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TheDateLineChart object provides the following methods and properties


AddLine : Adds the current line to the Line chart.

AddPoint( year As Int32, month As Int32, day As Int32,  y As Double)  : Adds a point to the current line at the date. A line must first be created by NewLine.

AddTrendLine : Adds the current line to the date line chart as the trend line for the chart.

AddXAxisText(start As Int32, end As Int32, text As String) : Adds a label to the X axis. If start = end then the label is positioned at that point on the axis. If start < end then the label is positioned between those points on the X axis.

Draw : Returns the drawn bitmap of the chart.

DrawWithLegend(Legend As Control): Returns the drawn bitmap of the chart including the legend provided.

New1(width As Int32, height As Int32, mode As Int32, format As Bool) : Creates a new date line chart of the given width and height. Mode governs the X axis timescale. 0 is one week, 1 is four weeks, 2 is one year. Format governs the X axis date format. True is mm/dd, false is dd/mm.

NewLine(color As Color) : Creates a new line of the specified colour ready for points to be added.


I signifies readable, O signifies settable.

Alignment : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the alignment of the chart in the bitmap. 0 is normal, 1 is flipped, 2 is rotated right and 3 is rotated left. 2 and 3 are only really of use (if ever) when the bitmap is square.

BorderSize : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the width of an invisible border between the drawn chart and the edges of the bitmap.

Color : Color [I/O] :  Gets or sets the background colour of the chart.

ColorGradient : Color [I/O] :  Gets or sets the gradient colour of the chart.

Dllversion : Double [I] : The version number of this library.
GridSpacingValue: Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the spacing value of the Y axis grid.

LineWidth : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the width of the lines drawn on the chart.

MarginForTextOnAxis : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the margin for text below the X axis.

MaxScaleValue : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the maximum value of the Y axis.

MinScaleValue : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the minimum value of the Y axis.

RoundOffGridHeight : Bool [I/O] : Gets or sets whether to round up the Y axis size or not.

ShowGrid : Bool [I/O] : Gets or sets whether to show the chart grid or not.

ShowProjectedTrend: Bool [I/O] : Gets or sets whether to show the projected trend of each line or not.

Text : String [I/O] : Gets or sets the title displayed in the date line chart.