Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by Alain Bailleul

List of types:






  applyToCanvas (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper)

  dotWithNormal (dx As Float, dy As Float, dz As Float) As Float

  GetMatrix (matrix As ABMatrix)



  rotate (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)

  rotateX (deg As Float)

  rotateY (deg As Float)

  rotateZ (deg As Float)


  SetLocation (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)

  translate (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)

Members description:

applyToCanvas (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper)
dotWithNormal (dx As Float, dy As Float, dz As Float) As Float
GetMatrix (matrix As ABMatrix)
rotate (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)
rotateX (deg As Float)
rotateY (deg As Float)
rotateZ (deg As Float)
SetLocation (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)
translate (x As Float, y As Float, z As Float)





  Array() As Float [read only]


  Initialize2 (src() As Float)

  Initialize3 (src As ABColorMatrix)

  postConcat (postmatrix As ABColorMatrix)

  preConcat (prematrix As ABColorMatrix)


  Set (src() As Float)

  Set2 (src As ABColorMatrix)

  setConcat (matA As ABColorMatrix, matB As ABColorMatrix)


  SetRotate (axis As Int, degrees As Float)

  SetSaturation (sat As Float)

  SetScale (rScale As Float, gScale As Float, bScale As Float, aScale As Float)


Members description:

Array() As Float [read only]
Initialize2 (src() As Float)
Initialize3 (src As ABColorMatrix)
postConcat (postmatrix As ABColorMatrix)
preConcat (prematrix As ABColorMatrix)
Set (src() As Float)
Set2 (src As ABColorMatrix)
setConcat (matA As ABColorMatrix, matB As ABColorMatrix)
SetRotate (axis As Int, degrees As Float)
SetSaturation (sat As Float)
SetScale (rScale As Float, gScale As Float, bScale As Float, aScale As Float)








  clipPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, op As Int) As Boolean

  clipPath2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath) As Boolean

  clipRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As, op As Int) As Boolean

  clipRect2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean

  clipRegion (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, region As ABRegion) As Boolean

  concat (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, matrix As ABMatrix)

  drawArc (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float, useCenter As Boolean, paint As ABPaint)

  drawARGB (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, a As Int, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)

  drawBitmap (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, src As, dst As, paint As ABPaint)

  drawBitmap2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, left As Float, top As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawBitmap3 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, colors() As Int, offset As Int, stride As Int, x As Int, y As Int, width As Int, height As Int, hasAlpha As Boolean, paint As ABPaint)

  drawBitmap4 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, matrix As ABMatrix, paint As ABPaint)

  drawBitmapMesh (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, meshWidth As Int, meshHeight As Int, verts() As Float, vertOffset As Int, colors() As Int, colorOffset As Int, paint As ABPaint)

  drawCircle (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, cx As Float, cy As Float, radius As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawColor (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, color As Int)

  drawColor2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, color As Int, mode As Int)

  drawLine (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, startX As Float, startY As Float, stopX As Float, stopY As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawLines (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawLines2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, offset As Int, count As Int, paint As ABPaint)

  drawOval (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, oval As ABRectF, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPaint (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPoint (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPoints (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, offset As Int, count As Int, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPoints2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawPosText (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, pos() As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As, paint As ABPaint)

  drawRect2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawRGB (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)

  drawRoundRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As ABRectF, rx As Float, ry As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawText (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawText2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, start As Int, end As Int, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawTextOnPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, path As ABPath, hOffset As Float, vOffset As Float, paint As ABPaint)

  drawVertices (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, mode As Int, vertexCount As Int, verts() As Float, vertOffset As Int, texs() As Float, texOffset As Int, colors() As Int, colorOffset As Int, indices() As Short, indexOffset As Int, indexCount As Int, paint As ABPaint)

  EdgeType_AA As Int

  EdgeType_BW As Int


  GetClipBounds (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As

  GetDensity (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  GetHeight (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  GetMatrix (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As ABMatrix

  GetMaximumBitmapHeight (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  GetMaximumBitmapWidth (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  GetSaveCount (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  GetWidth (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int


  isHardwareAccelerated (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Boolean

  isOpaque (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Boolean


  PorterDuffMode_ADD As Int

  PorterDuffMode_CLEAR As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DARKEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_ATOP As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_IN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_OUT As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_OVER As Int

  PorterDuffMode_LIGHTEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_MULTIPLY As Int

  PorterDuffMode_OVERLAY As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SCREEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_ATOP As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_IN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_OUT As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_OVER As Int

  PorterDuffMode_XOR As Int

  quickReject (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, type As Int) As Boolean

  quickReject2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, type As Int) As Boolean

  quickReject3 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As ABRectF, type As Int) As Boolean

  RegionOp_DIFFERENCE As Int

  RegionOp_INTERSECT As Int

  RegionOp_REPLACE As Int


  RegionOp_UNION As Int

  RegionOp_XOR As Int

  restore (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper)

  restoreToCount (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, saveCount As Int)

  rotate (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, degrees As Float)

  rotate2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, degrees As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  save (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int

  save2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, saveFlags As Int) As Int

  saveLayer (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bounds As ABRectF, paint As ABPaint, saveFlags As Int) As Int

  saveLayer2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, paint As ABPaint, saveFlags As Int) As Int

  saveLayerAlpha (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bounds As ABRectF, alpha As Int, saveFlags As Int) As Int

  saveLayerAlpha2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, alpha As Int, saveFlags As Int) As Int

  scale (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float)

  scale2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  SetBitmap (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As

