B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:




NewData (Data() As Byte)


  Initialize (CEPin As Byte, CSPin As Byte, NewDataSub As SubVoidArray) As void

  OpenReadingPipe (Address As Byte) As void

  OpenWritingPipe (Address As Byte) As void

  Write (Data() As Byte) As Boolean

Members description:

Initialize (CEPin As Byte, CSPin As Byte, NewDataSub As SubVoidArray) As void
Initializes the object.
CEPin - Pin connected to the CE pin.
CSPin - Pin connected to the CSN pin.
NewDataSub - Sub that will handle the NewData event.
OpenReadingPipe (Address As Byte) As void
Opens the reading pipe and set its address.
OpenWritingPipe (Address As Byte) As void
Opens the writing pipe and set its address. Data will be sent to this address.
Write (Data() As Byte) As Boolean
Writes data to the address set in OpenWritingPipe. Maximum length is 32 bit.
Returns true if the data was sent successfully.