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Written by Massimo Mascalchi

List of types:



conversion functions




  Asc (xCharacter As String) As Int

  BinaryStringADJ (xBinary As String) As String

  BinaryToHex (xBinary As String) As String

  BinaryToInteger (xBinary As String) As Int

  BinaryToLong (xBinary As String) As Long

  CBool (xExpression As Object) As Boolean

  CByte (xExpression As Object) As Byte

  CChar (xExpression As Object) As Char

  CDate (xDate As Object, xDateFormat As String) As java.util.Date

  CDbl (xValue As Object) As Double

  Chr (xNumber As Int) As String

  CInt (xValue As Object) As Int

  CLng (xValue As Object) As Long

  CStr (xValue As Object) As String

  DegreesToRadians (xDegrees As Double) As Double

  HexToBinary (xHexValue As String) As String

  HexToInteger (xHexValue As String) As Int

  HexToLong (xHexValue As String) As Long

  Int (xExpression As Object) As Int

  IntegerToHex (xValue As Int) As String

  LongToHex (xValue As Long) As String

  RadiansToDegrees (xRadians As Double) As Double

  Val (xExpression As Object) As Object

Members description:

Asc (xCharacter As String) As Int
returns a numeric code (ASCII) equivalent to the character specified
xCharacter: the character
Return type: @return:the equivalent numeric code
BinaryStringADJ (xBinary As String) As String
binary string adjustment (normalized format)
xBinary: the binary string to be adjusted
Return type: @return:the binary string normalized
BinaryToHex (xBinary As String) As String
converts an binary string to a hex string
xBinary: the binary string to be converted
Return type: @return:the hex string
BinaryToInteger (xBinary As String) As Int
converts an binary string to a integer
xBinary: the binary string to be converted
Return type: @return:the integer value
BinaryToLong (xBinary As String) As Long
converts an binary string to a long
xBinary: the binary string to be converted
Return type: @return:the long value
CBool (xExpression As Object) As Boolean
returns an expression converted to a boolean
xExpression: the expression to be converted
Return type: @return:the expression converted to a boolean
CByte (xExpression As Object) As Byte
returns an expression converted to a byte
xExpression: the expression to be converted
Return type: @return:the expression converted to a byte
CChar (xExpression As Object) As Char
returns an expression converted to a char
xExpression: the expression to be converted
Return type: @return:the expression converted to a char
CDate (xDate As Object, xDateFormat As String) As java.util.Date
returns an expression converted to a date in the format determined
xDate: the expression that contains the date
xDateFormat: the date format (if Null or = "" the default is "dd/MM/yyyy")
Return type: @return:the date
CDbl (xValue As Object) As Double
returns a value converted to a double
xValue: the value to be converted
Return type: @return:the value converted to a double
Chr (xNumber As Int) As String
returns a character equivalent to the numeric code specified (ASCII)
xNumber: the numeric code
Return type: @return:the equivalent character
CInt (xValue As Object) As Int
returns a value converted to a integer
xValue: the value to be converted
Return type: @return:the value converted to a integer
CLng (xValue As Object) As Long
returns a value converted to a long
xValue: the value to be converted
Return type: @return:the value converted to a long
CStr (xValue As Object) As String
returns a value converted to a string
xValue: the value to be converted
Return type: @return:the value converted to a string
DegreesToRadians (xDegrees As Double) As Double
returns the value in radians from degrees
HexToBinary (xHexValue As String) As String
converts an hex string to a binary string
xHexValue: the hex string to be converted
Return type: @return:the binary string
HexToInteger (xHexValue As String) As Int
converts an hex string to a integer value
xHexValue: the hex string to be converted
Return type: @return:the integer value
HexToLong (xHexValue As String) As Long
converts an hex string to a long value
xHexValue: the hex string to be converted
Return type: @return:the long value
Int (xExpression As Object) As Int
returns an expression converted to a integer
xExpression: the expression to be converted
Return type: @return:the expression converted to a integer
IntegerToHex (xValue As Int) As String
converts an integer value to a hex string
xValue: the number to be converted
Return type: @return:the hex string
LongToHex (xValue As Long) As String
converts an long value to a hex string
xValue: the number to be converted
Return type: @return:the hex string
RadiansToDegrees (xRadians As Double) As Double
returns the value in degrees from radians
Val (xExpression As Object) As Object
returns a numeric value
xExpression: a numeric expression
Return type: @return:the numeric value


date functions




  AddDaysToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xDays As Int) As java.util.Date

  AddEasterDayInHolidays (xYear As Int, xAddEasterMonday As Boolean) As Boolean

  AddMonthsToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xMonths As Int) As java.util.Date

  AddYearsToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xYears As Int) As java.util.Date

  Age (xBirthDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  CountHolidaysFromDates (xStartDate As java.util.Date, xEndDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  CountWeekdayInMonth (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  CountWorkdaysFromDates (xStartDate As java.util.Date, xEndDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As Int

  DateDiff (xDate1 As java.util.Date, xDate2 As java.util.Date, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long

  DateFromYMD (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As java.util.Date

  DateFromYMDHMS (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int, hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int) As java.util.Date

  DatestringToDate (xDateString As String) As java.util.Date

  DateToDatestring (xDate As java.util.Date) As String

  Day (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  DaysInMonth (xYear As Int, xMonth As Int) As Int

  EasterDate (xYear As Int) As java.util.Date

  FindDateNextWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  FindDatePreviousWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  FirstDateOfCurrentWeek As java.util.Date

  FirstDateOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  FirstDateOfQuarter (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  FirstDateOfWeek (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  FirstDateOfYearWeek (xWeek As Int, xYear As Int) As java.util.Date

  FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  FirstWorkdayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date

  GetDateFormat As String

  GetFirstWeekday As Int

  GetHolidays As String()

  InsertNewHolidayInMemory (xMonth As Int, xDay As Int) As Boolean

  IsDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean

  IsDatestring (xDatestring As String) As Boolean

  IsHoliday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean

  IsWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean

  LastDateOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  LastDateOfQuarter (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  LastDateOfWeek (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  LastDayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  LastWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  LastWorkdayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date

  LoadHolidaysFromFile (xFileName As String) As Boolean

  Month (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  MonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextAnniversary (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  NextDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  NextDay (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  NextMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  NextMonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  NextWeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextWorkday (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date

  NextWorkdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  NextYear (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  Now As java.util.Date

  NthWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date, xNth As Int, xWeekday As Int, xMode As Boolean) As java.util.Date

  PreviousDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date

  PreviousDay (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  PreviousMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  PreviousMonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  PreviousWeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousWorkday (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date

  PreviousWorkdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousYear (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  SetDateFormat (xDateFormat As String)

  SetFirstWeekday (xWeekday As Int)

  SkipDateIfHolidays (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date

  SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date

  SkipDateIfWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date

  Weekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

  WeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  Year (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int

Members description:

AddDaysToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xDays As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date on which have added days
xDate: the date to which should be added the days
xDays: the number of days to add to the date
AddEasterDayInHolidays (xYear As Int, xAddEasterMonday As Boolean) As Boolean
inserts easter days in holidays

returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
AddMonthsToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xMonths As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date on which have added months
xDate: the date to which should be added the months
xMonths: the number of months to add to the date
AddYearsToDate (xDate As java.util.Date, xYears As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date on which have added years
xDate: the date to which should be added the years
xYears: the number of years to add to the date
Age (xBirthDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the age (years) from the birthdate
CountHolidaysFromDates (xStartDate As java.util.Date, xEndDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the number of holidays between two dates
xStartDate: the start date
xEndDate: the end date
CountWeekdayInMonth (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the number of times the weekday of the month
xWeekday: 1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday
xDate: an date of the month
CountWorkdaysFromDates (xStartDate As java.util.Date, xEndDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As Int
returns the number of working days between two dates
xStartDate: the start date
xEndDate: the end date
xMode: 0 = normal, 1 = keep holidays, 2 = keep weekends, 3 = keep holidays and weekends
DateDiff (xDate1 As java.util.Date, xDate2 As java.util.Date, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two dates
xDate1: the date 1
xDate2: the date 2
xInterval: "y" = years, "m" = months, "d" days, "h" = hours, "n" = minutes, "s" = seconds, "!" = milliseconds
xAbsoluteValue: 'true' = absolute value, 'false' = none
DateFromYMD (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date corresponding to the settings of the year, month and day
DateFromYMDHMS (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int, hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date corresponding to the settings of the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
DatestringToDate (xDateString As String) As java.util.Date
converts a datestring to a date
xDateString: the datestring to be converted
Return type: @return:the date, 'Null' is date not valid or error
DateToDatestring (xDate As java.util.Date) As String
converts a date to a datestring
xDate: the date to be converted
Return type: @return:the string, 'Null' is date not valid or error
Day (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the day of the month
DaysInMonth (xYear As Int, xMonth As Int) As Int
returns the days number of the month
EasterDate (xYear As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the easter date
FindDateNextWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date found of the next weekday
xWeekday: the day of week (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xDate: the date from which to search
FindDatePreviousWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date found of the previous weekday
xWeekday: the day of week (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xDate: the date from which to search
FirstDateOfCurrentWeek As java.util.Date
returns the date of the first day of the current week
FirstDateOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the first day of the month
FirstDateOfQuarter (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date corresponding to the first day of a quarter
FirstDateOfWeek (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the first day of the week
FirstDateOfYearWeek (xWeek As Int, xYear As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date on the first day of the 'n' year week (0-51)
FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the first workday of the month
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
FirstWorkdayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the first workday of the month
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
GetDateFormat As String
returns the date format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy")
GetFirstWeekday As Int
returns the first weekday (1 = sunday *default*, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
GetHolidays As String()
returns an string array containing all holidays allocated in memory (item format = "MMDD")
InsertNewHolidayInMemory (xMonth As Int, xDay As Int) As Boolean
inserts a new holiday in memory (item format = "MMDD")

WARNING: not historicizes in external file

returns [true] if the insert was successful, otherwise [false]
IsDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean
returns [true] if the date is valid, otherwise [false]
xDate: the date to be checked
IsDatestring (xDatestring As String) As Boolean
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
xDateString: the datestring to be checked
IsHoliday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean
returns [true] if the date is a holiday, otherwise [false]
IsWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date) As Boolean
returns [true] if the date is a weekend, otherwise it returns [false]
LastDateOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the last day of the month
LastDateOfQuarter (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date corresponding to the last day of a quarter
LastDateOfWeek (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date corresponding to the last day of the week
LastDayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the last day of the month
LastWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the last workday of the month
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
LastWorkdayOfMonth (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the last workday of the month
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
LoadHolidaysFromFile (xFileName As String) As Boolean
loads the text file that contains the holidays, each line of text is a single holiday (use "MMDD" format)

returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
Month (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the month of the date
MonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the month name of the date
NextAnniversary (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the next anniversary
NextDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the next date (24 hours later), 'Null' is date not valid or error
NextDay (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the next day
NextMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the next month
NextMonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the next month name
NextWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the next weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
NextWeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the next weekday
NextWorkday (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the next workday
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
NextWorkdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the next workday
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
NextYear (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the next year
Now As java.util.Date
returns the current date
NthWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date, xNth As Int, xWeekday As Int, xMode As Boolean) As java.util.Date
returns the date subsequent to the weekday setted for the number of recurrences specified
xDate: the start date
xNth: the number of recurrences
xWeekday: the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xMode: [false] = starts from the day specified in the date, [true] = starts from the first day of the month shown in the date
PreviousDate (xDate As java.util.Date) As java.util.Date
returns the previous date (24 hours before), 'Null' is date not valid or error
PreviousDay (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the previous day
PreviousMonth (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the previous month
PreviousMonthName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the previous month name
PreviousWeekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the previous weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
PreviousWeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the previous weekday
PreviousWorkday (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int) As java.util.Date
returns the date of the previous workday
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
PreviousWorkdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the previous workday
xDate: the start date
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
PreviousYear (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the previous year
SetDateFormat (xDateFormat As String)
sets the date format
xDateFormat: the date format
SetFirstWeekday (xWeekday As Int)
sets the first weekday
xWeekday: the weekday (1 = sunday , 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
SkipDateIfHolidays (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date
returns the first date after the holidays
SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date
returns the first date after the holidays and/or weekend
SkipDateIfWeekend (xDate As java.util.Date, xForward As Boolean) As java.util.Date
returns the first date after the weekend
Weekday (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
WeekdayName (xDate As java.util.Date, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the weekday
Year (xDate As java.util.Date) As Int
returns the year


datestring functions




  AddDaysToDate (xDatestring As String, xDays As Int) As String

  AddEasterDayInHolidays (xYear As Int, xAddEasterMonday As Boolean) As Boolean

  AddMonthsToDate (xDatestring As String, xMonths As Int) As String

  AddYearsToDate (xDatestring As String, xYears As Int) As String

  Age (xBirthDatestring As String) As Int

  CountHolidaysFromDates (xStartDatestring As String, xEndDatestring As String) As Int