  SetDensity (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, density As Int)

  SetMatrix (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, matrix As ABMatrix)

  SetPaintFlagsDrawFilter (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, clearBits As Int, setBits As Int)

  skew (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float)

  translate (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, dx As Float, dy As Float)

  VertexMode_TRIANGLE_FAN As Int

  VertexMode_TRIANGLE_STRIP As Int

  VertexMode_TRIANGLES As Int

Members description:

clipPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, op As Int) As Boolean
clipPath2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath) As Boolean
clipRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As, op As Int) As Boolean
clipRect2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean
clipRegion (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, region As ABRegion) As Boolean
concat (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, matrix As ABMatrix)
drawArc (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float, useCenter As Boolean, paint As ABPaint)
drawARGB (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, a As Int, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)
drawBitmap (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, src As, dst As, paint As ABPaint)
drawBitmap2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, left As Float, top As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawBitmap3 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, colors() As Int, offset As Int, stride As Int, x As Int, y As Int, width As Int, height As Int, hasAlpha As Boolean, paint As ABPaint)
drawBitmap4 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, matrix As ABMatrix, paint As ABPaint)
drawBitmapMesh (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As, meshWidth As Int, meshHeight As Int, verts() As Float, vertOffset As Int, colors() As Int, colorOffset As Int, paint As ABPaint)
drawCircle (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, cx As Float, cy As Float, radius As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawColor (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, color As Int)
drawColor2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, color As Int, mode As Int)
drawLine (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, startX As Float, startY As Float, stopX As Float, stopY As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawLines (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawLines2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, offset As Int, count As Int, paint As ABPaint)
drawOval (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, oval As ABRectF, paint As ABPaint)
drawPaint (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, paint As ABPaint)
drawPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, paint As ABPaint)
drawPoint (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawPoints (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, offset As Int, count As Int, paint As ABPaint)
drawPoints2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, pts() As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawPosText (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, pos() As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As, paint As ABPaint)
drawRect2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawRGB (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)
drawRoundRect (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As ABRectF, rx As Float, ry As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawText (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawText2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, start As Int, end As Int, x As Float, y As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawTextOnPath (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, text As String, path As ABPath, hOffset As Float, vOffset As Float, paint As ABPaint)
drawVertices (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, mode As Int, vertexCount As Int, verts() As Float, vertOffset As Int, texs() As Float, texOffset As Int, colors() As Int, colorOffset As Int, indices() As Short, indexOffset As Int, indexCount As Int, paint As ABPaint)
EdgeType_AA As Int
EdgeType_BW As Int
GetClipBounds (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As
GetDensity (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
GetHeight (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
GetMatrix (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As ABMatrix
GetMaximumBitmapHeight (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
GetMaximumBitmapWidth (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
GetSaveCount (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
GetWidth (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
isHardwareAccelerated (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Boolean
isOpaque (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Boolean
PorterDuffMode_ADD As Int
PorterDuffMode_CLEAR As Int
PorterDuffMode_DARKEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_ATOP As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_IN As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_OUT As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_OVER As Int
PorterDuffMode_LIGHTEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_MULTIPLY As Int
PorterDuffMode_OVERLAY As Int
PorterDuffMode_SCREEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_ATOP As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_IN As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_OUT As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_OVER As Int
PorterDuffMode_XOR As Int
quickReject (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, path As ABPath, type As Int) As Boolean
quickReject2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, type As Int) As Boolean
quickReject3 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, rect As ABRectF, type As Int) As Boolean
RegionOp_REPLACE As Int
RegionOp_UNION As Int
RegionOp_XOR As Int
restore (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper)
restoreToCount (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, saveCount As Int)
rotate (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, degrees As Float)
rotate2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, degrees As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
save (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper) As Int
save2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, saveFlags As Int) As Int
saveLayer (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bounds As ABRectF, paint As ABPaint, saveFlags As Int) As Int
saveLayer2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, paint As ABPaint, saveFlags As Int) As Int
saveLayerAlpha (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bounds As ABRectF, alpha As Int, saveFlags As Int) As Int
saveLayerAlpha2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, alpha As Int, saveFlags As Int) As Int
scale (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float)
scale2 (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
SetBitmap (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, bitmap As
SetDensity (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, density As Int)
SetMatrix (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, matrix As ABMatrix)
SetPaintFlagsDrawFilter (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, clearBits As Int, setBits As Int)
skew (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, sx As Float, sy As Float)
translate (mCanvas As CanvasWrapper, dx As Float, dy As Float)
VertexMode_TRIANGLE_FAN As Int
VertexMode_TRIANGLES As Int





  equals (obj As Object) As Boolean

  getValues (values() As Float)


  Initialize2 (src As ABMatrix)

  invert (inverse As ABMatrix) As Boolean

  isIdentity As Boolean

  mapPoints (dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, pointCount As Int)

  mapPoints2 (pts() As Float)

  mapPoints3 (dst() As Float, src() As Float)

  mapRadius (radius As Float) As Float

  mapRect (dst As ABRectF, src As ABRectF) As Boolean

  mapVectors (dst() As Float, src() As Float)

  mapVectors2 (vecs() As Float)

  mapVectors3 (dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, vectorCount As Int)

  MatrixScaleToFit_CENTER As Int

  MatrixScaleToFit_END As Int

  MatrixScaleToFit_FILL As Int

  MatrixScaleToFit_START As Int

  MPERSP_0 As Int

  MPERSP_1 As Int

  MPERSP_2 As Int



  MSKEW_X As Int

  MSKEW_Y As Int



  postConcat (other As ABMatrix) As Boolean

  postRotate (degrees As Float) As Boolean

  postScale (sx As Float, sy As Float) As Boolean

  postSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float) As Boolean

  postTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float) As Boolean

  preConcat (other As ABMatrix) As Boolean

  preRotate (degrees As Float) As Boolean

  preScale (sx As Float, sy As Float) As Boolean

  preSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float) As Boolean

  preTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float) As Boolean

  rectStaysRect As Boolean


  Rotate As Float [write only]

  Set (src As ABMatrix)

  setConcat (a As ABMatrix, b As ABMatrix) As Boolean

  setPolyToPoly (src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, pointCount As Int) As Boolean

  setRectToRect (src As ABRectF, dst As ABRectF, stf As Int) As Boolean

  setRotate2 (degrees As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  setScale (sx As Float, sy As Float)

  setScale2 (sx As Float, sy As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  setSinCos (sinValue As Float, cosValue As Float)

  setSinCos2 (sinValue As Float, cosValue As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  setSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float)

  setSkew2 (kx As Float, ky As Float, px As Float, py As Float)

  setTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float)

  Values() As Float [write only]

Members description:

equals (obj As Object) As Boolean
getValues (values() As Float)
Initialize2 (src As ABMatrix)
invert (inverse As ABMatrix) As Boolean
isIdentity As Boolean
mapPoints (dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, pointCount As Int)
mapPoints2 (pts() As Float)
mapPoints3 (dst() As Float, src() As Float)
mapRadius (radius As Float) As Float
mapRect (dst As ABRectF, src As ABRectF) As Boolean
mapVectors (dst() As Float, src() As Float)
mapVectors2 (vecs() As Float)
mapVectors3 (dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, vectorCount As Int)
MatrixScaleToFit_CENTER As Int
MatrixScaleToFit_END As Int
MatrixScaleToFit_FILL As Int
MatrixScaleToFit_START As Int
postConcat (other As ABMatrix) As Boolean
postRotate (degrees As Float) As Boolean
postScale (sx As Float, sy As Float) As Boolean
postSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float) As Boolean
postTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float) As Boolean
preConcat (other As ABMatrix) As Boolean
preRotate (degrees As Float) As Boolean
preScale (sx As Float, sy As Float) As Boolean
preSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float) As Boolean
preTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float) As Boolean
rectStaysRect As Boolean
Rotate As Float [write only]
Set (src As ABMatrix)
setConcat (a As ABMatrix, b As ABMatrix) As Boolean
setPolyToPoly (src() As Float, srcIndex As Int, dst() As Float, dstIndex As Int, pointCount As Int) As Boolean
setRectToRect (src As ABRectF, dst As ABRectF, stf As Int) As Boolean
setRotate2 (degrees As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
setScale (sx As Float, sy As Float)
setScale2 (sx As Float, sy As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
setSinCos (sinValue As Float, cosValue As Float)
setSinCos2 (sinValue As Float, cosValue As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
setSkew (kx As Float, ky As Float)
setSkew2 (kx As Float, ky As Float, px As Float, py As Float)
setTranslate (dx As Float, dy As Float)
Values() As Float [write only]





  addRasterizerLayer (paint As ABPaint)

  addRasterizerLayer2 (paint As ABPaint, dx As Float, dy As Float)

  Align_CENTER As Int

  Align_LEFT As Int

  Align_RIGHT As Int

  AvoidXfermodeMode_AVOID As Int

  AvoidXfermodeMode_TARGET As Int

  Blur_INNER As Int

  Blur_NORMAL As Int

  Blur_OUTER As Int

  Blur_SOLID As Int

  breakText (text As String, measureForwards As Boolean, maxWidth As Float, measuredWidth() As Float) As Int

  Cap_BUTT As Int

  Cap_ROUND As Int

  Cap_SQUARE As Int




  DoPathEffectSingle (EffectNum1Or2 As Int)


  DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid (opColor As Int, tolerance As Int, mode As Int)

  DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor (opColor As Int)

  DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode (mode As Int)

  DoShaderSingle (Shader1Or2 As Int)



  flag_DITHER_FLAG As Int



  flag_HINTING_OFF As Int

  flag_HINTING_ON As Int





  FontMetricsAscent As Float

  FontMetricsBottom As Float

  FontMetricsDescent As Float

  FontMetricsLeading As Float

  FontMetricsTop As Float

  GetAlpha As Int

  GetAscent As Float

  GetColor As Int

  GetDescent As Float

  GetFillPath (src As ABPath, dst As ABPath) As Boolean

  GetFlags As Int

  GetFontSpacing As Float

  GetHinting As Int

  GetStrokeCap As Int

  GetStrokeJoin As Int

  GetStrokeMiter As Float

  GetStrokeWidth As Float

  GetStyle As Int

  GetTextAlign As Int

  GetTextBounds (text As String, start As Int, end As Int, bounds As

  GetTextPath (text As String, start As Int, end As Int, x As Float, y As Float, path As ABPath)

