Android Question WebView SSL Error Handler alerts from Store


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I am trying to publish android apk to play store but got rejected due to webview SSL Error Handler alert

SSL Error Handler
For more information on how to address WebView SSL Error Handler alerts, please see this Google Help Center article.

I was trying this code but Store not accept:


   Dim jo As JavaObject = WebView1
    Dim settings As JavaObject = jo.RunMethod("getSettings", Null)
    settings.RunMethod("setDomStorageEnabled", Array(True))

Sub client_ReceivedSslError(SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
End Sub


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This is an dictionary application. It's like as a web browser, user can access internet with any site. And when user click on screen it will display a popup windows.

My webview doesn't have any link, even I was try remove webview but store is still display alarm.

This is my code:

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim num As Int
    Dim javacode As String
    Dim thisUrl As String
    Dim thisHTML As String  
    Dim copyText As String
End Sub

Sub Globals  
    Private imgMenu As ImageView
    Private txtAddress As AutoCompleteEditText
    Private imgGo As ImageView
    Private pnlTop As Panel
    Private pnlBottom As Panel
    'Dim WebViewExtras1 As WebViewExtras
    Dim WebView1 As WebView
    Dim FocusedView As View
    Dim ActionMode As JavaObject
    Private imgLookup As ImageView
    Private imgHistory As ImageView
    Private imgMore As ImageView
    Private pnlContent As Panel
    Private pnlAddress As Panel
    Private imgClear As ImageView
    Dim mnWeb As RSPopupMenu
    Dim sql As clsFindWords
    Private lblCount As Label
    Dim playSound As MediaPlayer
    Dim AdView1 As AdView
    Private we As WebViewExtras
    Dim client As DefaultWebViewClient
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    AdView1.Initialize("Ad", mUniform.bannerID)
    pnlTop.Color = mUniform.subColor
    pnlBottom.Color = mUniform.subColor
    lblCount.TextColor = mUniform.subColor
    lblCount.Color = Colors.White
   Dim jo As JavaObject = WebView1
    Dim settings As JavaObject = jo.RunMethod("getSettings", Null)
    settings.RunMethod("setDomStorageEnabled", Array(True))

    pnlContent.AddView(WebView1, 0, 0, pnlContent.Width, pnlContent.Height - 50dip)
    'WebView1.Left = 0
    pnlContent.AddView(AdView1, 0, pnlContent.Height - 50dip, 100%x, 50dip)' AdView1.LoadAd 'loads an ad
    WebView1.JavaScriptEnabled = True
    'WebViewExtras1.addJavascriptInterface(WebView1, "B4A")
    'javacode = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "java.txt")
    'Dim websetting As WebSettings
        add the B4A javascript interface to the WebView
    txtAddress.InputType = Bit.Or(txtAddress.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 0x00080000)
    txtAddress.Color = Colors.Transparent
    pnlAddress.Color = mUniform.mainColor
    mnWeb.Initialize("mnWeb", imgMenu)
    mnWeb.AddMenuItem(1, 1, "Bookmark this page...")
    'mnWeb.AddMenuItem(2, 2, "History")
    'mnWeb.AddMenuItem(3, 3, "Delete history")
    mnWeb.AddMenuItem(4, 4, "Zoomin")
    mnWeb.AddMenuItem(5, 5, "Zoomout")
    mnWeb.AddMenuItem(6, 6, "Referesh")
    Dim bookmark As List
    bookmark = sql.GetBookmark
    playSound.Load(File.DirAssets, "complete.wav")
    num = num + 1
    'Dim job As HttpJob
    'job.Initialize("j", Me)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
    'Pressing the back key while the slidemenu is open will close it
    If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub client_ReceivedError (ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String)
End Sub

Sub client_ReceivedSslError(SslErrorHandler1 As SslErrorHandler, SslError1 As SslError)
  ' Dim Error(7) As String
   'Error(0) = "The date of the certificate is invalid."
   'Error(1) = "The certificate has expired."
   'Error(2) = "Hostname mismatch."
   'Error(3) = "A generic Error occurred."
   'Error(4) = "This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This constant is not necessary for using the SslError API and can change from release to release."
   'Error(5) = "The certificate is not yet valid."
   'Error(6) = "The certificate authority is not trusted."
   'Dim id As Int = SslError1.SSL_DATE_INVALID
   'Dim DR As Int
   'Dim dialogErr As BetterDialogs
    'DR = dialogErr.Msgbox("<B>Certificate Alarm</B>", Error(id), "Cancel", "Continue", "", "")
    'If DR = -2 Then
    '    SslErrorHandler1.Proceed
    'End If
End Sub

Sub Ad_FailedToReceiveAd (ErrorCode As String)
    'webContent.Height = pnlContent.Height
    WebView1.Height = pnlContent.Height
End Sub
Sub Ad_ReceiveAd
    WebView1.Height = pnlContent.Height - 50dip
End Sub

Sub imgMenu_Click
End Sub

Sub WebView1_PageFinished (Url As String)
    txtAddress.Text = Url
End Sub

Sub mnWeb_MenuItemClick (ItemId As Int) As Boolean
    If ItemId = 1 Then
        If txtAddress.Text <> "" Then
        End If
    Else If ItemId = 2 Then
    Else If ItemId = 3 Then
    Else If ItemId = 4 Then
        WebView1.Zoom(True) ' out
    Else If ItemId = 5 Then
        WebView1.Zoom(False) ' out
    Else If ItemId = 6 Then
        WebView1.LoadUrl(txtAddress.Text) ' out
    End If
    Return False
End Sub

Sub txtAddress_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
End Sub

Sub imgGo_Click
    If txtAddress.Text <> "" Then
        If txtAddress.Text.StartsWith("http") = False Then
            txtAddress.Text = "https://" & txtAddress.Text
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub MenuItem_Click
End Sub

Sub WebView1_SelectionReady(SelectedText As String)
    'Msgbox(SelectedText, "Selected text:")
    If mUniform.copyFromWeb = "" Then
        mUniform.copyFromWeb = SelectedText
        mUniform.copyFromWeb = mUniform.copyFromWeb & "</br>" & SelectedText  
    End If
    mUniform.countCopy = mUniform.countCopy + 1
    lblCount.Text = mUniform.countCopy
End Sub

Sub imgClear_Click
    txtAddress.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub EnableSlowWebViewDocumentDraw
   Dim p As Phone
   If p.SdkVersion >= 21 Then
     Dim jo As JavaObject
     jo.InitializeStatic("android.webkit.WebView").RunMethod("enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw", Null)
   End If
End Sub

Sub txtAddress_ItemClick (Value As String)
End Sub

Sub imgClosePopup_Click()
End Sub

Sub imgBack_Click
End Sub

Sub imgNext_Click
End Sub
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