[Wish]Auto libs download


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It would be nice when we open a b4a project, and the appropriate libs are missing, the IDE should popup and asking to download and install them from the internet.



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A similar topic was here before and we agreed that is Erel answer is the best

The best place to list the most updated libraries and classes in this list:
Libraries - Basic4android Wiki

It was this topic when someone offer to build autoupdate tool:

And Erel says:
You can create such a tool for yourself. Please do not distribute it.

There are security issues involved with such an automatic tool. Libraries are only available for licensed users.
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Maybe, we can imagine an informational tool saying "hey, your library is outdated" or "hey, a library is missing. You can download it on the forum." That does not transfer anything (except version numbers and libraries ID) and can't be cracked to get libraries without license.


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Yes I agree with you @Informatix.
That will be nice feature



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I wish erel would let me. Since the forum is PHP-based, I could do it easily.


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The main reason i started using B4A was because the PL2303 library. A user library.

Of course I am now more than happy with other things.

But i believe a repository, something like SourceForge, to keep libraries, official ones or user created, with or without code (when source code is provided some kind of version control would be great for better collaboration)

What I know is that current forum user/password is already maintaned with the current customer status. That same login should be used in conjuction with the license file (to make sure the login was not spread) on the IDE of B4A to access all available libraries.

That is easy to implement, secure and will make easier to newbies and veterans.

But please, implement a good, detailed list of the libraries, with revision, date, name, description, dependencies, author, link to a wiki, etc



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Just a comment:
I made several classes and posted them in the forum. More than 1000 people downloaded them and probably used them in their project. How many users contributed to the code with fixes or improvements? Almost none. I don't say that to blame them, just to say that it would be a complete waste of time to implement a collaborative platform.
That being said, I still agree with the idea of a real repository instead of the current system for the classes and libraries made by users.


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Beside the fact it's difficult to keep all classes and libraries up to date (I admit it's easier since the "Suscribe" thread... if people think to post in it), there are other inconvenients with the current situation: classes and libs are not (and cannot be) grouped by family, they are scattered in the B4A forum (to find one of them I have to do a search when they are not listed in the wiki, and the search is not always conclusive when I don't remind exactly the class name) and what they do is not always clear (sometimes the enthusiasm of their creator prevails over the quality and features of the proposed code).
I really don't understand why the user contributions wade in this big mess.


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It would be a simple thing for me to include this functionality in the B4A Object Browser.

It would then give feedback that a particular Library needs to be updated.

I agree with Erel that we wouldn't want to allow automatic download, unless we had some way of authenticating the user. And that opens up a raft of other issues.

But, all that aside, I think it's a good idea.



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The B4A Object Browser now shows the Version number of every Library it knows about (upon demand).




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But what if IDE will check if already installed libraries(this mean that you are registered user) are up to date and inform you if new versions are available.
Then if you want you could download them manually.
At least is an improvement!


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But what if IDE will check if already installed libraries(this mean that you are registered user) are up to date and inform you if new versions are available.
Then if you want you could download them manually.
At least is an improvement!

The browser feature mentioned above is a workaround, and not the exact solution as described. But as you say, it's better than nothing.