  GetTextScaleX As Float

  GetTextSize As Float

  GetTextSkewX As Float

  GetTextWidths (text As String, widths() As Float) As Int

  GetTypeface As


  Initialize2 (flags As Int)

  Initialize3 (paint As ABPaint)

  isAntiAlias As Boolean

  isDither As Boolean

  isFakeBoldText As Boolean

  isFilterBitmap As Boolean

  isLinearText As Boolean

  isStrikeThruText As Boolean

  isSubpixelText As Boolean

  isUnderlineText As Boolean

  Join_BEVEL As Int

  Join_MITER As Int

  Join_ROUND As Int

  measureText (text As String) As Float

  PathDashPathEffectStyle_MORPH As Int

  PathDashPathEffectStyle_ROTATE As Int

  PathDashPathEffectStyle_TRANSLATE As Int

  PorterDuffMode_ADD As Int

  PorterDuffMode_CLEAR As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DARKEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_ATOP As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_IN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_OUT As Int

  PorterDuffMode_DST_OVER As Int

  PorterDuffMode_LIGHTEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_MULTIPLY As Int

  PorterDuffMode_OVERLAY As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SCREEN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_ATOP As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_IN As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_OUT As Int

  PorterDuffMode_SRC_OVER As Int

  PorterDuffMode_XOR As Int


  Set (src As ABPaint)

  SetAlpha (a As Int)

  SetAntiAlias (aa As Boolean)

  SetARGB (a As Int, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)

  SetAvoidXfermode (opColor As Int, tolerance As Int, mode As Int)

  SetBitmapShader (Shader1Or2 As Int, bitmap As, tileX As Int, tileY As Int)

  SetBlurMaskFilter (radius As Float, style As Int)

  SetColor (color As Int)

  SetColorMatrixColorFilter (array() As Float)

  SetColorMatrixColorFilter2 (mat As ABColorMatrix)

  SetCornerPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, radius As Float)

  SetDashPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, intervals() As Float, phase As Float)

  SetDiscretePathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, segmentLength As Float, deviation As Float)

  SetDither (dither As Boolean)

  SetEmbossMaskFilter (direction() As Float, ambient As Float, specular As Float, blurRadius As Float)

  SetFakeBoldText (fakeBoldText As Boolean)

  SetFilterBitmap (filter As Boolean)

  SetFlags (flags As Int)

  SetHinting (mode As Int)


  SetLightingColorFilter (mul As Int, add As Int)

  SetLinearGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, x0 As Float, y0 As Float, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float, tile As Int)

  SetLinearGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, x0 As Float, y0 As Float, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int, tile As Int)

  SetLinearText (linearText As Boolean)

  SetLocalMatrix (Shader1Or2 As Int, localM As ABMatrix)

  SetPathDashPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, shape As, advance As Float, phase As Float, style As Int)

  SetPixelXorXfermode (opColor As Int)

  SetPorterDuffColorFilter (srcColor As Int, mode As Int)

  SetPorterDuffXfermode (mode As Int)

  SetRadialGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float, tile As Int)

  SetRadialGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int, tile As Int)

  SetShadowLayer (radius As Float, dx As Float, dy As Float, color As Int)

  SetStrikeThruText (strikeThruText As Boolean)

  SetStrokeCap (cap As Int)

  SetStrokeJoin (join As Int)

  SetStrokeMiter (miter As Float)

  SetStrokeWidth (width As Float)

  SetStyle (style As Int)

  SetSubpixelText (subpixelText As Boolean)

  SetSweepGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, cx As Float, cy As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float)

  SetSweepGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, cx As Float, cy As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int)

  SetTextAlign (align As Int)

  SetTextScaleX (scaleX As Float)

  SetTextSize (textSize As Float)

  SetTextSkewX (skewX As Float)

  setTypeface (typeface As As

  SetUnderlineText (underlineText As Boolean)

  ShaderTileMode_CLAMP As Int

  ShaderTileMode_MIRROR As Int

  ShaderTileMode_REPEAT As Int

  Style_FILL As Int


  Style_STROKE As Int

Members description:

addRasterizerLayer (paint As ABPaint)
Add a new layer (above any previous layers) to the rasterizer. The layer will extract those fields that affect the mask from the specified paint, but will not retain a reference to the paint object itself, so it may be reused without danger of side-effects.
Use SetLayerRasterizer after all layers are set.
addRasterizerLayer2 (paint As ABPaint, dx As Float, dy As Float)
Add a new layer (above any previous layers) to the rasterizer. The layer will extract those fields that affect the mask from the specified paint, but will not retain a reference to the paint object itself, so it may be reused without danger of side-effects.
Use SetLayerRasterizer after all layers are set.
Align_CENTER As Int
Align_LEFT As Int
Align_RIGHT As Int
AvoidXfermodeMode_AVOID As Int
AvoidXfermodeMode_TARGET As Int
Blur_INNER As Int
Blur_NORMAL As Int
Blur_OUTER As Int
Blur_SOLID As Int
breakText (text As String, measureForwards As Boolean, maxWidth As Float, measuredWidth() As Float) As Int
Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is not null, return in it the actual width measured.
text The text to measure. Cannot be null.
measureForwards If true, measure forwards, starting with the first character in the string. Otherwise, measure backwards, starting with the last character in the string.
maxWidth The maximum width to accumulate.
measuredWidth Optional. If not null, returns the actual width measured.
The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <= abs(count).
Cap_BUTT As Int
Cap_ROUND As Int
Clear the Rasterizer
Clear the shadow layer.
First use SetCornerPathEffect, SetDashPathEffect, SetDiscretePathEffect, SetPathDashPathEffect to fill Affect1 and Affect2
DoPathEffectSingle (EffectNum1Or2 As Int)
First use SetCornerPathEffect, SetDashPathEffect, SetDiscretePathEffect, SetPathDashPathEffect to fill Affect1 or Affect2
First use SetCornerPathEffect, SetDashPathEffect, SetDiscretePathEffect, SetPathDashPathEffect to fill Affect1 and Affect2
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid (opColor As Int, tolerance As Int, mode As Int)
First use setBitmapShader, setLinearGradient, setRadialGradient, setSweepGradient to fill ShaderA and ShaderB
DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor (opColor As Int)
First use setBitmapShader, setLinearGradient, setRadialGradient, setSweepGradient to fill ShaderA and ShaderB
DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode (mode As Int)
First use setBitmapShader, setLinearGradient, setRadialGradient, setSweepGradient to fill ShaderA and ShaderB
DoShaderSingle (Shader1Or2 As Int)
First use setBitmapShader, setLinearGradient, setRadialGradient, setSweepGradient to fill ShaderA or ShaderB
flag_HINTING_ON As Int
FontMetricsAscent As Float
The recommended distance above the baseline for singled spaced text.
FontMetricsBottom As Float
The maximum distance below the baseline for the lowest glyph in the font at a given text size.
FontMetricsDescent As Float
The recommended distance below the baseline for singled spaced text.
FontMetricsLeading As Float
The recommended additional space to add between lines of text.
FontMetricsTop As Float
The maximum distance above the baseline for the tallest glyph in the font at a given text size.
GetAlpha As Int
Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value. This is the same as calling getColor() >>> 24. It always returns a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (completely opaque).
GetAscent As Float
Return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size.
the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size.
GetColor As Int
Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value. This is the same as calling getColor() >>> 24. It always returns a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (completely opaque).
GetDescent As Float
Return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size.
GetFillPath (src As ABPath, dst As ABPath) As Boolean
Applies any/all effects (patheffect, stroking) to src, returning the result in dst. The result is that drawing src with this paint will be the same as drawing dst with a default paint (at least from the geometric perspective).
GetFlags As Int
Return the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to test flag values.
GetFontSpacing As Float
Return the recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and text size.
GetHinting As Int
Return the paint's hinting mode. Returns either HINTING_OFF or HINTING_ON.
GetStrokeCap As Int
Return the paint's Cap, controlling how the start and end of stroked lines and paths are treated.
GetStrokeJoin As Int
Return the paint's stroke join type.
GetStrokeMiter As Float
Return the paint's stroke miter value. Used to control the behavior of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp.
GetStrokeWidth As Float
Return the width for stroking.
A value of 0 strokes in hairline mode. Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
GetStyle As Int
Return the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes FILL_STYLE).
GetTextAlign As Int
Return the paint's Align value for drawing text. This controls how the text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin specifieds the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
GetTextBounds (text As String, start As Int, end As Int, bounds As
Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0).
GetTextPath (text As String, start As Int, end As Int, x As Float, y As Float, path As ABPath)
Return the path (outline) for the specified text. Note: just like Canvas.drawText, this will respect the Align setting in the paint.
GetTextScaleX As Float
Return the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value is 1.0.
GetTextSize As Float
Return the paint's text size.
GetTextSkewX As Float
Return the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value is 0.
GetTextWidths (text As String, widths() As Float) As Int
Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
GetTypeface As
Get the paint's typeface object.
The typeface object identifies which font to use when drawing or measuring text.
Create a new paint with default settings.
Initialize2 (flags As Int)
Create a new paint with the specified flags. Use setFlags() to change these after the paint is created.
flags: initial flag bits, as if they were passed via setFlags().
Initialize3 (paint As ABPaint)
Create a new paint, initialized with the attributes in the specified paint parameter.
paint Existing paint used to initialized the attributes of the new paint.
isAntiAlias As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit is set AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
isDither As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if DITHER_FLAG bit is set Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual artifacts.
isFakeBoldText As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
isFilterBitmap As Boolean
Whether or not the bitmap filter is activated. Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed. Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
isLinearText As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
isStrikeThruText As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
isSubpixelText As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
isUnderlineText As Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Join_BEVEL As Int
Join_MITER As Int
Join_ROUND As Int
measureText (text As String) As Float
Return the width of the text.
PathDashPathEffectStyle_MORPH As Int
