Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by AmirHosseinAghajari

List of types:



Legendary Coders
Amirhossein Aghajari --> امیر حسین آقاجری
Glide Version : 4.7.0
Edited Version : 4.7.1
Retrofit , Glide
hi. Tnx For Select Amir_Glide Library.
The Best Glid Library in Android..
You Can Connect Amir_Glide To The Amir_Retrofit To Get Best Speed !






  About As String

  As As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.AsWhat

  Glide As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.GlideSettings [read only]

  Initializer As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Initializer

  LastRequest As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  Load (Object As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  LoadWith As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Loader2

  RecyclerView As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.RV

  RequestManager As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Amir_RequestManager

  RetrofitLoad (Link As String) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_RRequestBuilder

  RO As Amir_GlideRequestOptions [read only]

  TO As Amir_GlideTransitionOptions [read only]

Members description:

About As String
"امیرحسین آقاجری" تهیه کننده :
Telegram Id : @LCoders
Instagram : amirhossein_aghajari_official
As As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.AsWhat
Glide As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.GlideSettings [read only]
Initializer As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Initializer
Initialize Glide
Return a new Initializer Class
If you do not use Initialize,
the default Context will be ApplicationContext

Examples :
Dim Glide As Amir_Glide
Default :

Retrofit :
Glide.Initializer.Retrofit(Amir_Retrofit,0) 'CallFactory
Glide.Initializer.Retrofit(Amir_Retrofit,1) 'HttpClient
OkHttp :
LastRequest As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Load (Object As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
LoadWith As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Loader2
RecyclerView As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.RV
Loads a few resources ahead in the direction of scrolling in any RecyclerView so that
images are in the memory cache just before the corresponding view in created in the list. Gives
the appearance of an infinitely large image cache, depending on scrolling speed, cpu speed, and
cache size.

Must be added as a listener to the RecyclerView using OnScrollListener, or have its
corresponding methods called from another to function.

This class only works with and
subclasses of

Setup :
RequestManager As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_Glide.Amir_RequestManager
RetrofitLoad (Link As String) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_RRequestBuilder
This is a Custom Method Useing Callback Retrofit To Show Image And Gifs ...
You Can Use This Method Just With Initialize Retrofit
Don't Forgot to Enable Cache In Retrofit Builder
RO As Amir_GlideRequestOptions [read only]
return a new Amir_GlideRequestOptions class
TO As Amir_GlideTransitionOptions [read only]
return a new Amir_GlideTransitionOptions class


Manage Your Gif ...
Example :

Sub Amir_onResourceReady (Data As Object,Model As Object,DataSourceName As String,isFirstResource as boolean) As Boolean
Dim Gif As Amir_GlidGifDrawable
if Gif.Initialize(Data) Then
End if
Return False
End Sub




  Alpha As Int [write only]

  FirstFrame As [read only]

  FrameCount As Int [read only]

  FrameIndex As Int [read only]

  FrameTransformation As com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation [read only]

  Initialize (resource As As Boolean

  IntrinsicHeight As Int [read only]

  IntrinsicWidth As Int [read only]

  isRunning As Boolean


  LoopCount As Int [write only]

  Opacity As Int [read only]


  setFrameTransformation (Transformation As com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation, FirstFrame As

  setVisible (visible As Boolean, restart As Boolean) As Boolean




Members description:

Alpha As Int [write only]
FirstFrame As [read only]
FrameCount As Int [read only]
FrameIndex As Int [read only]
Returns the current frame index in the range 0.. getFrameCount() - 1, or -1 if no frame
is displayed.
FrameTransformation As com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation [read only]
Initialize (resource As As Boolean
IntrinsicHeight As Int [read only]
IntrinsicWidth As Int [read only]
isRunning As Boolean
True if the drawable is currently animating.
A constant indicating that an animated drawable should loop continuously.
LoopCount As Int [write only]
Opacity As Int [read only]
Clears any resources for loading frames that are currently held on to by this object.
setFrameTransformation (Transformation As com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation, FirstFrame As
setVisible (visible As Boolean, restart As Boolean) As Boolean
Starts the animation from the first frame. Can only be called while animation is not running.



onSizeReady (Width As int,Height As int)


