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Created by b4j on 12/15/14.
Copyright (c) 2014 Anywhere Software. All rights reserved.


ZipDone (Success As Boolean)
UnzipDone (Success As Boolean)


  AsyncUnzip (InArchiveFolder As String, InArchiveName As String, OutDir As String, Password As String, EventName As String)

  AsyncZipFolder (InDir As String, OutArchiveFolder As String, OutArchiveName As String, EventName As String)

  Unzip (InArchiveFolder As String, InArchiveName As String, OutDir As String, Password As String)

  ZipFolder (InDir As String, OutArchiveFolder As String, OutArchiveName As String)

Members description:

AsyncUnzip (InArchiveFolder As String, InArchiveName As String, OutDir As String, Password As String, EventName As String)
Asynchronously unzips the folder. The UnzipDone event will be raised when the operation completes.
AsyncZipFolder (InDir As String, OutArchiveFolder As String, OutArchiveName As String, EventName As String)
Asynchronously zips the folder. The ZipDone event will be raised when the operation completes.
Unzip (InArchiveFolder As String, InArchiveName As String, OutDir As String, Password As String)
Unzips the given zip file.
InAcrhiveFolder, InArchiveName - Zip file path.
OutDir - Destination folder.
Password - Zip file password. Pass "" if no password is required.
ZipFolder (InDir As String, OutArchiveFolder As String, OutArchiveName As String)
Zips the given folder (including subfolders).
InDir - Folder to compress.
OutArchiveFolder, OutArchiveName - New zip file path.