B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:






  ReadBytes (Position As UInt, Count As UInt) As Byte()

  ReadBytes2 (Position As UInt, Count As UInt, Dest() As Byte) As void

  Size As UInt [read only]

  WriteBytes (Src() As Byte, Position As UInt) As void

Members description:

ReadBytes (Position As UInt, Count As UInt) As Byte()
Reads data from the EEPROM and returns it as a new array.
Position - Address of the first byte.
Count - Number of bytes to read.
ReadBytes2 (Position As UInt, Count As UInt, Dest() As Byte) As void
Similar to ReadBytes. The data is copied to the passed array.
Size As UInt [read only]
Returns the size of the EEPROM.
WriteBytes (Src() As Byte, Position As UInt) As void
Writes the array of bytes to the EEPROM.
This method updates the data. Existing stored bytes will not be modified if they are the same.
Src - Data to write.
Position - Address of the first byte.