  Begin As Amir_GlideRequest

  Clear As Amir_GlideRequest

  ClearOnDetach As Amir_GlideRequest

  isCancelled As Boolean

  isComplete As Boolean

  isEquivalentTo (Request As Amir_GlideRequest) As Boolean

  isFailed As Boolean

  isPaused As Boolean

  isResourceSet As Boolean

  isRunning As Boolean

  Pause As Amir_GlideRequest

  Recycle As Amir_GlideRequest

  SizeReadyCallback (EventName As String) As Amir_GlideRequest

  View As android.view.View [read only]

  WaitForLayout As Amir_GlideRequest

Members description:

Begin As Amir_GlideRequest
Starts an asynchronous load.
Clear As Amir_GlideRequest
Prevents any bitmaps being loaded from previous requests, releases any resources held by this
request, displays the current placeholder if one was provided, and marks the request as having
been cancelled.
ClearOnDetach As Amir_GlideRequest
Clears the View's Request when the View is detached from its
android.view.Window and restarts the Request when the View is
re-attached from its android.view.Window.

This is an experimental API that may be removed in a future version.

Using this method can save memory by allowing Glide to more eagerly clear resources when
transitioning screens or swapping adapters in scrolling views. However it also substantially
increases the odds that images will not be in memory if users subsequently return to a screen
where images were previously loaded. Whether or not this happens will depend on the number
of images loaded in the new screen and the size of the memory cache. Increasing the size of
the memory cache can improve this behavior but it largely negates the memory benefits of using
this method.

Use this method with caution and measure your memory usage to ensure that it's actually
improving your memory usage in the cases you care about.
isCancelled As Boolean
Returns true if the request has been cancelled.
isComplete As Boolean
Returns true if the request has completed successfully.
isEquivalentTo (Request As Amir_GlideRequest) As Boolean
Returns true if this Request is equivalent to the given Request (has all of the same
options and sizes).

This method is identical to Object equals(Object) except that it's specific to
Request subclasses. We do not use Object equals(Object) directly because we
track Requests in collections like java.util.Set and it's perfectly legitimate
to have two different Request objects for two different Targets (for example).
Using a similar but different method let's us selectively compare Request objects to each
other when it's useful in specific scenarios.
isFailed As Boolean
Returns true if the request has failed.
isPaused As Boolean
Returns true if this request is paused and may be restarted.
isResourceSet As Boolean
Returns true if a non-placeholder resource is put. For Requests that load more than one
resource, isResourceSet may return true even if isComplete returns false.
isRunning As Boolean
Returns true if this request is running and has not completed or failed.
Pause As Amir_GlideRequest
Identical to clear except that the request may later be restarted.
Recycle As Amir_GlideRequest
Recycles the request object and releases its resources.
SizeReadyCallback (EventName As String) As Amir_GlideRequest
View As android.view.View [read only]
WaitForLayout As Amir_GlideRequest
waitForLayout If set to true, Glide will always wait for any pending layout pass
before checking for the size a View. If set to false Glide will only wait for a pending
layout pass if it's unable to resolve the size from layout parameters or an existing View size.
Because setting this parameter to true forces Glide to wait for the layout pass to
occur before starting the load, setting this parameter to true can cause flashing in
some cases and should be used sparingly. If layout parameters are set to fixed sizes, they will
still be used instead of the View's dimensions even if this parameter is set to true.
This parameter is a fallback only.


Use Amir_Glide To Get Amir_GlideRequestBuilder


onResourceReady (Data As Object,Model As Object,DataSourceName As String,isFirstResource as boolean) As Boolean
onLoadFailed (ErrorMessage As String,Model As Object,isFirstResource as boolean) As Boolean


  Apply (RequestOptions As Amir_GlideRequestOptions) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  Clone As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  DownloadOnly (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest

  ErrorBuilder (Error As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  Into (View As android.widget.ImageView) As Amir_GlideRequest

  Listener (EventName As String, Sender As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  Load As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_RequestBuilder.Loader3

  Preload As Amir_GlideRequest

  Preload2 (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest

  Submit As Amir_GlideRequest

  Submit2 (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest

  Thumbnail (sizeMultiplier As Float) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  ThumbnailRequest (thumbnailRequest As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

  Transition (Transition As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder

Members description:

Apply (RequestOptions As Amir_GlideRequestOptions) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Applies the given options to the request.
Clone As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Returns a copy of this request builder with all of the options put so far on this builder.

