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Written by Derez

List of types:



The library does not check for all possible errors in the
input parameters of the methods.
For the cases that a check is done and the parameter does not fit –
the method returns the value -999.
In several cases the algorithm for the inverse is trying
the forward method and the result may include a residual error.
If accuracy is important re-check the result by implementing
the forward method.
Some of the algorithms are taken from this site :




  Beta (m As Double, n As Double) As Double

  Binomial (k As Int, n As Int, p As Double) As Double()

  ChiSq (x As Double, n As Int) As Double()

  DblFactorial (n As Int) As Double

  Erlang (x As Double, k As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double()

  Exponential (x As Double, Lambda As Double) As Double()

  Factorial (k As Int) As Double

  FisherF (f As Double, n1 As Int, n2 As Int) As Double()

  Gamma (k As Double) As Double

  Geometric (k As Int, p As Double, Shifted As Int) As Double()

  InvBinomial (Pb As Double, n As Int, p As Double) As Int

  InvChiSq (Pc As Double, n As Int) As Double

  InvErlang (Px As Double, k As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double

  InvExponential (Px As Double, Lambda As Double) As Double

  InvFisherF (Pf As Double, n1 As Int, n2 As Int) As Double

  InvGeometric (Pg As Double, p As Double, Shifted As Int) As Int

  InvNormal (Pn As Double, Mean As Double, Variance As Double, Mode As String) As Double

  InvPoisson (Pp As Double, Lambda As Double) As Int

  InvRayleigh (Pr As Double, Scale As Double) As Double

  InvStdNormal (Pn As Double, Mode As String) As Double

  InvStudentT (Ps As Double, n As Int, Mode As String) As Double

  NChooseK (n As Int, k As Int) As Double

  Normal (Z As Double, Mean As Double, Variance As Double, Mode As String) As Double()

  Poisson (K As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double()

  Rayleigh (r As Double, Scale As Double) As Double()

  RNGNormal1 (Mean As Double, Variance As Double) As Double

  RNGNormal2 (Mean As Double, Variance As Double) As Double()

  RNGPoisson (Lambda As Double) As Int

  RNGRayleigh (Scale As Double) As Double

  RNGStdNormal1 As Double

  RNGStdNormal2 As Double()

  StdNormal (Z As Double, Mode As String) As Double()

  StudentT (x As Double, n As Int, Mode As String) As Double()

Members description:

Beta (m As Double, n As Double) As Double
May be used for integers or integers + 0.5 .
See here
Binomial (k As Int, n As Int, p As Double) As Double()
The Binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution
of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments,
each of which yields success with probability p.
Such a success/failure experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment
or Bernoulli trial.
The binomial distribution is the basis for the popular binomial test
of statistical significance.
It is frequently used to model number of successes in a sample
of size n from a population of size N.
Since the samples are not independent (this is sampling without replacement),
the resulting distribution is a hypergeometric distribution,
not a binomial one. However, for N much larger than n,
the binomial distribution is a good approximation, and widely used.
For further information see
The method returns an array of two Double variables, the first
is the Binomial probability for k out of n trials
with probability of p for each trial, and the second –
the Binomial Mass function for the number k.
ChiSq (x As Double, n As Int) As Double()
The Chi-Square distribution (also Chi-squared or χ²-distribution)
with k degrees of freedom is the distribution of a sum of the squares
of k independent standard normal random variables.
It is one of the most widely used probability distributions
in inferential statistics, e.g. in hypothesis testing,
or in construction of confidence intervals.
The best-known situations in which the Chi-square distribution
is used are the common Chi-square tests for goodness of fit
of an observed distribution to a theoretical one, and of the
independence of two criteria of classification of qualitative data.
Many other statistical tests also lead to a use of this distribution,
like Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks.
For further information see
Chi square distribution

This method returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the probability that the sum of n squares of
normal distributed variables (n Degrees Of Freedom) will be less than
x, and the second is the density function for x.

