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List of types:






  Decrypt (Data() As Byte, Password As String) As Byte()

  Decrypt2 (Data() As Byte, Key() As Byte, Algorithm As String, IV() As Byte, Options As Int) As Byte()

  Encrypt (Data() As Byte, Password As String) As Byte()

  Encrypt2 (Data() As Byte, Key() As Byte, Algorithm As String, IV() As Byte, Options As Int) As Byte()

  GenerateKey (Password() As Byte, Algorithm As String, Salt() As Byte, Rounds As Int) As Byte()

  OPTION_ECBMode As Int [read only]

  OPTION_PKCS7Padding As Int [read only]

Members description:

Decrypt (Data() As Byte, Password As String) As Byte()
Decrypts the data that was previously created with the Encrypt method.
Encrypt and Decrypt methods are compatible with B4J/B4A B4XCipher methods.
Decrypt2 (Data() As Byte, Key() As Byte, Algorithm As String, IV() As Byte, Options As Int) As Byte()
Decrypts the given data and returns an array of bytes with the decrypted data.
Data - Data to decrypt.
Key - Cipher key.
Algorithm - One of the following values: AES, DES, 3DES or BLOWFISH.
IV - Initialization vector for block algorithms. Pass Null if not required.
Options - Zero or more OPTION constants combined with Bit.Or.
Encrypt (Data() As Byte, Password As String) As Byte()
Encrypts the given data with AES algorithm.
A random salt and initialization vector are created and stored together with the encrypted data (public data).
Encrypt and Decrypt methods are compatible with B4J/B4A B4XCipher methods.
Encrypt2 (Data() As Byte, Key() As Byte, Algorithm As String, IV() As Byte, Options As Int) As Byte()
Encrypts the given data and returns an array of bytes with the encrypted data.
Data - Data to encrypt.
Key - Cipher key.
Algorithm - One of the following values: AES, DES, 3DES or BLOWFISH.
IV - Initialization vector for block algorithms. Pass Null if not required.
Options - Zero or more OPTION constants combined with Bit.Or.
GenerateKey (Password() As Byte, Algorithm As String, Salt() As Byte, Rounds As Int) As Byte()
Generates a key from the password.
Password - The key is derived from this password.
Algorithm - One of the following values: SHA-1, SHA-22, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512.
Salt - The key salt.
Rounds - Number of rounds that the algorithm will be applied.
OPTION_ECBMode As Int [read only]
Electronic cook book mode. Default mode is CBC.
OPTION_PKCS7Padding As Int [read only]





  GetMessageDigest (Data() As Byte, Algorithm As String) As Byte()

Members description:

GetMessageDigest (Data() As Byte, Algorithm As String) As Byte()
Calculates the message digest (hash or checksum) of the given data.
Algorithm - One of the following values: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512.





  GetRandomBytes (Buffer() As Byte)

Members description:

GetRandomBytes (Buffer() As Byte)
Fills the array with cryptographically secure random bytes.