This method returns a "deep" copy in that all non-immutable arguments are copied such that
changes to one builder will not affect the other builder. However, in addition to immutable
arguments, the current model is not copied copied so changes to the model will affect both
DownloadOnly (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest
ErrorBuilder (Error As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Sets a RequestBuilder that is built and run iff the load started by this RequestBuilder fails.

If this RequestBuilder uses a thumbnail that succeeds the given error
RequestBuilder will be started anyway if the non-thumbnail request fails.

Recursive calls to this method as well as calls to thumbnail(float) and
thumbnail(RequestBuilder) are supported for the given error RequestBuilder.

Unlike thumbnail(RequestBuilder) and thumbnail(float), no options from
this primary RequestBuilder are propagated to the given error RequestBuilder.
Options like priority, override widths and heights and transitions must be applied
independently to the error builder.

The given RequestBuilder will start and potentially override a fallback drawable
if it's set on this RequestBuilder via
RequestOptions fallback( or
RequestOptions fallback(int).
Into (View As android.widget.ImageView) As Amir_GlideRequest
Sets the ImageView the resource will be loaded into, cancels any existing loads into
the view, and frees any resources Glide may have previously loaded into the view so they may be
Listener (EventName As String, Sender As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Sets a RequestListener to monitor the resource load. It's best to create a single
instance of an exception handler per type of request (usually activity/fragment) rather than
pass one in per request to avoid some redundant object allocation.
Load As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_RequestBuilder.Loader3
Preload As Amir_GlideRequest
Preload2 (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest
Submit As Amir_GlideRequest
Submit2 (Width As Int, Height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequest
Thumbnail (sizeMultiplier As Float) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Loads a resource in an identical manner to this request except with the dimensions of the
target multiplied by the given size multiplier. If the thumbnail load completes before the full
size load, the thumbnail will be shown. If the thumbnail load completes after the full size
load, the thumbnail will not be shown.

Recursive calls to thumbnail are supported.
ThumbnailRequest (thumbnailRequest As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Loads and displays the resource retrieved by the given thumbnail request if it finishes before
this request. Best used for loading thumbnail resources that are smaller and will be loaded
more quickly than the full size resource. There are no guarantees about the order in which the
requests will actually finish. However, if the thumb request completes after the full request,
the thumb resource will never replace the full resource.

Recursive calls to thumbnail are supported.
Transition (Transition As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim) As Amir_GlideRequestBuilder
Sets the TransitionOptions to use to transition from the placeholder or thumbnail when
this load completes.

The given TransitionOptions will replace any TransitionOptions set previously.


Provides type independent options to customize loads with Glide.




  Apply (other As Amir_GlideRequestOptions) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  AutoClone As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  CenterCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  CenterInside As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  CircleCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Clone As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  DisallowHardwareConfig As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  DiskCacheStrategy (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  DontAnimate As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  DontTransform As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  DownsampleStrategy (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  EncodeFormat (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  ErrorDrawable (errorDrawable As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  FallBack (drawable As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  FitCenter As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Format (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Frame (frameTimeMicros As Long) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Lock As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OnlyRetrieveFromCache (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OptionalCenterCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OptionalCenterInside As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OptionalCircleCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OptionalFitCenter As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  OptionalTransform (Transition As Amir_GlideTransformation) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Override (size As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Override2 (width As Int, height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Placeholder (placeholder As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Priority (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Quality (quality As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Signature (ObjectKey As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  SizeMultiplier (sizeMultiplier As Float) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  SkipMemoryCache (skipMemoryCache As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  Theme (theme As android.content.res.Resources.Theme) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  TimeOut (timeout As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  TR As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Transform (Transition As Amir_GlideTransformation) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  UseAnimationPool (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

  UseUnlimitedSourceGeneratorsPool (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions

Members description:

Apply (other As Amir_GlideRequestOptions) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Updates this options set with any options that are explicitly set in the given
RequestOptions object and returns this object if autoClone() is disabled or
a new RequestOptions object if autoClone() is enabled.

apply only replaces those values that are explicitly set in the given RequestOptions.
If you need to completely reset all previously set options, create a
new RequestOptions object instead of using this method.