DblFactorial (n As Int) As Double
See here Double_factorial
Erlang (x As Double, k As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double()
The Erlang distribution is a continuous probability distribution
with wide applicability primarily due to its relation to the exponential and Gamma distributions.
The Erlang distribution was developed by A. K. Erlang to examine
the number of telephone calls which might be made at the same time
to the operators of the switching stations.
This work on telephone traffic engineering has been expanded to consider
waiting times in queueing systems in general.
The distribution is now used in the fields of stochastic processes
and of biomathematics.
The distribution is a continuous distribution, which has a positive value
for all real numbers greater than zero, and is given by two parameters:
the shape k, which is a non-negative integer,
and the rate λ, which is a non-negative real number.
The distribution is sometimes defined using the inverse of the rate parameter,
the scale μ.
For further information see
Erlang distribution
The method returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the Erlang probability for the number x
and the second is the Density F(x).
Exponential (x As Double, Lambda As Double) As Double()
The Exponential distributions (a.k.a. negative exponential distributions)
are a class of continuous probability distributions.
They describe the times between events in a Poisson process,
i.e. a process in which events occur continuously and independently
at a constant average rate.
For further information look here:
Exponential distribution
The method returns an array of two Double variables, the first is
the Exponential probability for the number x with the parameter
Lambda and the second is the Density function.
Factorial (k As Int) As Double
FisherF (f As Double, n1 As Int, n2 As Int) As Double()
The F-distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
It is also known as Snedecor's F distribution or the Fisher-Snedecor distribution
(after R.A. Fisher and George W. Snedecor).
The F-distribution arises frequently as the null distribution
of a test statistic, especially in likelihood-ratio tests,
perhaps most notably in the analysis of variance.
It provides the probability for the ratio of two Chi-squared variables,
each with its DOF.
The probability is for variables larger than the defined X
(mode "R").
To have the left part use 1-Pf in the application.
For further information see
F distribution
Returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the Fisher F probability for n1 and n2 Degrees Of Freedom
for the number f and the second is the Density function.
Gamma (k As Double) As Double
May be used for integers or integers + 0.5 .
See here
Geometric (k As Int, p As Double, Shifted As Int) As Double()
The Geometric distribution is either of two discrete probability
1. The probability distribution of the number X of Bernoulli trials
needed to get one success, supported on the set { 1, 2, 3, ...}
2. The probability distribution of the number Y = X − 1 of
failures before the first success, supported on the set { 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }
Which of these one calls "the" geometric distribution is a matter of convention
and convenience.
These two different geometric distributions should not be confused with each other.
Often, the name shifted geometric distribution is adopted for the first one
(distribution of the number X); however, to avoid ambiguity,
it is considered wise to indicate which is intended, by mentioning the range explicitly.
The library use the parameter Shifted as explained above,
with values 0 for not shifted (var. Y) and 1 for shifted, var X .
For further information see
The method returns an array of two Double variables, the first
is the Geometric probability for k trials with probability of p
for each trial, and the second the Geometric Mass function for the number k.
InvBinomial (Pb As Double, n As Int, p As Double) As Int
Returns the number for which the Binomial Probability,
with n trials and trial’s probability p, is Pb.
InvChiSq (Pc As Double, n As Int) As Double
Returns the sum of n squares of normal distributed variables
(n Degrees Of Freedom) of which probability is Pc.
InvErlang (Px As Double, k As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double
Returns the number for which the Erlang probability is Px.
InvExponential (Px As Double, Lambda As Double) As Double
Returns the variable x for which the Exponential probability is Px.
InvFisherF (Pf As Double, n1 As Int, n2 As Int) As Double
Returns the number for which the Fisher F probability is Pf.
InvGeometric (Pg As Double, p As Double, Shifted As Int) As Int
Returns the number for which the Geometric probability,
with trial’s probability p, is Pg.
InvNormal (Pn As Double, Mean As Double, Variance As Double, Mode As String) As Double
Returns a Double variable Z for which the Normal Probability is P(z).
