B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:






  Initialize (PinClk As Byte, PinDIO As Byte) As void

  SetSegments (Segments() As Byte, Position As Byte) As void

  ShowNumberDec (Number As Int) As void

  ShowNumberDec2 (Number As Int, LeadingZero As Boolean, Length As Byte, Position As Byte) As void

  ShowNumberDec3 (Number As Int, LeadingZero As Boolean, Length As Byte, Position As Byte, DotsMask As Byte) As void

Members description:

Initialize (PinClk As Byte, PinDIO As Byte) As void
Initializes the object.
PinClk - Pin connected to the clock pin.
PinDIO - Pin connected to the DIO pin.
SetSegments (Segments() As Byte, Position As Byte) As void
Displays arbitrary data.
Each byte represents a single digit.
Each bit represents a segment.
Position - Position from which to start the modification (0 - leftmost, 3 - rightmost).
ShowNumberDec (Number As Int) As void
Displays the decimal number.
ShowNumberDec2 (Number As Int, LeadingZero As Boolean, Length As Byte, Position As Byte) As void
Displays the decimal number.
Number - Number to be shown.
LeadingZero - Whether to add leading zeroes.
Length - Number of digits to set.
Position - Position of the least significant digit (0 - leftmost, 3 - rightmost).
ShowNumberDec3 (Number As Int, LeadingZero As Boolean, Length As Byte, Position As Byte, DotsMask As Byte) As void
Similar to ShowNumberDec2. Controls the decimal dots or colon based on the DotsMask. Pass 0xFF to enable all dots / colons.
The argument is a bitmask, with each bit corresponding to a dot
between the digits (or colon mark, as implemented by each module). The MSB is the
leftmost dot of the digit being update. For example, if Position is 1, the MSB of DotsMask
will correspond the dot near digit no. 2 from the left. Dots are updated only on
those digits actually being update (that is, no more than Length digits)