  CountWeekdayInMonth (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As Int

  CountWorkdaysFromDates (xStartDatestring As String, xEndDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As Int

  DateDiff (xDatestring1 As String, xDatestring2 As String, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long

  DateFromYMD (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As String

  DateFromYMDHMS (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int, hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int) As String

  DatestringToDate (xDateString As String) As java.util.Date

  DateToDatestring (xDate As java.util.Date) As String

  Day (xDatestring As String) As Int

  DaysInMonth (xYear As Int, xMonth As Int) As Int

  EasterDate (xYear As Int) As String

  FindDateNextWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As String

  FindDatePreviousWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As String

  FirstDategOfWeek (xDatestring As String) As String

  FirstDateOfCurrentWeek As String

  FirstDateOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As String

  FirstDateOfQuarter (xDatestring As String) As String

  FirstDateOfYearWeek (xWeek As Int, xYear As Int) As String

  FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  FirstWorkdayOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String

  GetDateFormat As String

  GetFirstWeekday As Int

  GetHolidays As String()

  InsertNewHolidayInMemory (xMonth As Int, xDay As Int) As Boolean

  IsDate (xDatestring As String) As Boolean

  IsDatestring (xDatestring As String) As Boolean

  IsHoliday (xDatestring As String) As Boolean

  IsWeekend (xDatestring As String) As Boolean

  LastDateOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As String

  LastDateOfQuarter (xDatestring As String) As String

  LastDateOfWeek (xDatestring As String) As String

  LastDayOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int

  LastWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  LastWorkdayOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String

  LoadHolidaysFromFile (xFileName As String) As Boolean

  Month (xDatestring As String) As Int

  MonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextAnniversary (xDatestring As String) As String

  NextDate (xDatestring As String) As String

  NextDay (xDatestring As String) As Int

  NextMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int

  NextMonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextWeekday (xDatestring As String) As Int

  NextWeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  NextWorkday (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String

  NextWorkdayName (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  NextYear (xDatestring As String) As Int

  Now As String

  NthWeekday (xDatestring As String, xNth As Int, xWeekday As Int, xMode As Boolean) As String

  PreviousDate (xDatestring As String) As String

  PreviousDay (xDatestring As String) As Int

  PreviousMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int

  PreviousMonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousWeekday (xDatestring As String) As Int

  PreviousWeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousWorkday (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String

  PreviousWorkdayName (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String

  PreviousYear (xDatestring As String) As Int

  SetDateFormat (xDateFormat As String)

  SetFirstWeekday (xWeekday As Int)

  SkipDateIfHolidays (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String

  SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String

  SkipDateIfWeekend (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String

  Weekday (xDatestring As String) As Int

  WeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String

  Year (xDatestring As String) As Int

Members description:

AddDaysToDate (xDatestring As String, xDays As Int) As String
returns the datestring on which have added days
xDatestring: the datestring to which should be added the days
xDays: the number of days to add to the datestring
AddEasterDayInHolidays (xYear As Int, xAddEasterMonday As Boolean) As Boolean
inserts easter days in holidays

returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
AddMonthsToDate (xDatestring As String, xMonths As Int) As String
returns the datestring on which have added months
xDatestring: the datestring to which should be added the months
xMonths: the number of months to add to the datestring
AddYearsToDate (xDatestring As String, xYears As Int) As String
returns the datestring on which have added years
xDatestring: the datestring to which should be added the years
xYears: the number of years to add to the datestring
Age (xBirthDatestring As String) As Int
returns the age (years) from the birthdate
CountHolidaysFromDates (xStartDatestring As String, xEndDatestring As String) As Int
returns the number of holidays between two datestring
xStartDatestring: the start datestring
xEndDatestring: the end datestring
CountWeekdayInMonth (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the number of times the weekday of the month
xWeekday: 1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday
xDatestring: an datestring of the month
CountWorkdaysFromDates (xStartDatestring As String, xEndDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As Int
returns the number of working days between two datestring
xStartDatestring: the start datestring
xEndDatestring: the end datestring
xMode: 0 = normal, 1 = keep holidays, 2 = keep weekends, 3 = keep holidays and weekends
DateDiff (xDatestring1 As String, xDatestring2 As String, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two datestring
xDatestring1: the datestring 1
xDatestring2: the datestring 2
xInterval: "y" = years, "m" = months, "d" days, "h" = hours, "n" = minutes, "s" = seconds, "!" = milliseconds
xAbsoluteValue: 'true' = absolute value, 'false' = none
DateFromYMD (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As String
returns the datestring corresponding to the settings of the year, month and day
DateFromYMDHMS (year As Int, month As Int, day As Int, hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int) As String
returns the datestring corresponding to the settings of the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
DatestringToDate (xDateString As String) As java.util.Date
converts a datestring to a date
xDateString: the datestring to be converted
Return type: @return:the date, 'Null' is datestring not valid or error
DateToDatestring (xDate As java.util.Date) As String
converts a date to a datestring
xDate: the date to be converted
Return type: @return:the datestring, 'Null' is date not valid or error
Day (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the day of the month
DaysInMonth (xYear As Int, xMonth As Int) As Int
returns the days number of the month
EasterDate (xYear As Int) As String
returns the easter datestring
FindDateNextWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring found of the next weekday
xWeekday: the day of week (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xDatestring: the datestring from which to search
FindDatePreviousWeekday (xWeekday As Int, xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring found of the previous weekday
xWeekday: the day of week (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xDatestring: the datestring from which to search
FirstDategOfWeek (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring of the first day of the week
FirstDateOfCurrentWeek As String
returns the datestring of the first day of the current week
FirstDateOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring of the first day of the month
FirstDateOfQuarter (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring corresponding to the first day of a quarter
FirstDateOfYearWeek (xWeek As Int, xYear As Int) As String
returns the datestring on the first day of the 'n' year week (0-51)
FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the first workday of the month
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
FirstWorkdayOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String
returns the datestring of the first workday of the month
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
GetDateFormat As String
returns the datestring format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy")
GetFirstWeekday As Int
returns the first weekday (1 = sunday *default*, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
GetHolidays As String()
returns an string array containing all holidays allocated in memory
InsertNewHolidayInMemory (xMonth As Int, xDay As Int) As Boolean
inserts a new holiday in memory (RAM)

