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List of types:






  addEvent (text As String, year As Int, month As Int, Day As Int, numberOfDays As Int, color As Object) As String

  clearEvents As String

  clearView As String

  ColorEventText As Object [write only]

  ColorHeader As Object [write only]

  ColorOverFlow As Object [write only]

  DayOfMonth As Int [read only]

  DayOfWeek As Int [read only]

  getDayOfMonth As Int

  getDayOfWeek As Int

  getGridLinesVisible As Boolean

  getMonth As Int

  getStartOnMonday As Boolean

  getYear As Int

  GoToDate (year As Int, month As Int, dayOfMonth As Int) As String

  goToNextMonth As String

  goToPreviousMonth As String

  GridLinesVisible As Boolean

  Initialize (moduleParent As Object, parentPanel As AnchorPaneWrapper, eventName As String) As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Month As Int [read only]

  refresh As String

  Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As String

  setColorEventText (color As Object) As String

  setColorHeader (color As Object) As String

  setColorOverFlow (color As Object) As String

  setGridLinesVisible (value As Boolean) As String

  setStartOnMonday (value As Boolean) As String

  StartOnMonday As Boolean

  Year As Int [read only]

Members description:

addEvent (text As String, year As Int, month As Int, Day As Int, numberOfDays As Int, color As Object) As String
adds an event to the agenda.
clearEvents As String
Clears all the events added to the agenda.
clearView As String
Removes all events from the agenda control.
ColorEventText As Object [write only]
Sets the color of the text written in the events.
ColorHeader As Object [write only]
Sets the color of the header of each day.
ColorOverFlow As Object [write only]
Sets the color of the overflow, which appears when a day cannot show all the events.
DayOfMonth As Int [read only]
Returns the current doy of the month.
DayOfWeek As Int [read only]
Returns the current day of the week.
getDayOfMonth As Int
Returns the current doy of the month.
getDayOfWeek As Int
Returns the current day of the week.
getGridLinesVisible As Boolean
Return if the grid lines are visible or not.
getMonth As Int
Returns the current month.
getStartOnMonday As Boolean
Returns True if the weeks starts on Monday, False if starts on Sunday.
getYear As Int
Returns the current Year.
GoToDate (year As Int, month As Int, dayOfMonth As Int) As String
Goes to the specified date.
goToNextMonth As String
Goes to the next month.
goToPreviousMonth As String
Goes to the previous month.
GridLinesVisible As Boolean
Return if the grid lines are visible or not.
Initialize (moduleParent As Object, parentPanel As AnchorPaneWrapper, eventName As String) As String
Initializes the jAgenda Class.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Month As Int [read only]
Returns the current month.
refresh As String
Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As String
Resizes the agenda. Must be called in the apAgenda_Resize function.
setColorEventText (color As Object) As String
Sets the color of the text written in the events.
setColorHeader (color As Object) As String
Sets the color of the header of each day.
setColorOverFlow (color As Object) As String
Sets the color of the overflow, which appears when a day cannot show all the events.
setGridLinesVisible (value As Boolean) As String
True to see grid lines, false to hide them.
setStartOnMonday (value As Boolean) As String
True to start the week on Monday, False to start the week on Sunday.
StartOnMonday As Boolean
Returns True if the weeks starts on Monday, False if starts on Sunday.
Year As Int [read only]
Returns the current Year.





  Day As Int


  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Month As Int

  NodeType As String

  Text As String

  Year As Int

Members description:

Day As Int
Initializes the fields to their default value.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Month As Int
NodeType As String
Text As String
Year As Int





  Date As String

  Day As Int


  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Month As Int

  Year As Int

Members description:

Date As String
Day As Int
Initializes the fields to their default value.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Month As Int
Year As Int





  Date As jAgendaDate

  Grid As List


  IsInitialized As Boolean

Members description:

Date As jAgendaDate
Grid As List
Initializes the fields to their default value.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.





  color As String

  Date As String

  Day As Int


  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Month As Int

  numberOfDays As Int

  SortValue As String

  Text As String

  Year As Int

Members description:

color As String
Date As String
Day As Int
Initializes the fields to their default value.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Month As Int
numberOfDays As Int
SortValue As String
Text As String
Year As Int





  Days As Int

  Hours As Int


  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Minutes As Int

  Months As Int

  Seconds As Int

  Years As Int

Members description:

Days As Int
Hours As Int
Initializes the fields to their default value.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Minutes As Int
Months As Int
Seconds As Int
Years As Int