PathDashPathEffectStyle_ROTATE As Int
PathDashPathEffectStyle_TRANSLATE As Int
PorterDuffMode_ADD As Int
PorterDuffMode_CLEAR As Int
PorterDuffMode_DARKEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_ATOP As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_IN As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_OUT As Int
PorterDuffMode_DST_OVER As Int
PorterDuffMode_LIGHTEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_MULTIPLY As Int
PorterDuffMode_OVERLAY As Int
PorterDuffMode_SCREEN As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_ATOP As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_IN As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_OUT As Int
PorterDuffMode_SRC_OVER As Int
PorterDuffMode_XOR As Int
Restores the paint to its default settings.
Set (src As ABPaint)
Copy the fields from src into this paint. This is equivalent to calling get() on all of the src fields, and calling the corresponding set() methods on this.
SetAlpha (a As Int)
Helper to setColor(), that only assigns the color's alpha value, leaving its r,g,b values unchanged. Results are undefined if the alpha value is outside of the range [0..255]
SetAntiAlias (aa As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
SetARGB (a As Int, r As Int, g As Int, b As Int)
Helper to setColor(), that takes a,r,g,b and constructs the color int
SetAvoidXfermode (opColor As Int, tolerance As Int, mode As Int)
Set or clear the Avoid xfermode object.
Pass null to clear any previous xfermode
SetBitmapShader (Shader1Or2 As Int, bitmap As, tileX As Int, tileY As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetBlurMaskFilter (radius As Float, style As Int)
Sets a MaskFilter
SetColor (color As Int)
Set the paint's color. Note that the color is an int containing alpha as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b. See the Color class for more details.
SetColorMatrixColorFilter (array() As Float)
Set or clear the paint's MatrixColorfilter, returning the parameter.
SetColorMatrixColorFilter2 (mat As ABColorMatrix)
Set or clear the paint's MatrixColorfilter, returning the parameter.
SetCornerPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, radius As Float)
After setting this effect you can use DoPathEffectSingle if one effect is set or
DoPathEffectSum, DoPathEffectCompose if both effects are set
SetDashPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, intervals() As Float, phase As Float)
After setting this effect you can use DoPathEffectSingle if one effect is set or
DoPathEffectSum, DoPathEffectCompose if both effects are set
SetDiscretePathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, segmentLength As Float, deviation As Float)
After setting this effect you can use DoPathEffectSingle if one effect is set or
DoPathEffectSum, DoPathEffectCompose if both effects are set
SetDither (dither As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the DITHER_FLAG bit Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual artifacts.
SetEmbossMaskFilter (direction() As Float, ambient As Float, specular As Float, blurRadius As Float)
Sets an EmbossFilter
SetFakeBoldText (fakeBoldText As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit
SetFilterBitmap (filter As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit. Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed. Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
SetFlags (flags As Int)
Set the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to specific flag values.
SetHinting (mode As Int)
Set the paint's hinting mode. May be either HINTING_OFF or HINTING_ON.
Set or clear the rasterizer object. *
SetLightingColorFilter (mul As Int, add As Int)
Set or clear the paint's LightingColorfilter, returning the parameter.
SetLinearGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, x0 As Float, y0 As Float, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float, tile As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetLinearGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, x0 As Float, y0 As Float, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int, tile As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetLinearText (linearText As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit
SetLocalMatrix (Shader1Or2 As Int, localM As ABMatrix)
Set the shader's local matrix.
SetPathDashPathEffect (EffectNum1Or2 As Int, shape As, advance As Float, phase As Float, style As Int)
After setting this effect you can use DoPathEffectSingle if one effect is set or
DoPathEffectSum, DoPathEffectCompose if both effects are set
SetPixelXorXfermode (opColor As Int)
Set or clear the PixelXor xfermode object.
Pass null to clear any previous xfermode
SetPorterDuffColorFilter (srcColor As Int, mode As Int)
Set or clear the paint's PorterDuffColorfilter, returning the parameter.
SetPorterDuffXfermode (mode As Int)
Set or clear the PorterDuff xfermode object.
Pass null to clear any previous xfermode
SetRadialGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float, tile As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetRadialGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int, tile As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetShadowLayer (radius As Float, dx As Float, dy As Float, color As Int)
This draws a shadow layer below the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius. If radius is 0, then the shadow layer is removed.
SetStrikeThruText (strikeThruText As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit
SetStrokeCap (cap As Int)
Set the paint's Cap.
SetStrokeJoin (join As Int)
Set the paint's Join.
SetStrokeMiter (miter As Float)
Set the paint's stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp. This value must be >= 0.
SetStrokeWidth (width As Float)
Set the width for stroking. Pass 0 to stroke in hairline mode. Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
SetStyle (style As Int)
Set the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes Fill).
SetSubpixelText (subpixelText As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit
SetSweepGradient (Shader1Or2 As Int, cx As Float, cy As Float, colors() As Int, positions() As Float)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetSweepGradient2 (Shader1Or2 As Int, cx As Float, cy As Float, color0 As Int, color1 As Int)
After setting this shader you can use DoShaderSingle if one shader is set or
DoShaderComposeXfermodeAvoid, DoShaderComposeXfermodePixelXor, DoShaderComposeXfermodePorterduffMode
if both shaders are set
SetTextAlign (align As Int)
Set the paint's text alignment. This controls how the text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin specifieds the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
SetTextScaleX (scaleX As Float)
Set the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value is 1.0. Values > 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will stretch the text narrower.
SetTextSize (textSize As Float)
Set the paint's text size. This value must be > 0
SetTextSkewX (skewX As Float)
Set the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value is 0. For approximating oblique text, use values around -0.25.
setTypeface (typeface As As
Set or clear the typeface object.
Pass null to clear any previous typeface. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
SetUnderlineText (underlineText As Boolean)
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit
ShaderTileMode_CLAMP As Int
ShaderTileMode_MIRROR As Int
ShaderTileMode_REPEAT As Int
Style_FILL As Int
Style_STROKE As Int