WARNING: not historicizes in external file

returns [true] if the insert was successful, otherwise [false]
IsDate (xDatestring As String) As Boolean
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
xDatestring: the datestring to be checked
IsDatestring (xDatestring As String) As Boolean
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
xDateString: the datestring to be checked
IsHoliday (xDatestring As String) As Boolean
returns [true] if the datestring is a holiday, otherwise [false]
IsWeekend (xDatestring As String) As Boolean
returns [true] if the datestring is a weekend, otherwise it returns [false]
LastDateOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring of the last day of the month
LastDateOfQuarter (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring corresponding to the last day of a quarter
LastDateOfWeek (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring corresponding to the last day of the week
LastDayOfMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the last day of the month
LastWorkdayNameOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the last workday of the month
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
LastWorkdayOfMonth (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String
returns the datestring of the last workday of the month
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
LoadHolidaysFromFile (xFileName As String) As Boolean
loads the text file that contains the holidays, each line of text is a single holiday (use "MMDD" format)

returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
Month (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the month
MonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the month name
NextAnniversary (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the datestring of the next anniversary
NextDate (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the next datestring (24 hours later), 'Null' is datestring not valid or error
NextDay (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the day next
NextMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the next month
NextMonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the next month name
NextWeekday (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the next weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
NextWeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the next weekday
NextWorkday (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String
returns the datestring of the next workday
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
NextWorkdayName (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the next workday
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
NextYear (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the next year
Now As String
returns the current date
NthWeekday (xDatestring As String, xNth As Int, xWeekday As Int, xMode As Boolean) As String
returns the datestring subsequent to the weekday setted for the number of recurrences specified
xDatestring: the start datestring
xNth: the number of recurrences
xWeekday: the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
xMode: [false] = starts from the day specified in the datestring, [true] = starts from the first day of the month shown in the datestring
PreviousDate (xDatestring As String) As String
returns the previous datestring (24 hours before), 'Null' is datestring not valid or error
PreviousDay (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the previous day
PreviousMonth (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the previous month
PreviousMonthName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the previous month name
PreviousWeekday (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the previous weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
PreviousWeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the previous weekday
PreviousWorkday (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int) As String
returns the datestring of the previous workday
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
PreviousWorkdayName (xDatestring As String, xMode As Int, Shortname As Boolean) As String
returns the name of the previous workday
xDatestring: the start datestring
xMode: = 0 skip holidays, = 1 skip weekends, = 2 skip holidays and weekends
PreviousYear (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the previous year
SetDateFormat (xDateFormat As String)
sets the datestring format
xDateFormat: the datestring format
SetFirstWeekday (xWeekday As Int)
sets the first weekday
xWeekday: the weekday (1 = sunday , 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
SkipDateIfHolidays (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String
returns the first datestring after the holidays
SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String
returns the first datestring after the holidays and/or weekend
SkipDateIfWeekend (xDatestring As String, xForward As Boolean) As String
returns the first datestring after the weekend
Weekday (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
WeekdayName (xDatestring As String, xShortname As Boolean) As String
returns the day name of the week
Year (xDatestring As String) As Int
returns the year


file tools functions




  Copy (xSourceFilename As String, xDestinationFilename As String) As Boolean

  CopyDirectory (xDirSource As String, xDirDestination As String) As Boolean

  Exist (xFilename As String) As Boolean

  ExtractPartFromFileName (xFilename As String, xPart As Int) As String

  FileListing (xDirectory As String) As String()

  FileListing2 (xDirectory As String, xExtention As String) As String()

  FileSeparator As String

  FolderListing (xDirectory As String) As String()

  GetLastModified (xFile As String, xDateFormat As String) As String

  IsDirectory (xPathname As String) As Boolean

  IsFile (xPathname As String) As Boolean

  Kill (xFilename As String) As Boolean

  MKDir (xDirectoryname As String) As Boolean

  MKDirs (xDirectorynames As String) As Boolean

  Rename (xOldFilename As String, xNewFilename As String) As Boolean

  RMDir (xDirectoryname As String) As Boolean

  SetLastModified (xFile As String, xDateFormat As String, xNewDateString As String) As Boolean

  Size (xFilename As String) As Long

Members description:

Copy (xSourceFilename As String, xDestinationFilename As String) As Boolean
copy a file
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
CopyDirectory (xDirSource As String, xDirDestination As String) As Boolean
copy a directory
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
Exist (xFilename As String) As Boolean
check if a file exists
Return type: @return:[true] = exist, [false] = not exist
ExtractPartFromFileName (xFilename As String, xPart As Int) As String
returns a portion of the file name (xPart = 1 file name excluding extension, 2 = extension, 3 = filename, 4 = pathname)
FileListing (xDirectory As String) As String()
returns an array string containing the names of files and folders in the directory
FileListing2 (xDirectory As String, xExtention As String) As String()
returns an array string containing the names of files in the directory
xDirectory: the directory path name
xExtension: the filter for search
FileSeparator As String
returns the file separator (e.g. "\" for Windows, "/" for Linux)
FolderListing (xDirectory As String) As String()
returns an array string containing the names of folders in the directory
GetLastModified (xFile As String, xDateFormat As String) As String
returns the last date of modified
IsDirectory (xPathname As String) As Boolean
check if a path represents a folder
IsFile (xPathname As String) As Boolean
check if a path represents a file
Kill (xFilename As String) As Boolean
delete a file
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
MKDir (xDirectoryname As String) As Boolean
create a directory
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
MKDirs (xDirectorynames As String) As Boolean
create a directory and subdirectories
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
Rename (xOldFilename As String, xNewFilename As String) As Boolean
rename a file
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
RMDir (xDirectoryname As String) As Boolean
remove a directory

WARNING: all files in the directory will be deleted!
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
SetLastModified (xFile As String, xDateFormat As String, xNewDateString As String) As Boolean
sets the date of modified
Return type: @return:[true] = success, [false] = failed
Size (xFilename As String) As Long
returns the size of file in bytes


various geometry functions




  CircleSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double) As Double

  Circumference (xRadius As Double) As Double

  ConeSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  ConeVolume (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  CubeSurfaceArea (xSide As Double) As Double

  CubeVolume (xSide As Double) As Double

  CylinderSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  CylinderVolume (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  PyramidSurfaceArea (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  PyramidVolume (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  RectanglePerimeter (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double) As Double

  RectangleSurfaceArea (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double) As Double

  RectangularPrismSurfaceArea (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  RectangularPrismVolume (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  RhombusSurfaceArea (xLongDiagonal As Double, xShortDiagonal As Double) As Double

  SphereSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double) As Double

  SphereVolume (xRadius As Double) As Double

  SquarePerimeter (xSide As Double) As Double

  SqureSurfaceArearea (xSide As Double) As Double

  TrapeziumSurfaceArea (xMajorBase As Double, xMinorBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

