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Written by Andrew Graham

A drag-and-drop operation is a data transfer between two objects: a gesture source and a gesture target.
The gesture source and gesture target can belong to a single JavaFX application or to two different JavaFX
applications. If you run two copies of the library demo you will see that you can drag and drop between them.

Data may also be dragged and dropped between non-JavaFx applications in which case you will need to know what
DataIds the application supports and what the types of the associated DataObjects are. For example among the DataObjects
in a drag and drop from Windows Explorer is a DataId of "text/uri-list" with a DataObject that is a string of file URIs.

A drag-and-drop gesture happens as follows:
The user clicks a mouse button on a gesture source, drags the mouse, and releases the mouse button on a gesture target.
While dragging the data, the user gets visual feedback, which denotes locations that do not accept the data and,
when over a target that accepts the data, the user is given a hint where to drop the data.

During the drag-and-drop gesture various types of data can be transferred such as text, images, URLs, files, bytes, and strings.

Transfer modes define the type of transfer that happens between the gesture source and gesture target.
The available transfer modes are COPY, MOVE, and LINK.

A gesture source reports a transfer mode. A gesture target accepts a transfer mode.

List of types:



The DragAndDrop object lets you designate individual Nodes in your layout to be a drag source or a drop target
or indeed both if required.




  MakeDragSource (source As javafx.scene.Node, eventname As String)

  MakeDragTarget (target As javafx.scene.Node, eventname As String)

  SetDragModeAndData (transfermode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode, dataid() As String, dataobject() As Object)

  Version As Double [read only]

Members description:

MakeDragSource (source As javafx.scene.Node, eventname As String)
Makes the specified node a drag source by adding the DragDetected and DragDone events to it.
The DragDetected event Sub receives a MouseEvent object. A DragEvent object is passed to the DragDone event.
The DragDetected event Sub should call SetDragModeAndData if it wants to start a drag and drop operation.

Once the drag and drop operation is complete the DragDone event is is sent to the gesture source
to inform the source about how the gesture finished. In the DragDone event handler, obtain the
transfer mode by calling the GetTransferMode method on the event. If the transfer mode is "null" that
means the data transfer did not happen. If the mode is "MOVE", then clear the data on the gesture source.
MakeDragTarget (target As javafx.scene.Node, eventname As String)
Makes the specified node a drag target by adding the DragEntered, DragExited, DragOver and DragDrop events to it.

After the drag-and-drop gesture is started, any node or scene that the mouse is dragged over is a potential target
to drop the data. You specify which object accepts the data by implementing the DragOver event handler.

For a successful drag-and-drop operation, you must implement the DragOver event handler, which calls the
AcceptTransferMode(TransferMode) method of the event, passing the transfer mode that the target intends to
accept. If none of the passed transfer modes are supported by the gesture source, the potential target does not fit
the given drag-and-drop gesture.

When the mouse button is released on the gesture target, which accepted previous DragOver events with a transfer mode
supported by the gesture source, then the DragDropped event is sent to the gesture target.

In the DragDropped event handler, you must complete the drag-and-drop gesture by calling the SetDropCompleted(Boolean)
method on the event otherwise the gesture is considered unsuccessful.

When the drag gesture enters the boundaries of a potential gesture target, the target receives a DragEntered event.
When the drag gesture leaves the potential target's boundaries, the target receives a DragExited event.
You can use the DragEntered and DragExited event handlers to change the target's appearance in order to provide visual
feedback to the user. You should verify the DataId of the object and only change appearance if it is an appropriate DataId.
SetDragModeAndData (transfermode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode, dataid() As String, dataobject() As Object)
Set the drag and drop operation parameters. More than one object can be dragged and dropped at conce.

TransferMode can be one of
"COPY" Indicates copying of data is supported or intended.
"LINK" Indicates linking of data is supported or intended.
"MOVE" Indicates moving of data is supported or intended.

DataId is a String array of case sensitive arbitrary strings identifying the type of content being dragged and dropped.
There are some standardized DataIds used to describe certain data that may be received from other applications.

"application/x-java-file-list" or "java.file-list" Represents a List of Files.
"text/html" Represents an HTML formatted string.
"application/x-java-rawimage" Represents a platform specific image type, such as is commonly used on the clipboard.
"text/plain" Represents a plain text string.
"text/rtf" Represents an RTF formatted string
"text/uri-list" Represents one or more URLs, encoded as a String

DataObject is an Object array of the objects that will be dragged and dropped.

The DataId and DataObject arrays must be the same size. The DataId at one position in the DataId arrays describes the DataObject
at the corresponding position in the DataObject array.
Version As Double [read only]
Returns the version number of the library.


A DragEvent object is passed to all the drag and drop events except DragDetected which receives a MouseEvent.

In the source DragDone event handler, get the transfer mode by calling the GetTransferMode method on the event.
If the transfer mode is Null then that means the data transfer did not happen

You might need to call Consume if you don't want the event to be passed on to the parent Node.




  AcceptTransferMode (mode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode)


  GetDataIds As String()

  GetDataObjectForId (dataid As String) As Object

  GetGestureSource As Object

  GetGestureTarget As Object

  GetTransferMode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  SetDropCompleted (istransferdone As Boolean)

  X As Double [read only]

  Y As Double [read only]

Members description:

AcceptTransferMode (mode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode)
In the target DragOver event call the AcceptTransferMode method passing the transfer modes that the target intends to accept.
Note that the type of data available should be taken into account when deciding whether to accept the event.
GetDataIds As String()
Gets a String array containing the DataIDs of the DataObjects object being dragged and dropped.
GetDataObjectForId (dataid As String) As Object
Returns the DataOobject for the specified DataID from the objects being dragged and dropped.
For non-B4J applications these are often very-low level data structures, usually HeapByteBuffers.
If you know what you are doing you may be able to manipulate these using a JavaObject or Reflector.
GetGestureSource As Object
Returns the source object of the drag and drop gesture.
GetGestureTarget As Object
Returns the target object of the drag and drop gesture.
GetTransferMode As javafx.scene.input.TransferMode
Gets the data transfer mode.
In the DragDone event handler if the transfer mode is "null" then that means the data transfer did not happen.
IsInitialized As Boolean
SetDropCompleted (istransferdone As Boolean)
Indicates whether transfer handling of this DragEvent was completed successfully or not during a DragDropped event.
X As Double [read only]
Gets the horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the DragEvent's source.
Y As Double [read only]
Gets the vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the DragEvent's source.