  addArc (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float)

  addCircle (x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, dir As Int)

  addOval (oval As ABRectF, dir As Int)

  addPath (src As ABPath)

  addPath2 (src As ABPath, matrix As ABMatrix)

  addPath3 (src As ABPath, dx As Float, dy As Float)

  addRect (rect As ABRectF, dir As Int)

  addRect2 (left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, dir As Int)

  addRoundRect (rect As ABRectF, rx As Float, ry As Float, dir As Int)

  addRoundRect2 (rect As ABRectF, radii() As Float, dir As Int)

  arcTo (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float)

  arcTo2 (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float, forceMoveTo As Boolean)


  computeBounds (bounds As ABRectF, exact As Boolean)

  cubicTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, x3 As Float, y3 As Float)

  Direction_CCW As Int

  Direction_CW As Int

  FillType_EVEN_ODD As Int



  FillType_WINDING As Int

  GetDirection As Int

  GetFillType As Int

  incReverse (extraPtCount As Int)


  Initialize2 (path As ABPath)

  isEmpty As Boolean

  isInverseFillType As Boolean

  isRect (rect As ABRectF) As Boolean

  lineTo (x As Float, y As Float)

  moveTo (x As Float, y As Float)

  offset (dx As Float, dy As Float)

  offset2 (dx As Float, dy As Float, dst As ABPath)

  quadTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float)

  rCubicTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, x3 As Float, y3 As Float)



  rLineTo (dx As Float, dy As Float)

  rMoveTo (dx As Float, dy As Float)

  rQuadTo (dx1 As Float, dy1 As Float, dx2 As Float, dy2 As Float)

  SetDirection (value As Int)

  SetFillType (value As Int)

  SetLastPoint (dx As Float, dy As Float)


  transform (matrix As ABMatrix)

  transform2 (matrix As ABMatrix, path As ABPath)

Members description:

addArc (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float)
addCircle (x As Float, y As Float, radius As Float, dir As Int)
addOval (oval As ABRectF, dir As Int)
addPath (src As ABPath)
addPath2 (src As ABPath, matrix As ABMatrix)
addPath3 (src As ABPath, dx As Float, dy As Float)
addRect (rect As ABRectF, dir As Int)
addRect2 (left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float, dir As Int)
addRoundRect (rect As ABRectF, rx As Float, ry As Float, dir As Int)
addRoundRect2 (rect As ABRectF, radii() As Float, dir As Int)
arcTo (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float)
arcTo2 (oval As ABRectF, startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float, forceMoveTo As Boolean)
computeBounds (bounds As ABRectF, exact As Boolean)
cubicTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, x3 As Float, y3 As Float)
Direction_CCW As Int
Direction_CW As Int
FillType_EVEN_ODD As Int
FillType_WINDING As Int
GetDirection As Int
GetFillType As Int
incReverse (extraPtCount As Int)
Initialize2 (path As ABPath)
isEmpty As Boolean
isInverseFillType As Boolean
isRect (rect As ABRectF) As Boolean
lineTo (x As Float, y As Float)
moveTo (x As Float, y As Float)
offset (dx As Float, dy As Float)
offset2 (dx As Float, dy As Float, dst As ABPath)
quadTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float)
rCubicTo (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, x3 As Float, y3 As Float)
rLineTo (dx As Float, dy As Float)
rMoveTo (dx As Float, dy As Float)
rQuadTo (dx1 As Float, dy1 As Float, dx2 As Float, dy2 As Float)
SetDirection (value As Int)
SetFillType (value As Int)
SetLastPoint (dx As Float, dy As Float)
transform (matrix As ABMatrix)
transform2 (matrix As ABMatrix, path As ABPath)





  Bottom As Float

  CenterX As Float [read only]

  CenterY As Float [read only]

  Initialize (left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float)

  isInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Float

  Right As Float

  Top As Float

Members description:

Bottom As Float
CenterX As Float [read only]
CenterY As Float [read only]
Initialize (left As Float, top As Float, right As Float, bottom As Float)
isInitialized As Boolean
Left As Float
Right As Float
Top As Float





  BoundaryPath As ABPath [read only]

  Bounds As [read only]

  contains (x As Int, y As Int) As Boolean

  equals (obj As Object) As Boolean

  getBoundaryPath (path As ABPath) As Boolean

  getBounds (r As As Boolean


  Initialize2 (region As ABRegion)

  Initialize3 (rect As

  Initialize4 (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int)

  isComplex As Boolean

  isEmpty As Boolean

  isRect As Boolean

  op (r As, op As Int) As Boolean

  op2 (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int, op As Int) As Boolean

  op3 (region As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean

  op4 (rect As, region As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean

  op5 (region1 As ABRegion, region2 As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean

  quickContains (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean

  quickReject (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean

  RegionOp_DIFFERENCE As Int

  RegionOp_INTERSECT As Int

  RegionOp_REPLACE As Int


  RegionOp_UNION As Int

  RegionOp_XOR As Int

  Set (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean

  Set2 (r As As Boolean

  set3 (region As ABRegion) As Boolean


  setPath (path As ABPath, clip As ABRegion) As Boolean

  toString As String

  translate (dx As Int, dy As Int)

  translate2 (dx As Int, dy As Int, dst As ABRegion)

  union (r As As Boolean

Members description:

BoundaryPath As ABPath [read only]
Bounds As [read only]
contains (x As Int, y As Int) As Boolean
equals (obj As Object) As Boolean
getBoundaryPath (path As ABPath) As Boolean
getBounds (r As As Boolean
Initialize2 (region As ABRegion)
Initialize3 (rect As
Initialize4 (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int)
isComplex As Boolean
isEmpty As Boolean
isRect As Boolean
op (r As, op As Int) As Boolean
op2 (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int, op As Int) As Boolean
op3 (region As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean
op4 (rect As, region As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean
op5 (region1 As ABRegion, region2 As ABRegion, op As Int) As Boolean
quickContains (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean
quickReject (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean
RegionOp_REPLACE As Int
RegionOp_UNION As Int
RegionOp_XOR As Int
Set (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int) As Boolean
Set2 (r As As Boolean
set3 (region As ABRegion) As Boolean
setPath (path As ABPath, clip As ABRegion) As Boolean
toString As String
translate (dx As Int, dy As Int)
translate2 (dx As Int, dy As Int, dst As ABRegion)
union (r As As Boolean


Helper class for manipulating RGB values. All functions are static.
This is NOT as standard Android class.




  getAbsDiff (rgb1 As Int, rgb2 As Int) As Int

  getB (ARGB As Int) As Byte

  getG (ARGB As Int) As Byte

  getMaxDiff (ARGB1 As Int, ARGB2 As Int) As Int

  getProportionateDiff (ARGB1 As Int, ARGB2 As Int) As Int

  getR (ARGB As Int) As Byte

  getSqrDiff (rgb1 As Int, rgb2 As Int) As Int

  getVecDiff (ARGB As Int, ARGBTarg As Int, ARGBVec As Int) As Int

  toRgb (R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte) As Int

  toSignedByte (b As Byte) As Byte

  toString (ARGB As Int) As String

  toUnsignedInt (b As Byte) As Int

Members description:

getAbsDiff (rgb1 As Int, rgb2 As Int) As Int
Compare two RgbVals in absolute value.
Return type: @return:sum of absolute differences between pixel values
getB (ARGB As Int) As Byte
Extracts blue byte from input ARGB word.
The bit fields in ARGB word are unsigned, ranging from 0x00 to 0xff.
To convert these to the returned signed byte value we must add
ARGB: the input color ARGB word.
Return type: @return:the blue byte value, converted to a signed byte
getG (ARGB As Int) As Byte
Extracts green byte from input ARGB word.
The bit fields in ARGB word are unsigned, ranging from 0x00 to 0xff.
To convert these to the returned signed byte value we must add
ARGB: the input color ARGB word.
Return type: @return:the green byte value, converted to a signed byte
getMaxDiff (ARGB1 As Int, ARGB2 As Int) As Int
Computes maximum difference (largest difference in
color, R, G, or B) of two color values.
ARGB1: first color
ARGB2: second color
Return type: @return:largest difference. Will always be >= 0,
<= 256.
getProportionateDiff (ARGB1 As Int, ARGB2 As Int) As Int
getR (ARGB As Int) As Byte
Extracts red byte from input ARGB word.
The bit fields in ARGB word are unsigned, ranging from 0x00 to 0xff.
To convert these to the returned signed byte value we must add
ARGB: the input color ARGB word.
Return type: @return:the red byte value, converted to a signed byte
getSqrDiff (rgb1 As Int, rgb2 As Int) As Int
Compare two RgbVals in sum of squares difference.
Return type: @return:sum of squares differences between pixel values
getVecDiff (ARGB As Int, ARGBTarg As Int, ARGBVec As Int) As Int
Return "vector" difference of Rgb values. Treating each Rgb value
as a 3-element vector form the value (ARGB-ARGBTarg) . ARGBVec where
. is dot product. Useful for determining whether an Rgb value is
near another weighted the different channels differently.
ARGB: tested Rgb value
ARGBTarg: target Rgb value
ARGBVec: weighting
Return type: @return:(ARGB-ARGBTarg) . ARGBVec where . is dot product and the
Rgb values are treated as 3-vectors.
toRgb (R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte) As Int
Converts byte R, G, and B values to an ARGB word.
byte is a signed data type but the ARGB word has unsigned bit fields.
In other words the minimum byte value is Byte.MIN_VALUE but the color black in
the ARGB word is represented as 0x00. So we must subtract Byte.MIN_VALUE to get an
unsigned byte value before shifting and combining the bit fields.
R: input signed red byte
G: input signed green byte
B: input signed blue byte
Return type: @return:the color ARGB word.
toSignedByte (b As Byte) As Byte
Converts from an unsigned bit field (as stored in an ARGB word
to a signed byte value (that we can do computation on).
b: the unsigned byte value.
Return type: @return:the signed byte value
toString (ARGB As Int) As String
Provide a way to turn color values into strings
ARGB: the input color value
Return type: @return:a string describing the color
toUnsignedInt (b As Byte) As Int
Converts from a signed byte value (which we do computation on)
to an unsigned bit field (as stored in an ARGB word). The result
is returned as an int because the unsigned 8 bit value cannot be
represented as a byte.
b: the signed byte value.
Return type: @return:the unsigned bit field