  TriangleSurfaceArea (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double

Members description:

CircleSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a circle
Circumference (xRadius As Double) As Double
returns the circumference of a circle
ConeSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a cone
ConeVolume (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a cone
CubeSurfaceArea (xSide As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a cube
CubeVolume (xSide As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a cube
CylinderSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a cylinder
CylinderVolume (xRadius As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a cylinder
PyramidSurfaceArea (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a pyramid
PyramidVolume (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a pyramid
RectanglePerimeter (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double) As Double
returns the perimeter of a rectangle
RectangleSurfaceArea (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a rectangle
RectangularPrismSurfaceArea (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a rectangular prism
RectangularPrismVolume (xLength As Double, xWidth As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a rectangular prism
RhombusSurfaceArea (xLongDiagonal As Double, xShortDiagonal As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a rhombus
SphereSurfaceArea (xRadius As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a sphere
SphereVolume (xRadius As Double) As Double
returns the volume of a sphere
SquarePerimeter (xSide As Double) As Double
returns the perimeter of a square
SqureSurfaceArearea (xSide As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a square
TrapeziumSurfaceArea (xMajorBase As Double, xMinorBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a trapezium
TriangleSurfaceArea (xBase As Double, xHeight As Double) As Double
returns the surface area of a triangle





  GetInfo As String()

Members description:

GetInfo As String()
get the info of this package
Return type: @return:the info of this package into a string array:

0 [name]

1 [version]

2 [version date]

3 [author]

4 [e-mail author]

5 [copyright]


functions to manage INI Files




  GetDateFormat As String

  GetFileName As String

  GetTimestampFormat As String

  rdBoolean (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Boolean

  rdDate (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As java.util.Date

  rdDouble (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Double

  rdInteger (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Integer

  rdKeyNames (SectionName As String) As String()

  rdKeys (SectionName As String) As java.util.Map

  rdLong (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Long

  rdNumberSections As Int

  rdSection (SectionName As String) As db2000.B4J.eXtrafunctions.fINI.INISection

  rdSectionNames As String()

  rdString (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As String

  rdTimestamp (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As java.util.Date

  rmKey (SectionName As String, KeyName As String)

  rmSection (SectionName As String)

  SetDateFormat (DateFormat As String)

  SetFileName (FileName As String)

  SetTimestampFormat (TimestampFormat As String)

  UpDate As Boolean

  wrBoolean (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, BooleanValue As Boolean, Comments As String)

  wrDate (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, DateValue As java.util.Date, Comments As String)

  wrDouble (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, DoubleValue As Double, Comments As String)

  wrInteger (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, IntegerValue As Int, Comments As String)

  wrLong (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, LongValue As Long, Comments As String)

  wrNewSection (SectionName As String, Comments As String)

  wrSection (SectionName As String, Comments As String)

  wrString (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, StringValue As String, Comments As String)

  wrTimestamp (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, TimestampValue As java.sql.Timestamp, Comments As String)

Members description:

GetDateFormat As String
get the date format
Return type: @return:the DateFormat value
GetFileName As String
get the INI file name being used
Return type: @return:the INI file name
GetTimestampFormat As String
get the timestamp format
Return type: @return:the TimestampFormat value
rdBoolean (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Boolean
returns the boolean value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the boolean value
rdDate (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As java.util.Date
returns the date value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the date value
rdDouble (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Double
returns the double value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the double value
rdInteger (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Integer
returns the integer value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the integer value
rdKeyNames (SectionName As String) As String()
returns a string array containing the names of all the keys under specified section
SectionName: the name of the section for which names of properties is to be retrieved
Return type: @return:the string array of key names
rdKeys (SectionName As String) As java.util.Map
returns a map containing all the keys under specified section
SectionName: the name of the section for which properties are to be retrieved
Return type: @return:the map of properties
rdLong (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As Long
returns the long value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the long value
rdNumberSections As Int
returns the number of sections in INI file
Return type: @return:the total number of sections
rdSection (SectionName As String) As db2000.B4J.eXtrafunctions.fINI.INISection
returns the named section or null if named section does not exists
SectionName: the section name to be searched
Return type: @return:the named section or null if named section does not exists
rdSectionNames As String()
returns a string array containing the names of all sections in INI file
Return type: @return:the string array of section names
rdString (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As String
returns the string value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the string value
rdTimestamp (SectionName As String, KeyName As String) As java.util.Date
returns the timestamp value assigned to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
Return type: @return:the timestamp value
rmKey (SectionName As String, KeyName As String)
remove the specified key from the specified section
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
rmSection (SectionName As String)
remove the specified section
SectionName: the section name
SetDateFormat (DateFormat As String)
set the date format
DateFormat: the format string, if date format is not valid assumes by default "yyyy-MM-dd"
SetFileName (FileName As String)
set the INI file to use
FileName: the full path and name of the INI file
SetTimestampFormat (TimestampFormat As String)
set the timestamp format
TimestampFormat: the format string, if timestamp format is not valid assumes by default "yyyy-MM-dd"
UpDate As Boolean
update the INI file, if the INI file does not exist it is created
wrBoolean (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, BooleanValue As Boolean, Comments As String)
write the boolean value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
booleanValue: the boolean value
Comments: the comments
wrDate (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, DateValue As java.util.Date, Comments As String)
write the date value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
DateValue: the date value
Comments: the comments
wrDouble (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, DoubleValue As Double, Comments As String)
write the double value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
DoubleValue: the double value
Comments: the comments
wrInteger (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, IntegerValue As Int, Comments As String)
write the integer value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
IntegerValue: the integer value
Comments: the comments
wrLong (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, LongValue As Long, Comments As String)
write the long value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
LongValue: the long value
Comments: the comments
wrNewSection (SectionName As String, Comments As String)
writes a new section
SectionName: the section name
Comments: the comments
wrSection (SectionName As String, Comments As String)
write/update a comments associated with a section (if the section does not exist will be created)
SectionName: the section name
Comments: the comments
wrString (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, StringValue As String, Comments As String)
write the string value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
StringValue: the string value
Comments: the comments
wrTimestamp (SectionName As String, KeyName As String, TimestampValue As java.sql.Timestamp, Comments As String)
write the timestamp value to the specific section and key
SectionName: the section name
KeyName: the key name
TimestampValue: the timestamp value
Comments: the comments


italian fiscal tools functions




  CalculateItalianFiscalCode (xFirstName As String, xLastName As String, xBirthDate As String, xBirthTownCode As String, xSex As String) As String

