (sanitized)
Return type: @return:this builder - toString As String
- withAnyCase As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Turn ON matching with ignoring case Example: // matches "a" // matches
"A" regex().find("a").withAnyCase()
Return type: @return:this builder - word As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add word, same as [a-zA-Z_0-9]+
Return type: @return:this builder - wordChar As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Add word character, same as [a-zA-Z_0-9]
Return type: @return:this builder - zeroOrMore As VerbalExpressionWrapper
Adds "*" char to regexp, means zero or more times repeated Same effect as
{@link #atLeast(int)} with "0" argument
Return type: @return:this builder
Dim vr As VerbalExpression
Dim url As String = ""
vr.startOfLine().then("http").maybe("s").then("://").maybe("www.").anythingBut(" ").endOfLine().build()
Log("URL match = "&vr.testExact(url)) ' prints TRUE
^(?:http)(?:s)?(?:\:\/\/)(?:www\.)?(?:[^\ ]*)$