B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:






  ClearDisplay (Address As Int) As void

  DeviceCount As Int [read only]

  Initialize (DataPin As Int, ClkPin As Int, CsPin As Int, NumDevices As Int) As void

  SetChar (Address As Int, Digit As Int, Value As String, DecimalPoint As Boolean) As void

  SetColumn (Address As Int, Column As Int, Value As Byte) As void

  SetDigit (Address As Int, Digit As Int, Value As Byte, DecimalPoint As Boolean) As void

  SetIntensity (Address As Int, Intensity As Int) As void

  SetLed (Address As Int, Row As Int, Col As Int, State As Boolean) As void

  SetRow (Address As Int, Row As Int, Value As Byte) As void

  SetScanLimit (Address As Int, Limit As Int) As void

  Shutdown (Address As Int, Status As Boolean) As void

Members description:

ClearDisplay (Address As Int) As void
Clears the display.
DeviceCount As Int [read only]
Returns the number of attached devices.
Initialize (DataPin As Int, ClkPin As Int, CsPin As Int, NumDevices As Int) As void
Initializes the controller.
DataPin - Data pin.
ClockPin - Clock pin.
CsPin - Chip selection pin.
NumDevices - Maximum number of devices that can be connected.
SetChar (Address As Int, Digit As Int, Value As String, DecimalPoint As Boolean) As void
Displays a character. The following characters are supported:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0,
A, b, c, d, E, F, H, L, O, ., -, _ and space.
SetColumn (Address As Int, Column As Int, Value As Byte) As void
Sets all 8 leds in a column.
Address - Device address.
Column - Column index (0 - 7).
Value - Each bit set to 1 will light the corresponding led.
SetDigit (Address As Int, Digit As Int, Value As Byte, DecimalPoint As Boolean) As void
Displays a hexadecimal digit on a 7 segment display.
SetIntensity (Address As Int, Intensity As Int) As void
Sets the display brightness (0 - 15).
SetLed (Address As Int, Row As Int, Col As Int, State As Boolean) As void
Sets the status of a single led.
SetRow (Address As Int, Row As Int, Value As Byte) As void
Sets all 8 leds in a row.
Address - Device address.
Row - Row index (0 - 7).
Value - Each bit set to 1 will light the corresponding led.
SetScanLimit (Address As Int, Limit As Int) As void
Sets the number of digits to be displayed.
Shutdown (Address As Int, Status As Boolean) As void
Sets the shutdown (power saving) mode for the device.
Address - Device address.
Status - If true then the device goes into power down mode.