  CheckItalianFiscalCode (xItalianFiscalCode As String) As Int

  CheckItalianVATID (xVATID As String) As Int

Members description:

CalculateItalianFiscalCode (xFirstName As String, xLastName As String, xBirthDate As String, xBirthTownCode As String, xSex As String) As String
calculating the italian fiscal code (codice fiscale italiano)
xFirstName: the firs tname
xLastName: the last name
xBirthDate: the birth date ("dd/mm/yyyy")
xBirthTownCode: the birth town code (locality code or country code for italian fiscal agency)
xSex: the sex (F = female, M = male)
Return type: @return:the italian fiscal code
CheckItalianFiscalCode (xItalianFiscalCode As String) As Int
check the italian fiscal code (codice fiscale italiano)
xItalianFiscalCode: the italian fiscal code to be verified
Return type: @return:the verification of fiscal code (0 = OK, 1 = length 0, 2 = incorrect length, 3 = illegal character, 4 = control code not match)
CheckItalianVATID (xVATID As String) As Int
check the italian VAT ID (partita IVA italiana)
xVATID: the VAT ID to be verified
Return type: @return:the verification of VAT ID (0 = OK, 1 = length 0, 2 = incorrect length, 3 = illegal character, 4 = control code not match)


math functions




  Abs (xValue As Double) As Double

  Acos (xValue As Double) As Double

  Acosh (xValue As Double) As Double

  Acot (t As Double) As Double

  Acoth (xValue As Double) As Double

  Acsc (xValue As Double) As Double

  Acsch (xValue As Double) As Double

  Asec (x As Double) As Double

  Asech (xValue As Double) As Double

  Asin (xValue As Double) As Double

  Asinh (xValue As Double) As Double

  Atan (xValue As Double) As Double

  Atan2 (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double

  Atanh (xValue As Double) As Double

  Cos (xValue As Double) As Double

  Cosh (xValue As Double) As Double

  Cota (xValue As Double) As Double

  Coth (xValue As Double) As Double

  Csch (xValue As Double) As Double

  Cscs (xValue As Double) As Double

  Exp (xValue As Double) As Double

  Factorial (xNumber As Long, xMode As Int) As Double

  Fix (xValue As Double) As Double

  GeoDistance (xLatitude1 As Double, xLongitude1 As Double, xLatitude2 As Double, xLongitude2 As Double, xMeasureUnit As Int, xAlgorithmType As Int) As Double

  IsPrime (xNumber As Long) As Boolean

  Log (xValue As Double) As Double

  MCD (x As Long, y As Long) As Long

  MCM (x As Long, y As Long) As Long

  Mod (xValue1 As Double, xValue2 As Double) As Double

  PI As Double

  Rnd As Double

  Rnd2 (xValue As Double) As Double

  Round (xValue As Double) As Double

  Round2 (xValue As Double, xDigitsAfterDecimal As Int) As Double

  Sec (xValue As Double) As Double

  Sech (xValue As Double) As Double

  Sgn (xValue As Double) As Int

  ShLint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int

  ShLlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long

  ShRint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int

  ShRlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long

  ShRZint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int

  ShRZlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long

  Sin (xValue As Double) As Double

  SinC (xValue As Double) As Double

  Sinh (xValue As Double) As Double

  Sqr (xValue As Double) As Double

  Tan (xValue As Double) As Double

  Tanh (xValue As Double) As Double

Members description:

Abs (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the absolute value of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Acos (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the arc cosine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Acosh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperboliccosine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Acot (t As Double) As Double
returns the arccotangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Acoth (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperboliccotangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Acsc (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the cosecantarc of the a number value (Y)
xValue: the numeric expression
Acsch (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperboliccosecant of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Asec (x As Double) As Double
returns the arcsecant of a numeric value (X)
xValue: the numeric expression
Asech (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperbolicsecant of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Asin (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the arcsine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Asinh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperbolicsine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Atan (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the arctangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Atan2 (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double
returns the arctangent of the cartesian coordinate values
X: the cartesian coordinate x
Y: the cartesian coordinate y
Atanh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the area hyperbolictangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Cos (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the cosine of an angle
xValue: the value that expresses an angle in radian
Cosh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperboliccosine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Cota (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the cotangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Coth (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperboliccotangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Csch (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperboliccosecant of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Cscs (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the cosecans of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Exp (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the base of natural logarithms raised to a power (e)
xValue: the numeric expression
Factorial (xNumber As Long, xMode As Int) As Double
returns the factorial for the numeric value (xMode = 0 or 1)
Fix (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the integer part of a number
xValue: the number in input
Return type: @return:the integer part of the number
GeoDistance (xLatitude1 As Double, xLongitude1 As Double, xLatitude2 As Double, xLongitude2 As Double, xMeasureUnit As Int, xAlgorithmType As Int) As Double
returns the distance between two points identified by geographic coordinates
xLatitude1: the latitude of point 1
xLongitude1: the longitude of point 1
xLatitude2: the latitude of point 2
xLongitude2: the longitude of point 2
xMeasureUnit: the unit measure (0 = Km, 1 = Miles)
xAlgorithmType: the type of algorithm used for the distance calculation (1 = haversine, 2 = spherical law of cosines, 3 = spherical earth projection)
Return type: @return:the computed distance
IsPrime (xNumber As Long) As Boolean
returns [true] if the value if it is a prime number, otherwise [false]
Log (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the natural logarithm of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
MCD (x As Long, y As Long) As Long
returns the greatest common divisor relative to two numeric values
MCM (x As Long, y As Long) As Long
returns the least common multiple relative to two numeric values
Mod (xValue1 As Double, xValue2 As Double) As Double
returns returns the remainder of a division
xValue1: the number value to be divided
xValue2: the number value of the divisor
PI As Double
PI constant
Rnd As Double
returns a random double value with a positive sign
Rnd2 (xValue As Double) As Double
returns a random double value with a positive sign
xValue: the numeric value that represents the "base"
Round (xValue As Double) As Double
returns a number rounded
xValue: the numeric expression being rounded
Round2 (xValue As Double, xDigitsAfterDecimal As Int) As Double
returns a number rounded to decimals specified
xValue: the numeric expression being rounded
xDigitsAfterDecimal: the digits to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding
Sec (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the secant of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Sech (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperbolicsecant of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Sgn (xValue As Double) As Int
returns an integer indicating the sign of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Return type: @return:-1 = less than zero, 0 = equal to zero, 1 = greater than zero
ShLint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the left
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
ShLlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the left
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
ShRint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and keeps the MSB
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
ShRlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and keeps the MSB
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
ShRZint (xValue As Int, xShift As Int) As Int
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and shifts also the MSB
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
ShRZlng (xValue As Long, xShift As Int) As Long
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and shifts also the MSB
xValue: the value to be shifted
xShift: the amount of bits to shift the bits of value
Sin (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the sine of an angle
xValue: the value that expresses an angle in radian
SinC (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the sine cardinale of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Sinh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperbolicsine of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Sqr (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the square root of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression
Tan (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the tangent of an angle
xValue: the numeric expression that expresses an angle in radians
Tanh (xValue As Double) As Double
returns the hyperbolictangent of a numeric value
xValue: the numeric expression