The options that will be set to values in the returned RequestOptions object is the
intersection of the set of options in this RequestOptions object and the given
RequestOptions object that were explicitly set. If the values of any of the options
conflict, the values in the returned RequestOptions object will be set to those in the
given RequestOptions object.
AutoClone As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Similar to lock() except that mutations cause a clone() operation to happen
before the mutation resulting in all methods returning a new Object and leaving the original
locked object unmodified.

Auto clone is not retained by cloned objects returned from mutations. The cloned objects
are mutable and are not locked.
CenterCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CenterCrop to all default types and
throws an exception if asked to transform an unknown type.

this will override previous calls to dontTransform().
CenterInside As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CenterInside to all default types, DownsampleStrategy CENTER_INSIDE to
image types and throws an exception if asked to transform an unknown type.

This will override previous calls to dontTransform() and previous calls to
CircleCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CircleCrop to all default types and throws an exception if asked to transform
an unknown type.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform().
Clone As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Returns a copy of this request builder with all of the options put so far on this builder.

This method returns a "deep" copy in that all non-immutable arguments are copied such that
changes to one builder will not affect the other builder. However, in addition to immutable
arguments, the current model is not copied copied so changes to the model will affect both

Even if this object was locked, the cloned object returned from this method will not be
DisallowHardwareConfig As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Disables the use of HARDWARE in Downsampler to
avoid errors caused by inspecting Bitmap pixels, drawing with hardware support disabled,
drawing to backed by Bitmaps etc.

It's almost never safe to set Downsampler ALLOW_HARDWARE_CONFIG to true so
we only provide a way to disable hardware configs entirely. If no option is set for
Downsampler ALLOW_HARDWARE_CONFIG, Glide will set the value per request based on
whether or not a Transformation is applied and if one is, the type of
Transformation applied. Built in transformations like FitCenter and
DownsampleStrategy.CenterOutside can safely use HARDWARE because they can be entirely replaced by
scaling within Downsampler. Transformations like CircleCrop that
can't be replicated by Downsampler cannot use Bitmap.Config HARDWARE because HARDWARE cannot be drawn to, which is required by most Transformations.
DiskCacheStrategy (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the DiskCacheStrategy to use for this load.

Defaults to AUTOMATIC.

For most applications RESOURCE is ideal.
Applications that use the same resource multiple times in multiple sizes and are willing
to trade off some speed and disk space in return for lower bandwidth usage may want to consider
using DATA or ALL.
Types :
DontAnimate As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Disables resource decoders that return animated resources so any resource returned will be
DontTransform As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Removes all applied Transformation Transformations for all resource classes and allows
unknown resource types to be transformed without throwing an exception.
DownsampleStrategy (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the DownsampleStrategy to use when decoding Bitmaps using Downsampler.

This is a component option specific to Downsampler. If the defautlt Bitmap decoder
is replaced or skipped because of your configuration, this option may be ignored.

Types :
EncodeFormat (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the value for key BitmapEncoder COMPRESSION_FORMAT.
Types :
ErrorDrawable (errorDrawable As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets a Drawable to display if a load fails.
FallBack (drawable As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets an Drawable to display if the model provided to RequestBuilder Load(Object) is Null.

If a fallback is not set, null models will cause the error drawable to be displayed. If the
error drawable is not set, the placeholder will be displayed.
FitCenter As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies FitCenter and to all default types, DownsampleStrategy FIT_CENTER to
image types, and throws an exception if asked to transform an unknown

This will override previous calls to DontTransform() and previous calls to
Format (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the DecodeFormat to use when decoding Bitmap objects using
Downsampler and Glide's default GIF decoders.

DecodeFormat is a request, not a requirement. It's possible the resource will be
decoded using a decoder that cannot control the format
( for example), or that the decoder may choose to
ignore the requested format if it can't display the image (i.e. RGB_565 is requested, but the
image has alpha).

This is a component option specific to Downsampler and Glide's GIF decoders. If the
default Bitmap decoders are replaced or skipped because of your configuration, this option may
be ignored.

