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Written by ArminKH

List of types:






  Ellipsize (TargetView As Object, EllipSizeMode As String, MarqueeRepeatLimit As Int) As String

  Initialize As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  MultiLineFitText (TargetView As Object, CanBeLarger As Boolean) As String

  MultiLineLimited (TargetView As Object, MaximumLineCount As Int) As String

  SetLineCount (TargetView As Object, MaximumLinesCount As Int, EllipsizeModeIfNeeded As String, MarqueeRepeatLimitIfNeeded As Int) As String

  SetLineSpace (TargetView As Object, Multiplier As Float) As String

  SingleLineAutoScale (TargetView As Object, Width As Int, TextSize As Int) As String

  SingleLineFitText (TargetView As Object, CanBeLarger As Boolean) As String

Members description:

Ellipsize (TargetView As Object, EllipSizeMode As String, MarqueeRepeatLimit As Int) As String
EllipSizeMode : Cut your text with choosen mode
Can Be "Start" or "Middle" or "End" or "Marquee"
MarqueeRepeatLimit:If you choose "Marquee" mode then you can choose marquee repeat count too
set -1 for repeat indefinitely or for stop marquee
Dim SmartString1 as SmartString

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.Ellipsize(TextView , "END" , 0)
Initialize As String
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
MultiLineFitText (TargetView As Object, CanBeLarger As Boolean) As String
Fit your text in view as long as the height of text is NOT greater than height of the view
CanBeLarger: if this option be false then your text will be fitted just if your text height is more than height of the view

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.MultiLineFitText(TextView , True)
MultiLineLimited (TargetView As Object, MaximumLineCount As Int) As String
Text size will be increased or decreased as long as the height of text is NOT greater than height of the view)
MaximumLineCount: line count can't be more than given maximum line count

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.MultiLineLimited(TextView , 3)
SetLineCount (TargetView As Object, MaximumLinesCount As Int, EllipsizeModeIfNeeded As String, MarqueeRepeatLimitIfNeeded As Int) As String
LineCount: Cut your string if be larger than given number of line
EllipsizeModeIfNeeded : ellipsize your text if be larger than maximum size
MarqueeRepeatLimitIfNeeded: If you choose marquee mode for ellipsize then you can limit marquee repeat count too

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.SetLineCount(TextView , 2 , "END" , 0)
SetLineSpace (TargetView As Object, Multiplier As Float) As String
Set spaces between lines

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.SetLineSpace(TextView ,0.75)
SingleLineAutoScale (TargetView As Object, Width As Int, TextSize As Int) As String
Scale the text size of target view based on new width of view
The text will be always one line and the aspect ratio will be preserved
Text size will be increased as long as the height of text is NOT greater than the height of view
Width : The width of a view before any changes in its dimensions
TextSize : The text size of a view before any changes in its dimensions

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.SingleLineAutoScale(TextView , 100dip , 12)
SingleLineFitText (TargetView As Object, CanBeLarger As Boolean) As String
Fit your text in view as long as the height of text is NOT greater than height of the view
The text will be always one line
CanBeLarger : if this option be false then your text will be fitted just if your text is more than 1 line

Example :
Dim T8TextSize1 as T8TextSize
T8TextSize1.SingleLineFitText(TextView , True)
