Hi Fabrice(?),
What I did was:
1. Design a simple table - let's say customers - and set it up in sqlite
2. Populate the table using, for example, Sqlite Expert Personal 3.
3. Decide how you are going to implement a table - I used a listview.
4. Write the html,js and b4j stuff
5. Try it on each device and fiddle with it until you are happy.
Then I wrote the maintenance part so that I could maintain the data programatically instead of manually using "Sqlite Expert Personal 3". Because of screen space, I used Tabs (one for the Listview and one for the data for any selected row in the listview). Once you have that working, you are well the way.
Remember that this code will run in a browser on any(?) device (mine runs on Pc,android tablet,iPad mini,iPhone,Samsung phone). I have tested mainly in google chrome and firefox. You do not have to change anything between devices.
Initially I did not like the look on a Pc, however, with some fiddling I am happy with the look. The only thing I do is resize the Pc browser to make it smaller and it all looks good. The advantage of this is that you only have one set of code for all environments. The resizing of fields, buttons etc is done automatically by Jquery Mobile, however, I have had to work something out for only displaying as many listview lines as fit on any given screen because I do not like getting all records for a file. I only get a page at a time - but that is my choice, you may want to work another way.
Hope this helps,