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List of types:



Controls stepper motors.




  Initialize (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int) As void

  Initialize2 (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int, MotorPin3 As Int, MotorPin4 As Int) As void

  Initialize3 (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int, MotorPin3 As Int, MotorPin4 As Int, MotorPin5 As Int) As void

  SetSpeed (Speed As Long) As void

  Step (NumberOfSteps As Int) As void

Members description:

Initialize (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int) As void
Two wire motor.
Initialize2 (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int, MotorPin3 As Int, MotorPin4 As Int) As void
Four pins motor.
Initialize3 (TotalNumberOfSteps As Int, MotorPin1 As Int, MotorPin2 As Int, MotorPin3 As Int, MotorPin4 As Int, MotorPin5 As Int) As void
Five phase motor.
SetSpeed (Speed As Long) As void
Sets the speed (revs per minute).
Step (NumberOfSteps As Int) As void
Moves the motor.