string functions




  ByteArrayToString (xStringArray() As Byte) As String

  CalculateCheckSum (xString As String, xModule As Long) As Long

  DecodeBase64 (xString As String) As String

  EncodeBase64 (xString As String) As String

  Equals (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Boolean

  EqualsIgnoreCase (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Boolean

  InStr (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int

  InStr2 (xStart As Int, xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int

  InStr3 (xStart As Int, xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xCompareMethod As Int) As Int

  InStrRev (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int

  InStrRev2 (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xStart As Int) As Int

  InStrRev3 (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xStart As Int, xCompareMethod As Int) As Int

  IsBlank (xString As String) As Boolean

  IsEmpty (xString As String) As Boolean

  IsNotBlank (xString As String) As Boolean

  IsNotEmpty (xString As String) As Boolean

  IsWhitespace (xString As String, xIndex As Int) As Boolean

  LCase (xString As String) As String

  Len (xString As String) As Int

  LTrim (xString As String) As String

  MD5 (xString As String) As String

  Mid (xString As String, xStart As Int, xLength As Int) As String

  Mid2 (String1 As String, Start As Int) As String

  RemoveElementsFromStringArray (xArray() As String, xStringSearch As String) As String()

  Replace (xString As String, xFind As String, xReplacement As String) As String

  Replicate (xNumber As Int, xCharacter As Char) As String

  RTrim (xString As String) As String

  SHA1 (xString As String) As String

  Space (xNumber As Int) As String

  Split (xString As String, xDelimiter As String) As String()

  StrComp (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xMethod As Int) As Int

  String (xNumber As Int, xCharacter As String) As String

  StringAdjustment (xString As String, xOutputLength As Int, xAdjustmentType As Int, xFillCharacter As String) As String

  StringToByteArray (xString As String) As Byte()

  StripAccents (xString As String) As String

  StrReverse (xString As String) As String

  Trim (xString As String) As String

  UCase (xString As String) As String

Members description:

ByteArrayToString (xStringArray() As Byte) As String
returns a string from a array of bytes
xStringArray: the array of bytes
Return type: @return:the string
CalculateCheckSum (xString As String, xModule As Long) As Long
returns the calculation of checksum of a string (eg. xModule = 256, 512, 1024, ect.)
DecodeBase64 (xString As String) As String
decodes an encrypted string with Base64 algorithm
xString: the string to decode
Return type: @return:the decoded string
EncodeBase64 (xString As String) As String
encrypts a string with Base64 algorithm
xString: the string to be encrypted
Return type: @return:the encoded string
Equals (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Boolean
checks the equality between two strings (case sensitive)
xString1: the string to verify
xString2: the verification string
Return type: @return:[true] is equals, [false] not equals
EqualsIgnoreCase (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Boolean
checks the equality between two strings ignoring upper and lower case
xString1: the string to verify
xString2: the verification string
Return type: @return:[true] is equals, [false] not equals
InStr (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
InStr2 (xStart As Int, xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another, starting from a predetermined position
xStart: the starting position within the string search
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
InStr3 (xStart As Int, xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xCompareMethod As Int) As Int
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another, starting from a predetermined position and with comparison method
xStart: the starting position within the string search
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
xCompareMethod: the comparison method (0 = binary, 1 = text)
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
InStrRev (xString1 As String, xString2 As String) As Int
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
InStrRev2 (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xStart As Int) As Int
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string, starting from a predetermined position
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
xStart: the starting position within the string search
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
InStrRev3 (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xStart As Int, xCompareMethod As Int) As Int
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string, starting from a predetermined position and with comparison method
xString1: the string where to search
xString2: the string to find
xStart: the starting position within the string search
xCompareMethod: the comparison method (0 = binary, 1 = text)
Return type: @return:the position of the string found (0 = not found)
IsBlank (xString As String) As Boolean
checks if a string is blank
xString: the string to verify
Return type: @return:[true] is blank, [false] is not blank
IsEmpty (xString As String) As Boolean
checks if a string is empty
xString: the string to verify
Return type: @return:[true] is empty, [false] is not empty
IsNotBlank (xString As String) As Boolean
checks if a string is not blank
xString: the string to verify
Return type: @return:[true] is not blank, [false] is blank
IsNotEmpty (xString As String) As Boolean
checks if a string is not empty
xString: the string to verify
Return type: @return:[true] is not empty, [false] is empty
IsWhitespace (xString As String, xIndex As Int) As Boolean
checks if a character at a given position is a whitespace
xString: the string to verify
xIndex: the character position within the string
Return type: @return:[true] is a whitespace, [false] is not a whitespace
LCase (xString As String) As String
returns a string converted to lower case
xString: the string to be converted
Return type: @return:the string in lower case
Len (xString As String) As Int
returns the length of a string
xString: the string
Return type: @return:the length of string
LTrim (xString As String) As String
removes whitespace to left
xString: the string to be trimmed
Return type: @return:the trimmed result
MD5 (xString As String) As String
returns the MD5 hash of a string
xString: the string in input
Return type: @return:the string processed
Mid (xString As String, xStart As Int, xLength As Int) As String
returns a portion of a string
xString: the string in input
xStart: the position where to start to take the characters
the: number of characters to be taken
Return type: @return:the portion of the string
Mid2 (String1 As String, Start As Int) As String
returns a portion of a string
xString: the string in input
xStart: the position where to start to take the characters until to reach the end of the string
Return type: @return:the portion of the string
RemoveElementsFromStringArray (xArray() As String, xStringSearch As String) As String()
removes from a string array all the items that match the search string
Replace (xString As String, xFind As String, xReplacement As String) As String
returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring
xString: the string in input
xFind: the substring to find
xReplacement: the replacement substring
Return type: @return:the modified string
Replicate (xNumber As Int, xCharacter As Char) As String
returns a string of the same character repeated n times
xNumber: the number of times to repeat
xCharacter: the character to repeat
Return type: @return:the string of repeats
RTrim (xString As String) As String
removes whitespace to right
xString: the string to be trimmed
Return type: @return:the trimmed result
SHA1 (xString As String) As String
returns a string processed with SHA1 algorithm
xString: the string in input
Return type: @return:the string processed
Space (xNumber As Int) As String
returns a string of whitespace repeated n times
xNumber: the number of whitespace to repeat
Return type: @return:the string of whitespace
Split (xString As String, xDelimiter As String) As String()
returns an array of substrings extracted from a string where the data were separated by a delimiter
xString: the string containing delimited data
xDelimiter: the delimiter
Return type: @return:the array of the substrings extracted
StrComp (xString1 As String, xString2 As String, xMethod As Int) As Int
compares two strings
xString1: the string to be compared
xString2: the string used for comparison
xMethod: the comparison type (0 = binary, 1 = text)
Return type: @return:-1 = xString1 < xString2, 0 = the two strings are equal, 1 = xString1 > xString2
String (xNumber As Int, xCharacter As String) As String
returns a string of the same character repeated n times
xNumber: the number of times to repeat
xCharacter: the character to repeat
Return type: @return:the string of repeats
StringAdjustment (xString As String, xOutputLength As Int, xAdjustmentType As Int, xFillCharacter As String) As String
returns a string adjusted as required
xString: the string in input
xOutputLength: the length of string in output
xAdjustmentType: the type of adjustment (0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = middle, 3 = all trim, >3 = none)
xFillCharacter: the fill character
Return type: @return:the string modified
StringToByteArray (xString As String) As Byte()
returns a array of bytes from a string
xString: the string in input
Return type: @return:the array of bytes
StripAccents (xString As String) As String
returns a string without accents (eg. "sarà" -> "sara")
xString: the string in input
Return type: @return:the string modified
StrReverse (xString As String) As String
returns a string in which the character order of the specified string is reversed
xString: the string in input
Return type: @return:the reversed string
Trim (xString As String) As String
removes leading and trailing whitespace
xString: the string to be trimmed
Return type: @return:the trimmed result
UCase (xString As String) As String
returns a string converted to upper case
xString: the string to be converted
Return type: @return:the string in upper case


