Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:



This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




  AddView (View As android.view.View, Width As Int, Height As Int)

  Response As Int [read only]

  Show (Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int

  Version As Double [read only]

Members description:

AddView (View As android.view.View, Width As Int, Height As Int)
Adds the custom layout view, most probably a Panel, to the custom dialog.
Although named AddView to match Basic4androd syntax only one view can be added.
Adding a view replaces any existing view previously added to the dialog.
Response As Int [read only]
Returns the response code that the dialog returned when it last closed.
Show (Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int
Shows a modal custom dialog with the specified title.
Title - The dialog title.
Positive - The text to show for the "positive" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Cancel - The text to show for the "cancel" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Negative - The text to show for the "negative" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Icon - A bitmap that will be drawn near the title. Pass Null if you don't want to show an icon.
Returns one of the DialogResponse values.
Version As Double [read only]
Returns the version of the library.


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




  Show (Message As CharSequence, Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int

  Version As Double [read only]

Members description:

Show (Message As CharSequence, Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int
Shows a modal MessageBox dialog with the specified message and title.
Message - The dialog message.
Title - The dialog title.
Positive - The text to show for the "positive" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Cancel - The text to show for the "cancel" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Negative - The text to show for the "negative" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Icon - A bitmap that will be drawn near the title. Pass Null if you don't want to show an icon.
Returns one of the DialogResponse values.
Version As Double [read only]
Returns the version of the library.


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




  Show (Message As CharSequence, Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int

  Version As Double [read only]

Members description:

Show (Message As CharSequence, Title As CharSequence, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String, Icon As As Int
Shows a modal MessageBox dialog with the specified message and title.
The background is NOT dimmed when the MessageBox is shown.
Message - The dialog message.
Title - The dialog title.
Positive - The text to show for the "positive" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Cancel - The text to show for the "cancel" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Negative - The text to show for the "negative" button. Pass "" if you don't want to show the button.
Icon - A bitmap that will be drawn near the title. Pass Null if you don't want to show an icon.
Returns one of the DialogResponse values.
Version As Double [read only]
Returns the version of the library.


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




Members description:
