B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by F. Leneuf-Magaud (Informatix)

List of types:




Update(ElapsedSinceLastFrame As Double)
Render(ElapsedSinceLastFrame As Double)


  Alpha As Double

  Camera As sgeCamera [read only]

  CurrentScreen As sgeScreen [read only]

  CurrentTimeNano As Long [read only]

  Enabled As Boolean

  FPS As Double [read only]

  GetDeviceNumberOfColors (Index As Int) As Long

  GetDeviceRefreshRate (Index As Int) As Int

  Graphics As sgeGraphics [read only]

  Height As Double

  Id As String

  Initialize (EventPrefix As String, AnimationSmoothness As Int)

  Input As sgeInput [read only]

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  IsLoopRunning As Boolean

  Left As Double

  MouseCursor As javafx.scene.Cursor

  Parent As ConcreteNodeWrapper [read only]


  PrefHeight As Double

  PrefWidth As Double



  Root As sgeRootGroup [read only]

  SetAlphaAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Double)

  SetSize (arg0 As Double, arg1 As Double)

  Snapshot As ImageWrapper

  Snapshot2 (arg0 As javafx.scene.paint.Paint) As ImageWrapper



  Style As String

  StyleClasses As List [read only]

  SwitchToScreen (Screen As sgeScreen)

  Tag As Object

  Top As Double

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Double

Members description:

Alpha As Double
Camera As sgeCamera [read only]
Returns the camera instance. By default, the camera is centered on the canvas origin (0, 0).
CurrentScreen As sgeScreen [read only]
Returns the active screen.
CurrentTimeNano As Long [read only]
Returns the current value of the system timer, in nanoseconds.
Enabled As Boolean
FPS As Double [read only]
Returns the number of frames per second. Returns -1 if the game loop is not running.
GetDeviceNumberOfColors (Index As Int) As Long
Returns the number of colors displayed by the device with the given index.
GetDeviceRefreshRate (Index As Int) As Int
Returns the refresh rate in Hz of the device with the given index.
Graphics As sgeGraphics [read only]
Returns the graphics instance.
Height As Double
Id As String
Initialize (EventPrefix As String, AnimationSmoothness As Int)
Initializes the engine.
Once initialized, StartLoop can be called to start the game loop and raise events.
AnimationSmoothness: A value between 1 (animations may be choppy but the elapsed time given by the events is accurate) and 20 (animations are very smooth but the elapsed time is averaged, and thus not accurate). 10 should be fine for most cases.
Input As sgeInput [read only]
Returns the input instance.
IsInitialized As Boolean
IsLoopRunning As Boolean
Returns whether the game loop is running.
Left As Double
MouseCursor As javafx.scene.Cursor
Parent As ConcreteNodeWrapper [read only]
Stops raising the Update and Render events. To restart the loop, call StartLoop.
PrefHeight As Double
PrefWidth As Double
Root As sgeRootGroup [read only]
Returns the root group which holds all actors.
SetAlphaAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Double)
SetSize (arg0 As Double, arg1 As Double)
Snapshot As ImageWrapper
Snapshot2 (arg0 As javafx.scene.paint.Paint) As ImageWrapper
Initializes the input interface, raises a Start event then starts the game loop.
Once started, the loop will raise regularly Update and Render events.
If the loop is paused by PauseLoop, this function restarts the loop without raising the Start event.
Stops the game loop and raises a Stop event.
Style As String
StyleClasses As List [read only]
SwitchToScreen (Screen As sgeScreen)
Stops the game loop, switches to the specified screen and restarts the loop.
All events are redirected. To raise again the initial events, set Screen to Null .
Tag As Object
Top As Double
Visible As Boolean
Width As Double





  Finished As Boolean [read only]

  Progression As Double [read only]

  Then (Action As sgeAction) As sgeAction

  With (Action As sgeAction) As sgeAction

Members description:

Finished As Boolean [read only]
Progression As Double [read only]
Then (Action As sgeAction) As sgeAction
The specified action will be performed after this one is finished.
With (Action As sgeAction) As sgeAction
The specified action will be performed in parallel with this action.



ActionProgression(Progression As Double, Data As Object)


  ChangeAlpha (ToAlpha As Double) As sgeAction

  ChangeAlpha2 (ToAlpha As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  ChangeAlpha3 (ToAlpha As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  ChangeValue (FromValue As Double, ToValue As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  ChangeValue2 (FromValue As Double, ToValue As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  ChangeVisibility As sgeAction

  ChangeVisibility2 (Visible As Boolean) As sgeAction

  ChangeVisualObject (NewVisualObject As Object) As sgeAction

  Flip (FlipX As Boolean, FlipY As Boolean) As sgeAction

  FollowThisPath (Waypoints As List, Speed As Double) As sgeAction

  GoToActor (Actor As sgeActor) As sgeAction

  GoToActor2 (Actor As sgeActor, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  GoToActor3 (Actor As sgeActor, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  MoveTo (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgeAction

  MoveTo2 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  MoveTo3 (X As Double, Y As Double, Speed As Double) As sgeAction

  MoveTo4 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  RaiseEvent (EventName As String) As sgeAction

  RemoveFromParent As sgeAction

  Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As sgeAction

  Resize2 (Width As Double, Height As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  Resize3 (Width As Double, Height As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  Rotate (Degrees As Double) As sgeAction

  Rotate2 (Degrees As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  Rotate3 (Degrees As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  Scale (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgeAction

  Scale2 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction

  Scale3 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction

  SetActionToActor (Action As sgeAction, Actor As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.actors.AbstractActor) As sgeAction

  SynchronizeWith (Actor As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.actors.AbstractActor) As sgeAction

  Wait (DelayInMillis As Long) As sgeAction

Members description:

ChangeAlpha (ToAlpha As Double) As sgeAction
Changes instantly the opacity value of the actor to the specified value.
ChangeAlpha2 (ToAlpha As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Changes the opacity value of the actor to the given value over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current Alpha in the ActionProgression event.
ChangeAlpha3 (ToAlpha As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Changes the opacity value of the actor to the given value over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current Alpha in the ActionProgression event.
ChangeValue (FromValue As Double, ToValue As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Changes a value from FromValue to ToValue over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current value in the ActionProgression event.
ChangeValue2 (FromValue As Double, ToValue As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Changes a value from FromValue to ToValue over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current value in the ActionProgression event.
ChangeVisibility As sgeAction
Toggles the visible state of the actor.
ChangeVisibility2 (Visible As Boolean) As sgeAction
Changes the visible state of the actor to the specified value.
ChangeVisualObject (NewVisualObject As Object) As sgeAction
Changes the visual object of the actor to the specified object. This action cannot be assigned to a group.
Flip (FlipX As Boolean, FlipY As Boolean) As sgeAction
Flips the actor on the X and Y axis according to the specified values.
FollowThisPath (Waypoints As List, Speed As Double) As sgeAction
Moves the actor along the path described by Waypoints (a list of sgePoint2D) at the specified speed (in pixels per millisecond). Returns the current list index in the ActionProgression event.
GoToActor (Actor As sgeActor) As sgeAction
Moves the actor instantly to the position of the given actor.
GoToActor2 (Actor As sgeActor, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Moves the actor to the position of the given actor over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
GoToActor3 (Actor As sgeActor, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Moves the actor to the position of the given actor over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
MoveTo (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgeAction
Moves the actor instantly to the given position.
MoveTo2 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Moves the actor to the given position over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
MoveTo3 (X As Double, Y As Double, Speed As Double) As sgeAction
Moves the actor to the given position at the specified speed (in pixels per millisecond).
MoveTo4 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Moves the actor to the given position over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
RaiseEvent (EventName As String) As sgeAction
Raises the specified event.
RemoveFromParent As sgeAction
Removes the actor from its parent group.
Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As sgeAction
Changes instantly the width and height of the actor to the specified values. This action cannot be assigned to a group.
Resize2 (Width As Double, Height As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Changes the width and height of the actor to the given values over the specified duration (in milliseconds). This action cannot be assigned to a group.
Resize3 (Width As Double, Height As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Changes the width and height of the actor to the given values over the specified duration (in milliseconds). This action cannot be assigned to a group.
Rotate (Degrees As Double) As sgeAction
Changes instantly the rotation angle of the actor to the specified value (in degrees).
Rotate2 (Degrees As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Changes the rotation angle of the actor to the given value over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current angle in the ActionProgression event.
Rotate3 (Degrees As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Changes the rotation angle of the actor to the given value over the specified duration (in milliseconds). Returns the current angle in the ActionProgression event.
Scale (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgeAction
Changes instantly the ScaleX and ScaleY values of the actor to the given values.
Scale2 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int) As sgeAction
Changes the ScaleX and ScaleY values of the actor to the given values over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
Scale3 (X As Double, Y As Double, DurationInMillis As Int, Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator) As sgeAction
Changes the ScaleX and ScaleY values of the actor to the given values over the specified duration (in milliseconds).
SetActionToActor (Action As sgeAction, Actor As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.actors.AbstractActor) As sgeAction
Assigns the given action to the specified actor.
SynchronizeWith (Actor As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.actors.AbstractActor) As sgeAction
Waits until the specified actor sends a synchronization signal via SynchronizeWith.
Wait (DelayInMillis As Long) As sgeAction
Waits for the specified period of time (in milliseconds). Returns the elapsed time in the ActionProgression event.



Draw(X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)
ActionProgression(Progression As Double, Data As Object)


  Action As sgeAction

  Alpha As Double

  BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]

  CenterX As Double [read only]

  CenterY As Double [read only]



  DrawingOffsetX As Double

  DrawingOffsetY As Double

  Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect

  FlipX As Boolean

  FlipY As Boolean

  Height As Double

  Initialize (Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  InitializeWithAnimation (Animation As sgeAnimation, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  InitializeWithImage (Image As ImageWrapper, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  InitializeWithRegion (Region As sgeRegion, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  InitializeWithText (Text As sgeText, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  IsAnimationStopped As Boolean

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  LocalCenterX As Double [read only]

  LocalCenterY As Double [read only]

  LocalX As Double

  LocalY As Double

  Parent As sgeGroup

  PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)



  Rotation As Double

  ScaleX As Double

  ScaleY As Double

  SetAnimation (Animation As sgeAnimation)

  SetImage (Image As ImageWrapper)

  SetLocalPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)

  SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)

  SetRegion (Region As sgeRegion)

  SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)

  SetScale (Scale As Double)

  SetSize (Width As Double, Height As Double)

  SetText (Text As sgeText)



  Tag As Object

  Visible As Boolean

  VisualObject As Object [read only]

  Width As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

  ZOrder As Int

Members description:

Action As sgeAction
Gets or sets the action to be performed.
Alpha As Double
Gets or sets the opacity value of this actor.
BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]
Returns the bounding box containing this actor.
CenterX As Double [read only]
CenterY As Double [read only]
Clears all actions of this actor. The actions in progress are cancelled.
Draws the visual object of this actor.
DrawingOffsetX As Double
Gets or sets the offset between the X coordinate and the drawing position. Default = 0.
DrawingOffsetY As Double
Gets or sets the offset between the Y coordinate and the drawing position. Default = 0.
Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect
Gets or sets the effect applied to this actor. Note that effects are not cumulative. So any effect applied to a group will be ignored by an actor of this group having its own effect.
FlipX As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the X axis.
FlipY As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the Y axis.
Height As Double
Gets or sets the height of this actor.
Initialize (Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new actor with no visual object.
InitializeWithAnimation (Animation As sgeAnimation, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new actor with the specified Animation.
InitializeWithImage (Image As ImageWrapper, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new actor with the specified Image.
InitializeWithRegion (Region As sgeRegion, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new actor with the specified Region.
InitializeWithText (Text As sgeText, Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new actor with the specified Text.
IsAnimationStopped As Boolean
IsInitialized As Boolean
LocalCenterX As Double [read only]
LocalCenterY As Double [read only]
LocalX As Double
Gets or sets the local X position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
LocalY As Double
Gets or sets the local Y position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
Parent As sgeGroup
Gets or sets the group containing this actor.
PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)
Updates the data of the action assigned to this actor. Should be called in the Update event.
Removes this actor from its parent group and destroys its visual object.
Rotation As Double
Gets or sets the rotation angle in degrees.
ScaleX As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the horizontal direction relative to its width.
ScaleY As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the vertical direction relative to its height.
SetAnimation (Animation As sgeAnimation)
SetImage (Image As ImageWrapper)
SetLocalPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)
Sets the local position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)
Sets the global position of this actor. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
SetRegion (Region As sgeRegion)
SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)
Repeats the specified action the given number of times (or forever if Count is set to REPEAT_FOREVER). This action is repeated only after all actions linked with Then and With are finished.
SetScale (Scale As Double)
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in both directions.
SetSize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
Sets the size of this actor.
SetText (Text As sgeText)
Tag As Object
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is shown or hidden.
VisualObject As Object [read only]
Width As Double
Gets or sets the width of this actor.
X As Double
Gets or sets the global X position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the global Y position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
ZOrder As Int
Gets or sets the Z-order (position in the drawing list of the actor's parent). 0 = first actor to be drawn.





  FrameCount As Int [read only]

  GetFrame (Index As Int) As Object

  GetFrame2 (ElapsedInMillis As Int) As Object

  Initialize (Frames() As ImageWrapper, FrameDurationInMillis As Int, RepeatCount As Int)

  Initialize2 (Frames() As sgeRegion, FrameDurationInMillis As Int, RepeatCount As Int)

  Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  IsInitialized As Boolean


  Reversed As Boolean

  TotalDuration As Int [read only]

Members description:

FrameCount As Int [read only]
Returns the number of frames of this animation.
GetFrame (Index As Int) As Object
Returns the frame with the specified index.
GetFrame2 (ElapsedInMillis As Int) As Object
Returns a frame by its position in the timeline.
Initialize (Frames() As ImageWrapper, FrameDurationInMillis As Int, RepeatCount As Int)
Creates an animation with the given frames.
Initialize2 (Frames() As sgeRegion, FrameDurationInMillis As Int, RepeatCount As Int)
Creates an animation with the given frames.
Interpolator As javafx.animation.Interpolator
Gets or sets the interpolation behavior of this animation.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Reversed As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the frames are played in reverse order.
TotalDuration As Int [read only]
Returns the total duration of this animation in milliseconds.



Error(Reason As String, AssetType As String, Dir As String, FileName As String)
Loading(AssetType As String, AssetName As String, Dir As String, FileName As String, Progression As Float)


  Add (Type As String, Name As String, Dir As String, FileName As String)


  FONT As String

  GetFont (Name As String, Size As Int) As FontWrapper

  GetImage (Name As String) As ImageWrapper

  GetMusic (Name As String) As sgeMusic

  GetNavigationGrid (Name As String) As sgeNavigationGrid

  GetSound (Name As String) As sgeSound

  GetText (Name As String) As String

  GetText2 (Name As String) As sgeText

  GetTiledMap (Name As String) As sgeTiledMap

  IMAGE As String

  Initialize (EventPrefix As String)


  MUSIC As String

  NAVIG_GRID As String

  SOUND As String

  Split (Name As String, NumberOfColumns As Int, NumberOfRows As Int) As sgeRegion()

  Split2 (Name As String, NumberOfColumns As Int, NumberOfRows As Int, ColumnSize As Int, RowSize As Int) As sgeRegion()

  TEXT As String

  TILED_MAP As String

Members description:

Add (Type As String, Name As String, Dir As String, FileName As String)
Adds the specified asset to the list of assets to load. The asset name must be unique for the given type.
Clears the list of assets.
FONT As String
GetFont (Name As String, Size As Int) As FontWrapper
Returns the font with the specified name and size from the loaded assets.
GetImage (Name As String) As ImageWrapper
Returns the image with the specified name from the loaded assets.
GetMusic (Name As String) As sgeMusic
Returns the music with the specified name from the loaded assets.
GetNavigationGrid (Name As String) As sgeNavigationGrid
Returns the navigation grid with the specified name from the loaded assets.
GetSound (Name As String) As sgeSound
Returns the sound with the specified name from the loaded assets.
GetText (Name As String) As String
Returns the text with the specified name from the loaded assets.
GetText2 (Name As String) As sgeText
Returns the text asset with the specified name as a sgeText object.
GetTiledMap (Name As String) As sgeTiledMap
Returns the tiled map with the specified name from the loaded assets.
IMAGE As String
Initialize (EventPrefix As String)
Initializes the asset manager.
Loads all assets on a background thread.
Raises a Loading event before loading each asset, then a Loaded event when the task is finished.
If a loading fails, an Error event is raised and the operation is cancelled.
MUSIC As String
SOUND As String
Split (Name As String, NumberOfColumns As Int, NumberOfRows As Int) As sgeRegion()
Creates an array of regions from the specified image asset.
Split2 (Name As String, NumberOfColumns As Int, NumberOfRows As Int, ColumnSize As Int, RowSize As Int) As sgeRegion()
Creates an array of regions from the specified image asset. The size in pixels of rows and columns can be specified.
TEXT As String





  Bottom As Double [read only]

  Center As sgePoint2D [read only]

  Contains (Point2D As sgePoint2D) As Boolean

  Contains2 (X As Double, Y As Double) As Boolean

  Contains3 (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean

  Equals (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean

  Height As Double [read only]

  Initialize (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)

  Intersects (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Right As Double [read only]

  Width As Double [read only]

  X As Double [read only]

  Y As Double [read only]

Members description:

Bottom As Double [read only]
Center As sgePoint2D [read only]
Contains (Point2D As sgePoint2D) As Boolean
Tests if the specified point is inside the boundary of this bounding box.
Contains2 (X As Double, Y As Double) As Boolean
Tests if the specified point is inside the boundary of this bounding box.
Contains3 (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean
Tests if the interior of this bounding box entirely contains the specified bounding box.
Equals (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean
Tests if the specified bounding box has the same position and dimensions as this bounding box.
Height As Double [read only]
Initialize (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)
Creates a rectangular bounding box.
Intersects (BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox) As Boolean
Tests if the interior of this bounding box intersects the interior of the specified bounding box.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Right As Double [read only]
Width As Double [read only]
X As Double [read only]
Y As Double [read only]





  CenterOn (X As Double, Y As Double)

  LeftX As Double [read only]

  NO_LIMIT As Double

  SetBoundaries (Left As Double, Right As Double, Top As Double, Bottom As Double)

  TopY As Double [read only]

  X As Double

  Y As Double

  Zoom As Double

Members description:

CenterOn (X As Double, Y As Double)
Centers the camera on the given coordinates (in pixels).
LeftX As Double [read only]
Returns the leftmost position of the current view.
NO_LIMIT As Double
SetBoundaries (Left As Double, Right As Double, Top As Double, Bottom As Double)
Defines the boundaries of the camera position. If the camera can move infinitely in a direction, set the value for this direction to NO_LIMIT.
TopY As Double [read only]
Returns the topmost position of the current view.
X As Double
Y As Double
Zoom As Double
Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera.





  BottomInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]


  Initialize2 (Mode As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode, BottomInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect, TopInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect)

  Mode As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_ADD As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_BLUE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_COLOR_BURN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_COLOR_DODGE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_DARKEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_DIFFERENCE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_EXCLUSION As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_GREEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_HARD_LIGHT As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_LIGHTEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_MULTIPLY As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_OVERLAY As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_RED As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_SCREEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_SOFT_LIGHT As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_SRC_ATOP As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  MODE_SRC_OVER As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode

  Opacity As Double

  TopInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]

Members description:

BottomInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]
Sets the bottom input for this Blend operation.
Creates a new Blend effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Mode As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode, BottomInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect, TopInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect)
Creates a new Blend effect with the specified mode and bottom and top inputs.
Mode As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
Gets or sets the mode used to blend the two inputs together.
MODE_ADD As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The color and alpha components from the top input are added to those from the bottom input.
MODE_BLUE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The blue component of the bottom input is replaced with the blue component of the top input; the other color components are unaffected.
MODE_COLOR_BURN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The inverse of the bottom input color components are divided by the top input color components, all of which is then inverted to produce the resulting color.
MODE_COLOR_DODGE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The bottom input color components are divided by the inverse of the top input color components to produce the resulting color.
MODE_DARKEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The darker of the color components from the two inputs are selected to produce the resulting color.
MODE_DIFFERENCE As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The darker of the color components from the two inputs are subtracted from the lighter ones to produce the resulting color.
MODE_EXCLUSION As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The color components from the two inputs are multiplied and doubled, and then subtracted from the sum of the bottom input color components, to produce the resulting color.
MODE_GREEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The green component of the bottom input is replaced with the green component of the top input; the other color components are unaffected.
MODE_HARD_LIGHT As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The input color components are either multiplied or screened, depending on the top input color.
MODE_LIGHTEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The lighter of the color components from the two inputs are selected to produce the resulting color.
MODE_MULTIPLY As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The color components from the first input are multiplied with those from the second input.
MODE_OVERLAY As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The input color components are either multiplied or screened, depending on the bottom input color.
MODE_RED As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The red component of the bottom input is replaced with the red component of the top input; the other color components are unaffected.
MODE_SCREEN As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The color components from both of the inputs are inverted, multiplied with each other, and that result is again inverted to produce the resulting color.
MODE_SOFT_LIGHT As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The input color components are either darkened or lightened, depending on the top input color.
MODE_SRC_ATOP As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The part of the top input lying inside of the bottom input is blended with the bottom input.
MODE_SRC_OVER As javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode
The top input is blended over the bottom input.
Opacity As Double
Gets or sets the opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior to blending. From 0 to 1.
TopInput As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]
Sets the top input for this Blend operation.





  Initialize (Threshold As Double)

  Threshold As Double

Members description:

Initialize (Threshold As Double)
Creates a new Bloom effect with the given threshold.
Threshold As Double
Gets or sets the threshold value, which controls the minimum luminosity value of the pixels that will be made to glow. From 0 to 1.





  Height As Double


  Initialize2 (Width As Double, Height As Double, Iterations As Int)

  Iterations As Int

  Width As Double

Members description:

Height As Double
Gets or sets the vertical dimension of the blur effect. From 0 to 255.
Creates a new BoxBlur effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Width As Double, Height As Double, Iterations As Int)
Creates a new BoxBlur effect with the specified width, height and iterations.
Iterations As Int
Gets or sets the number of times to iterate the blur effect to improve its "quality" or "smoothness". From 0 to 3.
Width As Double
Gets or sets the horizontal dimension of the blur effect. From 0 to 255.





  Brightness As Double

  Contrast As Double

  Hue As Double


  Initialize2 (Hue As Double, Saturation As Double, Brightness As Double, Contrast As Double)

  Saturation As Double

Members description:

Brightness As Double
Gets or sets the brightness adjustment value. From -1 to 1.
Contrast As Double
Gets or sets the contrast adjustment value. From -1 to 1.
Hue As Double
Gets or sets the hue adjustment value. From -1 to 1.
Creates a new ColorAdjust effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Hue As Double, Saturation As Double, Brightness As Double, Contrast As Double)
Creates a new ColorAdjust effect with the specified hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast.
Saturation As Double
Gets or sets the saturation adjustment value. From -1 to 1.





  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint

  Height As Double


  Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint)

  Width As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

Members description:

Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint
Gets or sets the color used to flood the region.
Height As Double
Gets or sets the height of the region to be flooded.
Creates a new ColorInput with default parameters.
Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint)
Creates a new ColorInput with the specified position, dimensions, and color.
X and Y are in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.LeftX from X and sgeCamera.TopY from Y.
Width As Double
Gets or sets the width of the region to be flooded.
X As Double
Gets or sets the X location of the region to be flooded.
X is in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.LeftX from X.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the Y location of the region to be flooded.
Y is in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.TopY from Y.





  BlurType As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_GAUSSIAN As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_ONE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_THREE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_TWO_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  Height As Double


  Initialize2 (Radius As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  Initialize3 (Radius As Double, OffsetX As Double, OffsetY As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  OffsetX As Double

  OffsetY As Double

  Radius As Double

  Spread As Double

  Width As Double

Members description:

BlurType As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
Gets or sets the algorithm used to blur the shadow (one of the BLURTYPE_... constants).
BLURTYPE_GAUSSIAN As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_ONE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_THREE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_TWO_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the shadow color.
Height As Double
Gets or sets the vertical size of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 255.
Creates a new DropShadow effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Radius As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new DropShadow effect with the specified radius and color.
Initialize3 (Radius As Double, OffsetX As Double, OffsetY As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new DropShadow effect with the specified radius, offsetX, offsetY and color.
OffsetX As Double
Gets or sets the shadow offset in the X direction, in pixels.
OffsetY As Double
Gets or sets the shadow offset in the Y direction, in pixels.
Radius As Double
Gets or sets the radius of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 127.
Spread As Double
Gets or sets the spread of the shadow. From 0 to 1.
Width As Double
Gets or sets the horizontal size of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 255.





  Initialize (Radius As Double)

  Radius As Double

Members description:

Initialize (Radius As Double)
Creates a new GaussianBlur effect with the given radius.
Radius As Double
Gets or sets the radius of the blur kernel. From 0 to 63.





  Initialize (Level As Double)

  Level As Double

Members description:

Initialize (Level As Double)
Creates a new Glow effect with the given intensity.
Level As Double
Gets or sets the intensity of the Glow effect. From 0 to 1.






  Initialize2 (Source As ImageWrapper)

  Initialize3 (Source As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double)

  Source As ImageWrapper

  X As Double

  Y As Double

Members description:

Creates a new ImageInput with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Source As ImageWrapper)
Creates a new ImageInput with the specified source.
Initialize3 (Source As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double)
Creates a new ImageInput with the specified source, X and Y.
X and Y are in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.LeftX from X and sgeCamera.TopY from Y.
Source As ImageWrapper
Gets or sets the source image.
X As Double
Gets or sets the X location of the source image.
X is in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.LeftX from X.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the Y location of the source image.
Y is in the coordinate space of the node. To take the camera position into account, subtract sgeCamera.TopY from Y.





  BlurType As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_GAUSSIAN As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_ONE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_THREE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  BLURTYPE_TWO_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType

  Choke As Double

  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  Height As Double


  Initialize2 (Radius As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  Initialize3 (Radius As Double, OffsetX As Double, OffsetY As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  OffsetX As Double

  OffsetY As Double

  Radius As Double

  Width As Double

Members description:

BlurType As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
Gets or sets the algorithm used to blur the shadow (one of the BLURTYPE_... constants).
BLURTYPE_GAUSSIAN As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_ONE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_THREE_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
BLURTYPE_TWO_PASS_BOX As javafx.scene.effect.BlurType
Choke As Double
Gets or sets the choke of the shadow. From 0 to 1.
The choke is the portion of the radius where the contribution of the source material will be 100%. The remaining portion of the radius will have a contribution controlled by the blur kernel.
Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the shadow color.
Height As Double
Gets or sets the vertical size of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 255.
Creates a new InnerShadow effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Radius As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new InnerShadow effect with the specified radius and color.
Initialize3 (Radius As Double, OffsetX As Double, OffsetY As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new InnerShadow effect with the specified radius, offsetX, offsetY and color.
OffsetX As Double
Gets or sets the shadow offset in the X direction, in pixels.
OffsetY As Double
Gets or sets the shadow offset in the Y direction, in pixels.
Radius As Double
Gets or sets the radius of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 127.
Width As Double
Gets or sets the horizontal size of the shadow blur kernel. From 0 to 255.





  Azimuth As Double

  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  DiffuseConstant As Double

  Elevation As Double


  Initialize2 (Azimuth As Double, Elevation As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  SpecularConstant As Double

  SpecularExponent As Double

  SurfaceScale As Double

Members description:

Azimuth As Double
Gets or sets the azimuth of the light. The azimuth is the direction angle for the light source on the XY plane, in degrees.
Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the color of the light source.
DiffuseConstant As Double
Gets or sets the diffuse constant. From 0 to 2.
Elevation As Double
Gets or sets the elevation of the light. The elevation is the direction angle for the light source on the YZ plane, in degrees.
Creates a new LightingDistant effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Azimuth As Double, Elevation As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new LightingDistant effect with the specified azimuth, elevation, and color.
SpecularConstant As Double
Gets or sets the specular constant. From 0 to 2.
SpecularExponent As Double
Gets or sets the specular exponent. From 0 to 40.
SurfaceScale As Double
Gets or sets the surface scale factor. From 0 to 10.





  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  DiffuseConstant As Double


  Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  SpecularConstant As Double

  SpecularExponent As Double

  SurfaceScale As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

  Z As Double

Members description:

Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the color of the light source.
DiffuseConstant As Double
Gets or sets the diffuse constant. From 0 to 2.
Creates a new LightingPoint effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new LightingPoint effect with the specified X, Y, Z, and color.
X: The X coordinate of the light position.
Y: The Y coordinate of the light position.
Z: The Z coordinate of the light position.
SpecularConstant As Double
Gets or sets the specular constant. From 0 to 2.
SpecularExponent As Double
Gets or sets the specular exponent. From 0 to 40.
SurfaceScale As Double
Gets or sets the surface scale factor. From 0 to 10.
X As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the light position.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the light position.
Z As Double
Gets or sets the Z coordinate of the light position.





  Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  DiffuseConstant As Double


  Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double, SpecularExponent As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)

  SpecularConstant As Double

  SpecularExponent As Double

  SurfaceScale As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

  Z As Double

Members description:

Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the color of the light source.
DiffuseConstant As Double
Gets or sets the diffuse constant. From 0 to 2.
Creates a new LightingSpot effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double, SpecularExponent As Double, Color As javafx.scene.paint.Color)
Creates a new LightingSpot effect with the specified X, Y, Z, specular exponent, and color.
X: The X coordinate of the direction vector for this light.
Y: The Y coordinate of the direction vector for this light.
Z: The Z coordinate of the direction vector for this light.
SpecularExponent: The specular exponent, which controls the focus of this light source.
SpecularConstant As Double
Gets or sets the specular constant. From 0 to 2.
SpecularExponent As Double
Gets or sets the specular exponent, which controls the focus of this light source. From 0 to 4.
SurfaceScale As Double
Gets or sets the surface scale factor. From 0 to 10.
X As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the direction vector for this light.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the direction vector for this light.
Z As Double
Gets or sets the Z coordinate of the direction vector for this light.





  Angle As Double


  Initialize2 (Angle As Double, Radius As Double)

  Radius As Double

Members description:

Angle As Double
Gets or sets the angle of the motion effect, in degrees.
Creates a new MotionBlur effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (Angle As Double, Radius As Double)
Creates a new MotionBlur effect with the specified angle and radius.
Radius As Double
Gets or sets the radius of the blur kernel. From 0 to 63.






  Initialize2 (ulx As Double, uly As Double, urx As Double, ury As Double, lrx As Double, lry As Double, llx As Double, lly As Double)

  Llx As Double

  Lly As Double

  Lrx As Double

  Lry As Double

  Ulx As Double

  Uly As Double

  Urx As Double

  Ury As Double

Members description:

Creates a new PerspectiveTransform effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (ulx As Double, uly As Double, urx As Double, ury As Double, lrx As Double, lry As Double, llx As Double, lly As Double)
Creates a new PerspectiveTransform effect with the specified ulx, uly, urx, ury, lrx, lry, llx, and lly.
Llx As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the output location onto which the lower left corner of the source is mapped.
Lly As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the output location onto which the lower left corner of the source is mapped.
Lrx As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the output location onto which the lower right corner of the source is mapped.
Lry As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the output location onto which the lower right corner of the source is mapped.
Ulx As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the output location onto which the upper left corner of the source is mapped.
Uly As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the output location onto which the upper left corner of the source is mapped.
Urx As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the output location onto which the upper right corner of the source is mapped.
Ury As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the output location onto which the upper right corner of the source is mapped.





  BottomOpacity As Double

  Fraction As Double


  Initialize2 (TopOffset As Double, Fraction As Double, TopOpacity As Double, BottomOpacity As Double)

  TopOffset As Double

  TopOpacity As Double

Members description:

BottomOpacity As Double
Gets or sets the bottom opacity value, which is the opacity of the reflection at its bottom extreme. From 0 to 1.
Fraction As Double
Gets or sets the fraction of the input that is visible in the reflection. From 0 to 1.
Creates a new Reflection effect with default parameters.
Initialize2 (TopOffset As Double, Fraction As Double, TopOpacity As Double, BottomOpacity As Double)
Creates a new Reflection effect with the specified top offset, fraction, top opacity and bottom opacity.
TopOffset As Double
Gets or sets the top offset adjustment, which is the distance between the bottom of the input and the top of the reflection.
TopOpacity As Double
Gets or sets the top opacity value, which is the opacity of the reflection at its top extreme. From 0 to 1.





  ApplyTransform (T As javafx.scene.transform.Transform)

  ApplyTransform2 (T1 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform, T2 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform)

  CAP_BUTT As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap

  CAP_ROUND As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap

  CAP_SQUARE As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap


  Clear2 (Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint)

  CLOSURE_CHORD As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType

  CLOSURE_OPEN As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType

  CLOSURE_ROUND As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType

  ConcatenateTransforms (T1 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform, T2 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  CurrentTransform As javafx.scene.transform.Transform [read only]

  DrawArc (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, StartAngle As Double, ArcExtent As Double, Closure As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawCircle (CenterX As Double, CenterY As Double, Radius As Double, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawImage (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double)

  DrawImage2 (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)

  DrawLine (X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, X2 As Double, Y2 As Double)

  DrawOval (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawPolygon (Point2Ds As List, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawPolygon2 (Point2Ds() As sgePoint2D, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawPolygon3 (xPoints() As Double, yPoints() As Double, nPoints As Int, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawPolyline (Point2Ds As List)

  DrawPolyline2 (Point2Ds() As sgePoint2D)

  DrawPolyline3 (xPoints() As Double, yPoints() As Double, nPoints As Int)

  DrawRect (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawRegion (Region As sgeRegion, X As Double, Y As Double)

  DrawRegion2 (Region As sgeRegion, X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)

  DrawRoundRect (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, ArcWidth As Double, ArcHeight As Double, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawString (Text As String, X As Double, Y As Double, Filled As Boolean)

  DrawString2 (Text As String, X As Double, Y As Double, Filled As Boolean, MaxWidth As Int)

  DrawText (Text As sgeText, X As Double, Y As Double)

  DrawTiledMap (Map As sgeTiledMap)

  DrawTiledMap2 (Map As sgeTiledMap, X As Double, Y As Double)

  DrawTiledMapImageLayer (TiledMap As sgeTiledMap, LayerName As String)

  DrawTiledMapLayer (Layer As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.tiledmap.AbstractLayer)

  DrawTiledMapLayer2 (Layer As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.tiledmap.AbstractLayer, X As Double, Y As Double)

  DrawTiledMapTileLayer (TiledMap As sgeTiledMap, LayerName As String)

  Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]

  Fill As javafx.scene.paint.Paint

  FillWithImage (Image As ImageWrapper)

  FillWithRegion (Region As sgeRegion)

  Font As javafx.scene.text.Font

  GlobalAlpha As Double

  IsTransformed As Boolean

  LineCap As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap

  LineDashes() As Double

  LineWidth As Double


  Rotate (Degrees As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  Rotate2 (Degrees As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform


  Scale (X As Double, Y As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  Scale2 (X As Double, Y As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  Shear (X As Double, Y As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  Shear2 (X As Double, Y As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform

  Stroke As javafx.scene.paint.Paint

  TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  TextAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

Members description:

ApplyTransform (T As javafx.scene.transform.Transform)
Applies the given Transform to the canvas.
ApplyTransform2 (T1 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform, T2 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform)
Concatenates and applies the given Transforms.
CAP_BUTT As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
CAP_ROUND As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
CAP_SQUARE As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
Clears the canvas with a transparent color value.
Clear2 (Color As javafx.scene.paint.Paint)
Clears the canvas with the specified color value.
CLOSURE_CHORD As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
CLOSURE_OPEN As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
CLOSURE_ROUND As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
ConcatenateTransforms (T1 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform, T2 As javafx.scene.transform.Transform) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Concatenates the given Transforms.
CurrentTransform As javafx.scene.transform.Transform [read only]
Returns a copy of the current Transform applied to the canvas.
DrawArc (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, StartAngle As Double, ArcExtent As Double, Closure As javafx.scene.shape.ArcType, Filled As Boolean)
Draws an arc using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
StartAngle: The starting angle of the arc in degrees.
ArcExtent: The angular extent of the arc in degrees.
Closure: One of the CLOSURE_... constants.
DrawCircle (CenterX As Double, CenterY As Double, Radius As Double, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a circle using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
DrawImage (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double)
Draws an image at the given X,Y position using the width and height of the given image.
DrawImage2 (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)
Draws an image into the given destination rectangle of the canvas. The image is scaled to fit into the destination rectangle.
DrawLine (X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, X2 As Double, Y2 As Double)
Draws a line using the current stroke paint color and line attributes.
DrawOval (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Filled As Boolean)
Draws an oval using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
DrawPolygon (Point2Ds As List, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a polygon using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
Point2Ds: List of sgePoint2D objects containing the coordinates of the polygon's points.
DrawPolygon2 (Point2Ds() As sgePoint2D, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a polygon using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
Point2Ds: Array of sgePoint2D objects containing the coordinates of the polygon's points.
DrawPolygon3 (xPoints() As Double, yPoints() As Double, nPoints As Int, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a polygon using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
xPoints: Array containing the X coordinates of the polygon's points.
yPoints: Array containing the Y coordinates of the polygon's points.
nPoints: The number of points that make the polygon.
DrawPolyline (Point2Ds As List)
Draws a polyline using the current stroke paint color and line attributes.
Point2Ds: List of sgePoint2D objects containing the coordinates of the polyline's points.
DrawPolyline2 (Point2Ds() As sgePoint2D)
Draws a polyline using the current stroke paint color and line attributes.
Point2Ds: Array of sgePoint2D objects containing the coordinates of the polyline's points.
DrawPolyline3 (xPoints() As Double, yPoints() As Double, nPoints As Int)
Draws a polyline using the current stroke paint color and line attributes.
xPoints: Array containing the X coordinates of the polyline's points.
yPoints: Array containing the Y coordinates of the polyline's points.
nPoints: The number of points that make the polyline.
DrawRect (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a rectangle using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
DrawRegion (Region As sgeRegion, X As Double, Y As Double)
Draws a region at the given X,Y position using the width and height of the given region.
DrawRegion2 (Region As sgeRegion, X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)
Draws the specified region into the given destination rectangle of the canvas.
DrawRoundRect (X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, ArcWidth As Double, ArcHeight As Double, Filled As Boolean)
Draws a rounded rectangle using the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
ArcWidth,ArcHeight: The arc dimensions of the rectangle corners.
DrawString (Text As String, X As Double, Y As Double, Filled As Boolean)
Draws the given string of text at position X,Y with the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
DrawString2 (Text As String, X As Double, Y As Double, Filled As Boolean, MaxWidth As Int)
Draws the given string of text at position X,Y with the current fill paint color if Filled is true, or the current stroke paint color and line attributes otherwise.
MaxWidth: If the width of the text extends past this value, then it will be sized to fit.
DrawText (Text As sgeText, X As Double, Y As Double)
Draws the specified Text object at position X,Y. This may change the font and color attributes.
DrawTiledMap (Map As sgeTiledMap)
Draws the given tiled map.
DrawTiledMap2 (Map As sgeTiledMap, X As Double, Y As Double)
Draws the given tiled map at the specified position.
DrawTiledMapImageLayer (TiledMap As sgeTiledMap, LayerName As String)
Draws the image layer with the given name.
DrawTiledMapLayer (Layer As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.tiledmap.AbstractLayer)
Draws the specified map layer.
DrawTiledMapLayer2 (Layer As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.tiledmap.AbstractLayer, X As Double, Y As Double)
Draws the specified map layer at the given position.
DrawTiledMapTileLayer (TiledMap As sgeTiledMap, LayerName As String)
Draws the tile layer with the given name.
Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect [write only]
Sets the effect to be applied. Note that effects are not cumulative.
Fill As javafx.scene.paint.Paint
Gets or sets the current fill paint color. The default value is fx.Colors.Black.
FillWithImage (Image As ImageWrapper)
Fills the canvas with the given image. The image is repeated horizontally and vertically.
FillWithRegion (Region As sgeRegion)
Fills the canvas with the given region. The region is repeated horizontally and vertically.
Font As javafx.scene.text.Font
Gets or sets the current font.
GlobalAlpha As Double
Gets or sets the global alpha of the current state (a value from 0 to 1). The default value is 1.0.
IsTransformed As Boolean
Returns whether the canvas is rotated, scaled or sheared with a Transform (the camera zoom is not taken into account).
LineCap As javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
Gets or sets the current stroke line cap. The default value is CAP_SQUARE.
LineDashes() As Double
Gets or sets the current stroke line dash pattern. The default value is Null.
LineWidth As Double
Gets or sets the current line width. The default value is 1.0.
Pops the state off of the stack, setting the following attributes to their value at the time when that state was pushed onto the stack with SaveState. If the stack is empty then nothing is changed.
- CurrentTransform
- Effect
- Fill
- Font
- GlobalAlpha
- LineCap
- LineDashes
- LineWidth
- Stroke
- TextAlignment
Rotate (Degrees As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a rotating transformation.
Rotate2 (Degrees As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a rotating transformation around the given pivot point.
Saves the following attributes onto a stack:
- CurrentTransform
- Effect
- Fill
- Font
- GlobalAlpha
- LineCap
- LineDashes
- LineWidth
- Stroke
- TextAlignment
Scale (X As Double, Y As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a scaling transformation.
X: Factor by which coordinates are scaled along the X axis direction.
Y: Factor by which coordinates are scaled along the Y axis direction.
Scale2 (X As Double, Y As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a scaling transformation.
X: Factor by which coordinates are scaled along the X axis direction.
Y: Factor by which coordinates are scaled along the Y axis direction.
PivotX: The X coordinate about which point the scale occurs.
PivotY: The Y coordinate about which point the scale occurs.
Shear (X As Double, Y As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a shearing transformation.
X: Multiplier by which coordinates are shifted in the direction of the positive X axis as a factor of their Y coordinate.
Y: Multiplier by which coordinates are shifted in the direction of the positive Y axis as a factor of their X coordinate.
Shear2 (X As Double, Y As Double, PivotX As Double, PivotY As Double) As javafx.scene.transform.Transform
Returns a Transform object representing a shearing transformation.
X: Multiplier by which coordinates are shifted in the direction of the positive X axis as a factor of their Y coordinate.
Y: Multiplier by which coordinates are shifted in the direction of the positive Y axis as a factor of their X coordinate.
PivotX: The X coordinate of the shear pivot point.
PivotY: The Y coordinate of the shear pivot point.
Stroke As javafx.scene.paint.Paint
Gets or sets the current stroke paint color. The default value is fx.Colors.Black.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
TextAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment, relative to the X position.



ActionProgression(Progression As Double, Data As Object)


  Action As sgeAction

  Alpha As Double

  BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]

  CenterX As Double [read only]

  CenterY As Double [read only]

  Children As List [read only]




  Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect

  FlipX As Boolean

  FlipY As Boolean

  Height As Double [read only]

  Initialize (Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  LocalCenterX As Double [read only]

  LocalCenterY As Double [read only]

  LocalX As Double

  LocalY As Double

  Parent As sgeGroup

  PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)



  Rotation As Double

  ScaleX As Double

  ScaleY As Double

  SetLocalPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)

  SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)

  SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)

  SetScale (Scale As Double)

  Tag As Object

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Double [read only]

  X As Double

  Y As Double

  ZOrder As Int

Members description:

Action As sgeAction
Gets or sets the action to be performed.
Alpha As Double
Gets or sets the opacity value of this actor.
BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]
Returns the bounding box containing this actor.
CenterX As Double [read only]
CenterY As Double [read only]
Children As List [read only]
Returns a list of all actors within this group. It's a copy so adding or removing items has no consequence on the original list.
Removes all actors from this group.
Clears all actions of this actor. The actions in progress are cancelled.
Draws the visual object of all actors within this group.
Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect
Gets or sets the effect applied to this actor. Note that effects are not cumulative. So any effect applied to a group will be ignored by an actor of this group having its own effect.
FlipX As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the X axis.
FlipY As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the Y axis.
Height As Double [read only]
Gets the height of this group. This height is computed according to the group content.
Initialize (Parent As sgeGroup, EventPrefix As String)
Creates a group that can contain actors.
IsInitialized As Boolean
LocalCenterX As Double [read only]
LocalCenterY As Double [read only]
LocalX As Double
Gets or sets the local X position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
LocalY As Double
Gets or sets the local Y position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
Parent As sgeGroup
Gets or sets the group containing this actor.
PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)
Updates the data of the action assigned to this actor. Should be called in the Update event.
Removes this group from its parent group and destroys the visual object of all children actors.
Rotation As Double
Gets or sets the rotation angle in degrees.
ScaleX As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the horizontal direction relative to its width.
ScaleY As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the vertical direction relative to its height.
SetLocalPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)
Sets the local position of this actor. The LocalX,LocalY coordinates are relative to the parent's coordinates.
SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)
Sets the global position of this actor. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)
Repeats the specified action the given number of times (or forever if Count is set to REPEAT_FOREVER). This action is repeated only after all actions linked with Then and With are finished.
SetScale (Scale As Double)
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in both directions.
Tag As Object
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is shown or hidden.
Width As Double [read only]
Gets the width of this group. This width is computed according to the group content.
X As Double
Gets or sets the global X position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the global Y position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
ZOrder As Int
Gets or sets the Z-order (position in the drawing list of the actor's parent). 0 = first actor to be drawn.



KeyPressed(KeyData As sgeKeyEvent)
KeyReleased(KeyData As sgeKeyEvent)
MouseClicked(EventData As MouseEvent)
MouseDragged(EventData As MouseEvent)
MouseEntered(EventData As MouseEvent)
MouseExited(EventData As MouseEvent)
MouseMoved(EventData As MouseEvent)
MousePressed(EventData As MouseEvent)
MouseReleased(EventData As MouseEvent)
Scroll(DeltaY As Double)


  ClipMousePosition (Clip As Boolean)

  IsAltKeyDown As Boolean

  IsControlKeyDown As Boolean

  IsMiddleButtonDown As Boolean

  IsPrimaryButtonDown As Boolean

  IsSecondaryButtonDown As Boolean

  IsShiftKeyDown As Boolean

  LatestMouseX As Double [read only]

  LatestMouseY As Double [read only]

  LatestPressedKey As sgeKeyEvent [read only]

  MouseToCanvas (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D

  MouseToParent (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D

  PressedKeys As List [read only]

Members description:

ClipMousePosition (Clip As Boolean)
If Clip is True, LatestMouseX and LatestMouseY will return -1 when the mouse is outside the node bounds. Default = False.
IsAltKeyDown As Boolean
IsControlKeyDown As Boolean
IsMiddleButtonDown As Boolean
Returns True if the middle mouse button is currently pushed down.
IsPrimaryButtonDown As Boolean
Returns True if the primary mouse button (usually the left) is currently pushed down.
IsSecondaryButtonDown As Boolean
Returns True if the secondary mouse button (usually the right) is currently pushed down.
IsShiftKeyDown As Boolean
LatestMouseX As Double [read only]
Returns the most recent horizontal position of the mouse.
LatestMouseY As Double [read only]
Returns the most recent vertical position of the mouse.
LatestPressedKey As sgeKeyEvent [read only]
Returns the most recent pressed key.
MouseToCanvas (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D
Transforms the given mouse position from its coordinate space into the coordinate space of the canvas.
MouseToParent (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D
Transforms the given mouse position from its coordinate space into the coordinate space of the node parent.
PressedKeys As List [read only]
Returns a list containing all currently pressed keys as sgeKeyEvent objects.



Interpolate(Value As Double) As Double


  Custom (EventPrefix As String) As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Ease_Both As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Ease_In As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Ease_Out As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Exp_Both (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Exp_In (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Exp_Out (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Linear As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Sine_Both As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Sine_In As javafx.animation.Interpolator

  Sine_Out As javafx.animation.Interpolator

Members description:

Custom (EventPrefix As String) As javafx.animation.Interpolator
Allows to create your own interpolator. The Interpolate event is raised over time and has to return a value between 0 and 1.
Ease_Both As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Ease-Both interpolator will make an animation start slow, then accelerate and slow down again towards the end, all in a smooth manner.
Ease_In As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Ease-In interpolator will make an animation start slow and then accelerate smoothly.
Ease_Out As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Ease-Out interpolator will make an animation slow down toward the end smoothly.
Exp_Both (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Exp-Both interpolator will make an animation start slow, then accelerate and slow down again towards the end, all in an exponential manner.
Exp_In (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Exp-In interpolator will make an animation start slow and then accelerate exponentially.
Exp_Out (Power As Int) As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Exp-Out interpolator will make an animation start fast and then slow down exponentially.
Linear As javafx.animation.Interpolator
Provides a linear time interpolation.
Sine_Both As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Sine-Both interpolator will make an animation start slow, then accelerate and slow down again towards the end, all in a smooth manner.
Sine_In As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Sine-In interpolator will make an animation start slow and then accelerate smoothly.
Sine_Out As javafx.animation.Interpolator
The Sine-Out interpolator will make an animation slow down toward the end smoothly.





  Code As String [read only]

  IsArrowKey As Boolean

  IsFunctionKey As Boolean

  IsKeypadKey As Boolean

  IsMediaKey As Boolean

  IsModifierKey As Boolean

  KEY_ALT As String





  KEY_DELETE As String

  KEY_DOWN As String

  KEY_END As String

  KEY_ENTER As String

  KEY_ESCAPE As String

  KEY_HOME As String

  KEY_INSERT As String

  KEY_LEFT As String


  KEY_PAGE_UP As String

  KEY_RIGHT As String

  KEY_SHIFT As String

  KEY_SPACE As String

  KEY_TAB As String

  KEY_UP As String

  toString As String

Members description:

Code As String [read only]
Returns the code of this key.
IsArrowKey As Boolean
Returns True if this key is the left, right, up or down key (including the keypad arrows).
IsFunctionKey As Boolean
Returns True if the code of this key corresponds to a functional key (e.g. F10).
IsKeypadKey As Boolean
Returns True if the code of this key corresponds to a key on the keypad.
IsMediaKey As Boolean
Returns True if the code of this key corresponds to a media key (e.g. volume control key).
IsModifierKey As Boolean
Returns True if this key could act as a modifier (e.g. Alt, Control, Shift).
KEY_ALT As String
KEY_DOWN As String
KEY_END As String
KEY_HOME As String
KEY_LEFT As String
KEY_TAB As String
KEY_UP As String
toString As String
Returns a textual representation of this key event.





  FlipX As Boolean

  FlipY As Boolean

  Rotation As Byte

  ROTATION_270 As Byte

  ROTATION_90 As Byte


  Tile As sgeMapTile

  toString As String

Members description:

FlipX As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the tile of this cell is horizontally flipped when drawn.
FlipY As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the tile of this cell is vertically flipped when drawn.
Rotation As Byte
Gets or sets the rotation of this cell (either ROTATION_NONE, ROTATION_90 or ROTATION_270).
ROTATION_270 As Byte
Tile As sgeMapTile
Gets or sets the tile used to draw the cell.
toString As String





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  Image As ImageWrapper

  Properties As Map [read only]

  Region As sgeRegion

  Tileset As sgeMapTileset [read only]

  toString As String

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this tile.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this tile with the given name.
Image As ImageWrapper
Gets or sets the image of this tile. If an image is set, Region is Null.
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this tile.
Region As sgeRegion
Gets or sets the region of this tile. If a region is set, Image is Null.
Tileset As sgeMapTileset [read only]
toString As String





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  FirstGlobalID As Int [read only]

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  GetTile (id As Int) As sgeMapTile

  ImageHeight As Int [read only]

  ImageSource As String [read only]

  ImageWidth As Int [read only]

  Margin As Int [read only]

  Name As String [read only]

  OffsetX As Int [read only]

  OffsetY As Int [read only]

  Properties As Map [read only]

  Source As String [read only]

  Spacing As Int [read only]

  TileHeight As Int [read only]

  Tiles As Map [read only]

  TileWidth As Int [read only]

  toString As String

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this tileset.
FirstGlobalID As Int [read only]
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this tileset with the given name.
GetTile (id As Int) As sgeMapTile
Retrieves the tile with the given ID.
ImageHeight As Int [read only]
ImageSource As String [read only]
ImageWidth As Int [read only]
Margin As Int [read only]
Name As String [read only]
OffsetX As Int [read only]
OffsetY As Int [read only]
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this tileset.
Source As String [read only]
Spacing As Int [read only]
TileHeight As Int [read only]
Tiles As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all tiles of this tileset.
TileWidth As Int [read only]
toString As String





  Balance As Double

  CurrentTime As Double [read only]


  CycleCount As Int

  Duration As Double [read only]

  Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  IsPaused As Boolean

  IsPlaying As Boolean

  IsReady As Boolean




  Seek (SeekTime As Double)


  Volume As Double

Members description:

Balance As Double
Gets or sets the relative left and right volume levels of the music. Valid range is -1 to 1 where -1 gives full volume to the left channel while muting the right channel, 0 gives full volume to both channels and 1 gives full volume to right channel and mutes the left channel. Default = 0.
CurrentTime As Double [read only]
Returns the current music playback time (in milliseconds from start).
CycleCount As Int
Gets or sets the number of times the music will be played when Play is called. Setting this to CYCLE_INDEFINITE will cause the music to repeat until Pause or Stop is called. Default = 1.
Duration As Double [read only]
Retrieves the duration in seconds of the music. This information is only available when the player is ready to play.
Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String)
Creates a new music instance.
IsInitialized As Boolean
IsPaused As Boolean
Indicates whether the playback is paused.
IsPlaying As Boolean
Indicates whether this music is playing.
IsReady As Boolean
Indicates whether the player is prepared to play.
Pauses the playback.
Starts playing the music. If previously paused, then playback resumes where it was paused.
Starts playing the music from the beginning.
Seek (SeekTime As Double)
Seeks the player to a new playback time (in milliseconds from start).
Stops playing the music.
Volume As Double
Gets or sets the volume at which the music should be played. Valid range is 0 (inaudible) to 1 (full volume). Default = 1.