To set only the format used when decoding Bitmaps, use
option and Downsampler DECODE_FORMAT. To set only the format
used when decoding GIF frames, use option and
Types :
Frame (frameTimeMicros As Long) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the time position of the frame to extract from a video.

This is a component option specific to VideoDecoder. If the default video
decoder is replaced or skipped because of your configuration, this option may be ignored.

frameTimeMicros :
The time position in microseconds of the desired frame. If negative the Android
framework implementation return a representative frame.
Lock As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Throws if any further mutations are attempted.

Once locked, the only way to unlock is to use clone()
OnlyRetrieveFromCache (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
If set to true, will only load an item if found in the cache, and will not fetch from source.
OptionalCenterCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CenterCrop to all default types, and ignores unknown types.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform().
OptionalCenterInside As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CenterInside to all default types, DownsampleStrategy CENTER_INSIDE
to image types, and ignores unknown types.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform() and previous calls to
OptionalCircleCrop As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies CircleCrop to all default types, and ignores unknown types.

This will override previous calls to dontTransform().
OptionalFitCenter As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies FitCenter and to all default types, DownsampleStrategy FIT_CENTER to
image types, and ignores unknown types.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform() and previous calls to
OptionalTransform (Transition As Amir_GlideTransformation) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies the given Transformation for Bitmaps to the default types (Bitmap),, and GifDrawable and ignores unknown types.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform().

Support Multi Transformation :)
Override (size As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Overrides the Target's width and height with the given size.
Override2 (width As Int, height As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Overrides the Target's width and height with the
given values. This is useful for thumbnails, and should only be used for other cases when you
need a very specific image size.
Placeholder (placeholder As As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets an Drawable to display while a resource is loading.
Priority (Type As String) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the priority for this load.
Types :
Quality (quality As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the value for key BitmapEncoder COMPRESSION_QUALITY from 0 to 100
Signature (ObjectKey As Object) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets some additional data to be mixed in to the memory and disk cache keys allowing the caller
more control over when cached data is invalidated.

Note - The signature does not replace the cache key, it is purely additive.
SizeMultiplier (sizeMultiplier As Float) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies a multiplier to the Target's size before
loading the resource. Useful for loading thumbnails or trying to avoid loading huge resources
(particularly Bitmaps on devices with overly dense screens.
SkipMemoryCache (skipMemoryCache As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Allows the loaded resource to skip the memory cache.

Note : this is not a guarantee. If a request is already pending for this resource and that
request is not also skipping the memory cache, the resource will be cached in memory.
Theme (theme As android.content.res.Resources.Theme) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the android.content.res.Resources.Theme to apply when loading Drawables
for resource ids provided via Error,Placeholder, and Fallback.

The theme is NOT applied in the decoder that will attempt to decode a given
resource id model on Glide's background threads. The theme is used exclusively on the main
thread to obtain placeholder/error/fallback drawables to avoid leaking Activities.

If the android.content.Context of the or used to start this load has a different
android.content.res.Resources.Theme, the android.content.res.Resources.Theme
provided here will override the android.content.res.Resources.Theme of the

theme : The theme to use when loading Drawables.
TimeOut (timeout As Int) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Sets the read and write timeout for the http requests used to load the image.
TR As Amir_GlideTransformation
a Fild To Get Amir_GlideTransformation
Transform (Transition As Amir_GlideTransformation) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Applies the given Transformation for any decoded resource of
the given type and throws if asked to transform an unknown resource type.

This will override previous calls to DontTransform().

Support Multi Transformation :)
UseAnimationPool (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
If set to true, uses a special java.util.concurrent.Executor that is used
exclusively for decoding frames of animated resources, like GIFs.

The animation executor disallows network operations and must not be used for loads that
may load remote data. The animation executor has fewer threads available to it than Glide's
normal executors and is only useful as a way of avoiding blocking on longer and more expensive
reads for critical requests like those in an animating GIF.

If both useUnlimitedSourceGeneratorsPool(boolean) and this method are set,
useUnlimitedSourceGeneratorsPool(boolean) will be preferred and this method will be
UseUnlimitedSourceGeneratorsPool (flag As Boolean) As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
If set to true, uses a cached unlimited java.util.concurrent.Executor to run
the request.