InvPoisson (Pp As Double, Lambda As Double) As Int
Returns an integer for which the Poisson Probability with
Lambda is Pp.
InvRayleigh (Pr As Double, Scale As Double) As Double
Returns the number for which the Rayleigh probability is Pr.
InvStdNormal (Pn As Double, Mode As String) As Double
Returns a Double variable Z for which the Standard Normal Probability is P(z).
InvStudentT (Ps As Double, n As Int, Mode As String) As Double
Returns the number for which the Probability is Ps,
according to the DOF and the selected Mode.
NChooseK (n As Int, k As Int) As Double
This methods is a mathematical function which calculates and
returns the number of different possibilities to choose
a group of k out of a group of n.
The formula is n! / (k! * (n-k)! ).
See here
Normal (Z As Double, Mean As Double, Variance As Double, Mode As String) As Double()
The normal distribution, or Gaussian distribution,
is an absolutely continuous probability distribution.
The graph of the associated probability density function is
"bell"-shaped, with peak at the mean, and is known as the
Gaussian function or bell curve.
The parameters μ and σ² are the mean and the variance.
The distribution with μ = 0 and σ² = 1 is called standard normal.
For further information see
Normal distribution
The library enables four types of results for the distribution,
named Modes:
1. The probability that the random variable is less than z,
defined as Left, "L".
2. The probability that the random variable is larger than z,
defined as Right, "R".
3. The probability that the random variable is between –z and z,
defined as Center, "C".
4. The probability that the random variable is less than –z
or Larger than z, defined as Tails, "L".
The method returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the Normal Probability P(z) and the second is the Density F(z).
Poisson (K As Int, Lambda As Double) As Double()
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution
that expresses the probability of a number of events occurring
in a fixed period of time if these events occur with a known average rate
and independently of the time since the last event.
(The Poisson distribution can also be used for the number of events
in other specified intervals such as distance, area or volume.)
For further information see
Poisson distribution
The method returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the Poisson Probability Pp(k) and
the second is the value of the Poisson Mass function for k.
Lambda is the time interval.
Rayleigh (r As Double, Scale As Double) As Double()
The Rayleigh distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
As an example of how it arises, the wind speed will have a Rayleigh distribution
if the components of the two-dimensional wind velocity vector are uncorrelated
and normally distributed with equal variance.
The distribution is named after Lord Rayleigh.
The distribution is a family of distributions, different by the Scale factor.
For further information see
The method returns an array of two Double variables,
the first is the Rayleigh probability for the number r and
the second is the Density F(r).
RNGNormal1 (Mean As Double, Variance As Double) As Double
Returns a random number based on Normal Distribution.
RNGNormal2 (Mean As Double, Variance As Double) As Double()
Returns an array of two random numbers based on Normal Distribution.
RNGPoisson (Lambda As Double) As Int
Returns a random number based on Poisson distribution with Lambda.
RNGRayleigh (Scale As Double) As Double
Provides a random number with Rayleigh Distribution characteristics.
RNGStdNormal1 As Double
Returns a random number based on Standard Normal Distribution.
RNGStdNormal2 As Double()
Returns an array of two random numbers based on Standard Normal Distribution.
StdNormal (Z As Double, Mode As String) As Double()
StudentT (x As Double, n As Int, Mode As String) As Double()
Student's t-distribution (or simply the t-distribution)
is a continuous probability distribution that arises in
the problem of estimating the mean of a normally distributed
population when the sample size is small.
It is the basis of the popular Student's t-tests for the
statistical significance of the difference between two sample
means, and for confidence intervals for the difference between
two population means.
For further information see
t distribution
The library enable four types of results for the distribution, named Modes:
1. The probability that the random variable is less than z,
defined as Left, "L".
2. The probability that the random variable is larger than z,
defined as Right, "R".
3. The probability that the random variable is between –z and z,
defined as Center, "C".
4. The probability that the random variable is less than –z or
Larger than z, defined as Tails, "T".
The method returns an array of two Number variables,
the first is the Student t probability for n Degrees Of Freedom
for the number x with the selected Mode,
and the second is the density function for x.