  CellSize As Int [read only]

  Clone As sgeNavigationGrid

  Export (Dir As String, FileName As String)

  GetCost (Col As Int, Row As Int) As Float

  GetTag (Col As Int, Row As Int) As Object

  Initialize (WorldWidth As Int, WorldHeight As Int, CellSize As Int, CostsArray(,) As Float, DiagonalMove As Boolean)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  MAX_COST As Float

  NbOfCols As Int [read only]

  NbOfRows As Int [read only]


  SetCost (Col As Int, Row As Int, Cost As Float)

  SetTag (Col As Int, Row As Int, Value As Object)

  toString As String

Members description:

CellSize As Int [read only]
Returns the size in pixels of the grid cells.
Clone As sgeNavigationGrid
Returns a copy of this grid. It is an expensive operation so don't call this function repeatedly.
Export (Dir As String, FileName As String)
Exports this grid to the specified text file. The saved file can be imported with the sgeAssetManager class.
GetCost (Col As Int, Row As Int) As Float
Gets the cost for the cell at the given coordinates. From 0 (no obstacle, fastest move) to 10 (impassable obstacle, impossible move).
GetTag (Col As Int, Row As Int) As Object
Gets the Tag value for the cell at the given coordinates.
Initialize (WorldWidth As Int, WorldHeight As Int, CellSize As Int, CostsArray(,) As Float, DiagonalMove As Boolean)
Divides the game world in square cells of the given size to create a navigation grid. The bigger are the cells, the faster is the pathfinding calculation, but also less accurate is the path.
Each cell has a navigation cost (the cost to enter the cell), which allows to simulate varying terrain difficulties.
WorldWidth,WorldHeight: The world size in pixels.
CellSize: The size of each cell in pixels.
CostsArray: An optional two-dimensional array (column, row) containing the navigation cost of each cell, which ranges from 1 (no obstacle, fast move) to 10 (impassable obstacle, impossible move). If CostsArray is Null, the default cost (1.0) is used.
DiagonalMove: Whether each cell is connected to the 8 surrounding cells (allowing diagonal moves) or just 4 cells (allowing only orthogonal moves).
IsInitialized As Boolean
NbOfCols As Int [read only]
Returns the number of columns of this grid.
NbOfRows As Int [read only]
Returns the number of rows of this grid.
SetCost (Col As Int, Row As Int, Cost As Float)
Sets the cost for the cell at the given coordinates. From 0 (no obstacle, fastest move) to 10 (impassable obstacle, impossible move).
SetTag (Col As Int, Row As Int, Value As Object)
Sets the Tag value for the cell at the given coordinates.
toString As String



Heuristic(C As Int, R As Int, StartC As Int, StartR As Int, GoalC As Int, GoalR As Int) As Float
Cost(C As Int, R As Int, NeighborC As Int, NeighborR As Int, Diagonal As Boolean, GridCost As Float) As Float
Path(LWP As List, ExceptionMsg As String, Tag As Object)



  CancelAsyncSearch (Tag As Object)





  FindShortestPath (Grid As sgeNavigationGrid, Position As sgePoint2D, Desired As sgePoint2D, Heuristic As Byte, Cost As Byte, EventPrefix As String) As List

  FindShortestPath_Async (Grid As sgeNavigationGrid, Position As sgePoint2D, Desired As sgePoint2D, Heuristic As Byte, Cost As Byte, Tag As Object, EventPrefix As String)







  TotalCost As Float [read only]

Members description:

Tries to cancel all path searches initiated by FindShortestPath or FindShortestPath_Async.
CancelAsyncSearch (Tag As Object)
Tries to cancel a path search initiated by FindShortestPath_Async with the given Tag.
The cost to move diagonally is increased by 2.
The cost to move diagonally is not increased.
The cost to move diagonally is increased by sqrt(2), i.e. 1.414. Should be the default in most cases.
FindShortestPath (Grid As sgeNavigationGrid, Position As sgePoint2D, Desired As sgePoint2D, Heuristic As Byte, Cost As Byte, EventPrefix As String) As List
Returns a list of waypoints defining the shortest path from the current position to a desired location, according to the specified A* heuristic.
This function returns Null if no path was found.
Grid: A navigation grid.
Heuristic: One of the methods (HEURISTIC_...) to estimate the movement cost between the considered cell and the final cell to reach.
Cost: One of the methods (COST_...) to compute the movement cost between two cells.
EventPrefix: Prefix of events. This function will fire a Heuristic event if you set Heuristic to Custom, and a Cost event if you set Cost to Custom.
FindShortestPath_Async (Grid As sgeNavigationGrid, Position As sgePoint2D, Desired As sgePoint2D, Heuristic As Byte, Cost As Byte, Tag As Object, EventPrefix As String)
This function is identical to FindShortestPath except it runs on a background thread and fires a Path event when it ends.
If an exception occurs, the LWP parameter is null and the ExceptionMsg parameter contains the exception message.
Should be used only when diagonal moves are not allowed.
Turns the A* algorithm into a Dijkstra algorithm.
TotalCost As Float [read only]
Returns the total cost of the last computed path, if a path was found.
Should be read right after the call to FindShortestPath if the result is not Null.





  Add (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D

  Add2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D

  Angle (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double

  Angle2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double

  Angle3 (P1 As sgePoint2D, P2 As sgePoint2D) As Double

  Distance (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double

  Distance2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double

  DotProduct (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double

  DotProduct2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double

  Equals (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Boolean

  Initialize (X As Double, Y As Double)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Magnitude As Double

  MidPoint (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D

  MidPoint2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D

  Multiply (Factor As Double) As sgePoint2D

  Normalize As sgePoint2D

  Subtract (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D

  Subtract2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D

  toString As String

  X As Double [read only]

  Y As Double [read only]

Members description:

Add (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point with the specified coordinates added to the coordinates of this point.
Add2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point added to the coordinates of this point.
Angle (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the specified vector.
Angle2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double
Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the vector represented by the specified point.
Angle3 (P1 As sgePoint2D, P2 As sgePoint2D) As Double
Computes the angle (in degrees) between the three points with this point as a vertex.
Distance (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Computes the distance between this point and the given point.
Distance2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double
Computes the distance between this point and the given point.
DotProduct (X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this point and the specified vector.
DotProduct2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Double
Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this point and the specified vector.
Equals (P2D As sgePoint2D) As Boolean
Returns whether this point and the given point have the same coordinates.
Initialize (X As Double, Y As Double)
Creates a new point with the given coordinates.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Magnitude As Double
Computes the magnitude (length) of the vector represented by this point.
MidPoint (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified coordinates.
MidPoint2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified point.
Multiply (Factor As Double) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point with the coordinates of this point multiplied by the specified factor.
Normalize As sgePoint2D
Normalizes the relative magnitude vector represented by this point.
Subtract (X As Double, Y As Double) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point with the specified coordinates subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
Subtract2 (P2D As sgePoint2D) As sgePoint2D
Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
toString As String
X As Double [read only]
Gets the X coordinate of this point.
Y As Double [read only]
Gets the Y coordinate of this point.





  Height As Double

  Image As javafx.scene.image.Image

  Initialize (Image As ImageWrapper, sourceX As Double, sourceY As Double, sourceWidth As Double, sourceHeight As Double)

  toString As String

  Width As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

Members description:

Height As Double
Image As javafx.scene.image.Image
Initialize (Image As ImageWrapper, sourceX As Double, sourceY As Double, sourceWidth As Double, sourceHeight As Double)
Creates a new region. A region describes a rectangle inside an Image and is used for drawing only a portion of this image.
A region is not a cropped copy; if the source image is modified, the region is modified too.
toString As String
Width As Double
X As Double
Y As Double



ActionProgression(Progression As Double, Data As Object)


  Action As sgeAction

  Alpha As Double

  BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]

  CenterX As Double [read only]

  CenterY As Double [read only]

  Children As List [read only]




  Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect

  FlipX As Boolean

  FlipY As Boolean

  Height As Double [read only]

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)


  Rotation As Double

  ScaleX As Double

  ScaleY As Double

  SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)

  SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)

  SetScale (Scale As Double)

  Tag As Object

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Double [read only]

  X As Double

  Y As Double

Members description:

Action As sgeAction
Gets or sets the action to be performed.
Alpha As Double
Gets or sets the opacity value of this actor.
BoundingBox As sgeBoundingBox [read only]
Returns the bounding box containing this actor.
CenterX As Double [read only]
CenterY As Double [read only]
Children As List [read only]
Returns a list of all actors within this group. It's a copy so adding or removing items has no consequence on the original list.
Removes all actors from this group.
Clears all actions of this actor. The actions in progress are cancelled.
Draws the visual object of all actors within this group.
Effect As flm.b4j.simplegameengine.effects.AbstractEffect
Gets or sets the effect applied to this actor. Note that effects are not cumulative. So any effect applied to a group will be ignored by an actor of this group having its own effect.
FlipX As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the X axis.
FlipY As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is flipped on the Y axis.
Height As Double [read only]
Gets the height of this group. This height is computed according to the group content.
IsInitialized As Boolean
PerformAction (ElapsedInMillis As Long)
Updates the data of the action assigned to this actor. Should be called in the Update event.
Rotation As Double
Gets or sets the rotation angle in degrees.
ScaleX As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the horizontal direction relative to its width.
ScaleY As Double
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in the vertical direction relative to its height.
SetPosition (X As Double, Y As Double)
Sets the global position of this actor. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
SetRepeatedAction (Action As sgeAction, Count As Int)
Repeats the specified action the given number of times (or forever if Count is set to REPEAT_FOREVER). This action is repeated only after all actions linked with Then and With are finished.
SetScale (Scale As Double)
Gets or sets the scale of this actor in both directions.
Tag As Object
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether this actor is shown or hidden.
Width As Double [read only]
Gets the width of this group. This width is computed according to the group content.
X As Double
Gets or sets the global X position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the global Y position. The X,Y coordinates are relative to the canvas origin.