This method should ONLY be used when a Glide load is started recursively on one
of Glide's threads as part of another request. Using this method in other scenarios can lead
to excessive memory usage and OOMs and/or a significant decrease in performance across an

If both this method and useAnimationPool(boolean) are set, this method will be
preferred and useAnimationPool(boolean) will be ignored.


Some Transformations To Use In Request..
There is a List For Add Multi Transformation




  BlackAndWhiteFilter As Amir_GlideTransformation

  BlackAndWhiteFilter2 (value As Double) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Blur As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Blur2 (radius As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Blur3 (radius As Int, sampling As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Brightness (value As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  CenterCrop As Amir_GlideTransformation

  CenterInside As Amir_GlideTransformation

  CircleCrop As Amir_GlideTransformation

  ColorFilter (Color As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Contrast (value As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  CreateTransform (EventName As String, DiskCacheKey As String, Sender As Object) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Crop (width As Int, height As Int, CropTypes As String) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  FitCenter As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Flip (Type As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Grayscale As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Mask (maskId As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  MaskDrawable (drawable As As Amir_GlideTransformation

  MultiTransformationList As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransformation.Amir_GlideMultiTransformation

  OldPhoto As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Rotate (Angle As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  RoundedCorners (radius As Int, margin As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  RoundedCorners2 (radius As Int, margin As Int, CornerTypes As String) As Amir_GlideTransformation

  Tint (Color As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation

Members description:

BlackAndWhiteFilter As Amir_GlideTransformation
BlackAndWhiteFilter2 (value As Double) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Blur As Amir_GlideTransformation
Blur2 (radius As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Blur3 (radius As Int, sampling As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Brightness (value As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation
CenterCrop As Amir_GlideTransformation
CenterInside As Amir_GlideTransformation
CircleCrop As Amir_GlideTransformation
ColorFilter (Color As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
You Can Add A Layer Color With Tint
Contrast (value As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation
CreateTransform (EventName As String, DiskCacheKey As String, Sender As Object) As Amir_GlideTransformation
EventName_Transform (BitmapToTransform As Object,outWidth as int,outHeight As int) As Bitmap
Crop (width As Int, height As Int, CropTypes As String) As Amir_GlideTransformation
FitCenter As Amir_GlideTransformation
Flip (Type As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Grayscale As Amir_GlideTransformation
Mask (maskId As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Set a Mask drawable
Example :
Dim Xml As XmlLayoutBuilder
Dim Request As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Dim Trans As Amir_GlideTransformation
  Glide.Load("Link") _
MaskDrawable (drawable As As Amir_GlideTransformation
Set a Mask drawable
Example :
Dim drawable As BitmapDrawable
Dim Request As Amir_GlideRequestOptions
Dim Trans As Amir_GlideTransformation
  Glide.Load("Link") _
MultiTransformationList As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransformation.Amir_GlideMultiTransformation
OldPhoto As Amir_GlideTransformation
Rotate (Angle As Float) As Amir_GlideTransformation
RoundedCorners (radius As Int, margin As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
RoundedCorners2 (radius As Int, margin As Int, CornerTypes As String) As Amir_GlideTransformation
Tint (Color As Int) As Amir_GlideTransformation
You Can Change The All Of BitmapColor With ColorFilter


Implementation of TransitionOptions that exposes only generic methods that can be applied
to any resource type.




  Animator (EventName As String, Sender As Object) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim

  NoTransition As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim

  ViewAnimationId (viewAnimationId As Int) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim

  WithCrossFade As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim

  WithCrossFade2 (duration As Int) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim

Members description:

Animator (EventName As String, Sender As Object) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim
Returns a typed GenericTransitionOptions object that uses the given animator.
Don't Forgot To Add Event

Event :
EventName_onAnimate (View As Object)
NoTransition As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim
Removes any existing animation put on the builder.
ViewAnimationId (viewAnimationId As Int) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim
Returns a typed GenericTransitionOptions object that uses the given view animation.
WithCrossFade As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim
WithCrossFade2 (duration As Int) As ir.aghajari.retrofitglide.Amir_GlideTransitionOptions.Amir_TransitionOptionsAnim