timestring functions




  AddTimestring (xTimestring1 As String, xTimestring2 As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String

  DateTimestringDiff (xDateTimestring1 As String, xDateTimestring2 As String, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long

  GetTimestampFormat As String

  GetTimestringSeparator As String

  HoursToTimestring (xHours As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int, xDigitsMinutes As Boolean, xDigitsSeconds As Boolean) As String

  IsTimestring (xTimestring As String, xCheckDigitsHour As Boolean) As Boolean

  MinutesToTimestring (xMinutes As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int, xDigitsSeconds As Boolean) As String

  NormalizeTimestring (xTimestring As String) As String

  NormalizeTimestring2 (xTimestring As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String

  SecondsToMinutes (xSeconds As Long) As Long()

  SecondsToTimestring (xSeconds As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String

  SetTimestampFormat (xTimestampFormat As String)

  SetTimestringSeparator (xTimeSeparator As String)

  SubTimestring (Timestring1 As String, Timestring2 As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String

  TimestringToHours (xTimestring As String, xRoundMinutes As Long, xRoundSeconds As Long) As Long

  TimestringToMinutes (xTimestring As String, xRoundSeconds As Long) As Long

  TimestringToSeconds (Timestring As String) As Long

Members description:

AddTimestring (xTimestring1 As String, xTimestring2 As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String
returns a timestring which is the sum of two timestring
xTimestring1: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "252:03:08")
xTimestring2: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "03:06:52")
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
DateTimestringDiff (xDateTimestring1 As String, xDateTimestring2 As String, xInterval As String, xAbsoluteValue As Boolean) As Long
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two datetimestring
xDateTimestring1: the datatimestring 1
xDateTimestring2: the datatimestring 2
xInterval: "y" = years, "m" = months, "d" days, "h" = hours, "n" = minutes, "s" = seconds, "!" = milliseconds
xAbsoluteValue: 'true' = absolute value, 'false' = none
GetTimestampFormat As String
returns the timestamp format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
GetTimestringSeparator As String
returns the timestring separator for output
HoursToTimestring (xHours As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int, xDigitsMinutes As Boolean, xDigitsSeconds As Boolean) As String
returns a timestring of the specified hours
xHours: the hours to be converted
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
xDigitsMinutes: = [true] the minutes field is included, otherwise nothing
xDigitsSeconds: = [true] the seconds field is included, otherwise nothing
IsTimestring (xTimestring As String, xCheckDigitsHour As Boolean) As Boolean
returns [true] if the timestring is valid, otherwise [false]
MinutesToTimestring (xMinutes As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int, xDigitsSeconds As Boolean) As String
returns a timestring of the specified minutes
xMinutes: the minutes to be converted
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
xDigitsSeconds: = [true] the seconds field is included, otherwise nothing
NormalizeTimestring (xTimestring As String) As String
returns the timestring normalized ("xHH:MM:SS")
NormalizeTimestring2 (xTimestring As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String
returns the timestring normalized ("xHH:MM:SS")
xTimestring: the timestring to be normalized
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
SecondsToMinutes (xSeconds As Long) As Long()
returns an array of two elements (minutes and the rest of seconds)
SecondsToTimestring (xSeconds As Long, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String
returns a timestring of the specified seconds
xSeconds: the seconds to be converted
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
SetTimestampFormat (xTimestampFormat As String)
sets the timestamp format
xTimestampFormat: the timestamp format
SetTimestringSeparator (xTimeSeparator As String)
sets the timestring separator for output
SubTimestring (Timestring1 As String, Timestring2 As String, xNrDigitsHour As Int) As String
returns a timestring which is the difference (subtraction) between two timestring
xTimestring1: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "256:00:00")
xTimestring2: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "252:03:08")
xNrDigitsHour: the number of digits for displaying the hours field
TimestringToHours (xTimestring As String, xRoundMinutes As Long, xRoundSeconds As Long) As Long
returns the hours from a timestring
xTimestring1: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "13:31:27")
xRoundMinutes: increment of one hour if >= of the timestring minutes, the minutes are set to 0
xRoundSeconds: increment of one minute if >= of the timestring seconds, the seconds are set to 0
TimestringToMinutes (xTimestring As String, xRoundSeconds As Long) As Long
returns the minutes from a timestring
xTimestring1: "xHH:MM:SS" (eg. "08:25:43")
xRoundSeconds: increment of one minute if >= of the timestring seconds, the seconds are set to 0
TimestringToSeconds (Timestring As String) As Long
returns the seconds from a timestring