  Initialize (EventPrefix As String)

  toString As String

Members description:

Initialize (EventPrefix As String)
Creates a new screen. This screen will redirect all events when it becomes active.
toString As String





  Balance As Double


  CycleCount As Int

  Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  IsPlaying As Boolean

  Pan As Double


  Play2 (Volume As Double)

  Priority As Int

  Rate As Double


  Volume As Double

Members description:

Balance As Double
Gets or sets the relative left and right volume levels of the clip. Valid range is -1 to 1 where -1 gives full volume to the left channel while muting the right channel, 0 gives full volume to both channels and 1 gives full volume to right channel and mutes the left channel. Default = 0.
CycleCount As Int
Gets or sets the number of times the clip will be played when Play is called. Setting this to CYCLE_INDEFINITE will cause the clip to continue looping until Stop is called. Default = 1.
Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String)
Creates a new audio clip loaded from the specified file.
IsInitialized As Boolean
IsPlaying As Boolean
Indicates whether this audio clip is playing.
Pan As Double
Gets or sets the relative "center" of the clip. A Pan value of 0 plays the clip normally where -1 shifts the clip entirely to the left channel and 1 shifts entirely to the right channel. Unlike Balance this setting mixes both channels so neither channel loses data. Default = 0.
Plays the audio clip.
Play2 (Volume As Double)
Plays the audio clip with the specified volume. This function does not modify the value of the Volume property.
Priority As Int
Gets or sets the relative priority of the clip with respect to other clips. This value is used to determine which clips to remove when the maximum allowed number of clips is exceeded. Default = 0.
Rate As Double
Gets or sets the relative rate at which the clip is played. Valid range is 0.125 (1/8 speed) to 8.0 (8x speed); values outside this range are clamped internally. Default = 1.
Immediately stops all playback of this audio clip.
Volume As Double
Gets or sets the relative volume level at which the clip is played. Valid range is 0 (muted) to 1 (full volume). Default = 1.





  Filled As Boolean

  Font As javafx.scene.text.Font

  FontColor As javafx.scene.paint.Color

  HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  HorizontalAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment

  Initialize (Text As String, Font As javafx.scene.text.Font)

  Initialize2 (Text As String, Font As javafx.scene.text.Font, HorizontalAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment)

  LineHeight As Float [read only]

  MaxWidth As Int

  Text As String

  TextHeight As Double [read only]

  TextWidth As Double [read only]

  toString As String

  VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_ABOVE As javafx.geometry.VPos

  VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BELOW As javafx.geometry.VPos


  VerticalAlignment As javafx.geometry.VPos

Members description:

Filled As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the text is filled with FontColor. Default = True
Font As javafx.scene.text.Font
Gets or sets the font of this text. Default = fx.DefaultFont(12)
FontColor As javafx.scene.paint.Color
Gets or sets the font color of this text. Default = fx.Colors.Black
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
HorizontalAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment, relative to the X position. Default = HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT
Initialize (Text As String, Font As javafx.scene.text.Font)
Creates a new text with the given string and font.
Initialize2 (Text As String, Font As javafx.scene.text.Font, HorizontalAlignment As javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment)
Creates a new text with the given string, font and alignment.
LineHeight As Float [read only]
Returns the height in pixels of a line of text.
MaxWidth As Int
Gets or sets the maximum width of this text. If the width of the text extends past this value, then it will be sized to fit.
Text As String
Gets or sets the string to display.
TextHeight As Double [read only]
Returns the height in pixels of this text.
TextWidth As Double [read only]
Returns the width in pixels of this text.
toString As String
VerticalAlignment As javafx.geometry.VPos
Gets or sets the vertical text alignment, relative to the Y position. Default = VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BELOW





  BackgroundColor As String [read only]

  GetImageLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapImageLayer

  GetObjectLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapObjectLayer

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  GetTile (id As Int) As sgeMapTile

  GetTileLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapTileLayer

  HexSideLength As Int [read only]

  Layers As List [read only]

  MapHeight As Int [read only]

  MapWidth As Int [read only]

  Orientation As String [read only]




  Properties As Map [read only]

  TileHeight As Int [read only]

  Tilesets As Map [read only]

  TileWidth As Int [read only]

Members description:

BackgroundColor As String [read only]
Gets the background color of this tiled map.
GetImageLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapImageLayer
Retrieves an image layer with the given name.
GetObjectLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapObjectLayer
Retrieves an object layer with the given name.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this tiled map with the given name.
GetTile (id As Int) As sgeMapTile
Returns the tile with the given ID.
GetTileLayer (Name As String) As sgeTiledMapTileLayer
Retrieves a tile layer with the given name.
HexSideLength As Int [read only]
Gets the size of the tile's edge for hexagonal maps (in pixels).
Layers As List [read only]
Returns the list of layers of this tiled map. It's a copy so adding or removing items has no consequence on the original list.
MapHeight As Int [read only]
Gets the map height in tiles.
MapWidth As Int [read only]
Gets the map width in tiles.
Orientation As String [read only]
Gets the map orientation (one of the ORIENTATION_... constants).
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this tiled map.
TileHeight As Int [read only]
Gets the height of a tile.
Tilesets As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all tilesets of this tiled map.
TileWidth As Int [read only]
Gets the width of a tile.





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  Image As ImageWrapper

  Name As String [read only]

  OffsetX As Int [read only]

  OffsetY As Int [read only]

  Opacity As Float

  Properties As Map [read only]

  TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]

  Visible As Boolean

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this layer.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this layer with the given name.
Image As ImageWrapper
Name As String [read only]
Gets the name of this layer.
OffsetX As Int [read only]
Gets the horizontal rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
OffsetY As Int [read only]
Gets the vertical rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
Opacity As Float
Gets or sets the opacity of this layer (a value from 0 to 1).
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this layer.
TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]
Returns the tiled map containing this layer.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the layer is shown or hidden.





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  FlipX As Boolean

  FlipY As Boolean

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  Height As Double

  ID As Int [read only]

  Name As String [read only]

  Points() As sgePoint2D [read only]

  Properties As Map [read only]

  Rotation As Double

  Shape As Byte [read only]






  TileID As Int [read only]

  toString As String

  Type As String [read only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Double

  X As Double

  Y As Double

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this object.
FlipX As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the tile representing this object has to be horizontally flipped when drawn.
FlipY As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the tile representing this object has to be vertically flipped when drawn.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this object with the given name.
Height As Double
Gets or sets the height of this object.
ID As Int [read only]
Returns the unique ID of this object.
Name As String [read only]
Returns the name of this object, if any.
Points() As sgePoint2D [read only]
Returns an array of sgePoint2D containing the points coordinates of the polygon or polyline of this object.
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this object.
Rotation As Double
Gets or sets the rotation of this object in degrees clockwise.
Shape As Byte [read only]
Returns the shape of this object (one of the SHAPE... constants).
TileID As Int [read only]
Returns the ID of the tile representing this object, or -1 if there's no associated tile.
toString As String
Type As String [read only]
Returns the type of this object, if any.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the object is shown or hidden.
Width As Double
Gets or sets the width of this object.
X As Double
Gets or sets the X coordinate of this object.
Y As Double
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of this object.





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  Color As String [read only]

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  Name As String [read only]

  Objects As List [read only]

  OffsetX As Int [read only]

  OffsetY As Int [read only]

  Opacity As Float

  Properties As Map [read only]

  TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]

  Visible As Boolean

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this layer.
Color As String [read only]
Gets the color used to display the objects.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this layer with the given name.
Name As String [read only]
Gets the name of this layer.
Objects As List [read only]
Returns the list of objects of this layer. It's a copy so adding or removing items has no consequence on the original list.
OffsetX As Int [read only]
Gets the horizontal rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
OffsetY As Int [read only]
Gets the vertical rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
Opacity As Float
Gets or sets the opacity of this layer (a value from 0 to 1).
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this layer.
TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]
Returns the tiled map containing this layer.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the layer is shown or hidden.





  AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)

  GetCell (X As Int, Y As Int) As sgeMapCell

  GetProperty (Name As String) As String

  Name As String [read only]

  OffsetX As Int [read only]

  OffsetY As Int [read only]

  Opacity As Float

  Properties As Map [read only]

  TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]

  Visible As Boolean

Members description:

AddProperty (Name As String, Value As String)
Adds a custom property to this layer.
GetCell (X As Int, Y As Int) As sgeMapCell
Gets the cell at the given coordinates.
GetProperty (Name As String) As String
Retrieves a custom property of this layer with the given name.
Name As String [read only]
Gets the name of this layer.
OffsetX As Int [read only]
Gets the horizontal rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
OffsetY As Int [read only]
Gets the vertical rendering offset for this layer in pixels.
Opacity As Float
Gets or sets the opacity of this layer (a value from 0 to 1).
Properties As Map [read only]
Returns a Map containing all custom properties of this layer.
TiledMap As sgeTiledMap [read only]
Returns the tiled map containing this layer.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the layer is shown or hidden.





  ConvertWebColor (WebColor As String) As javafx.scene.paint.Paint

  Crop (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Int, Y As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As ImageWrapper

  GetPixels (Image As ImageWrapper) As Int()

  ReduceColorsTo256 (Image As ImageWrapper, Sampling As Int) As ImageWrapper

  SetPixels (Pixels() As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As ImageWrapper

Members description:

ConvertWebColor (WebColor As String) As javafx.scene.paint.Paint
Converts the given HTML or CSS color string to a RGB color.
Crop (Image As ImageWrapper, X As Int, Y As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As ImageWrapper
Crops the given image by the specified rectangle.
GetPixels (Image As ImageWrapper) As Int()
Reads pixel data from the given image.
ReduceColorsTo256 (Image As ImageWrapper, Sampling As Int) As ImageWrapper
Reduces the number of colors of the given image to 256. This operation may take several seconds depending on the image size and sampling value.
Sampling: Sampling factor of the quantization algorithm. From 1 (slow, but good quality) to 30 (fast, but low quality).
SetPixels (Pixels() As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As ImageWrapper
Stores pixel data from the given int array into an image.