With regards to libraries, all of them are so different, it is hard to say which ones to include.
Things like Camera, Bluetooth, RAF should probably be included since they people will be expecting those (though the Camera lib will be difficult).
It is true that Reflection is a very useful library but the truth is, that it is only useful because we are being lazy. In reality, you could write a tiny library to run that one method you need instead of using Reflection (and you still need a lot of java knowledge to be able to use Reflection). If you want to add this, I believe it should be written by someone very knowledgeable and should be put into an Advanced section.
Also, there are some other libraries which require some external knowledge. Like corwin's AHActionBar or AHQuickActions require you to copy resources and mark them as read-only. While it is simple to explain the actions, a book is supposed to explain the reasons and theory behind the actions as well.
One suggestion is to pick up a project, and as you go through the book, try to build the project along. We are willing to help in writing the code etc. Also a short section on Library development, and especially for ba components can be used will be useful (although maybe out of the scope of the book).