Asymmetric encryption

The RSA object in this library offers the following methods and properties. The RSA object  supports key lengths from 384 bits to 16384 bits in increments of 8 bits if you have the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider installed. It supports key lengths from 384 bits to 512 bits in increments of 8 bits if you have the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider installed. The parameter OAEP is set true to perform direct RSA encryption or decryption using OAEP padding (only available on a computer running Microsoft Windows XP or later); otherwise set it false to use PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.


EncryptBytes(byte() PlainText, bool OAEP) : Returns a byte array containing the encryption of a byte array. 

EncryptString(string PlainText, bool OAEP) Returns a byte array containing the encryption of a string.

DecryptBytes(byte() CypherText, bool OAEP) : Returns a byte array containing the decryption of a byte array. 

DecryptString(byte() CypherText, bool OAEP) : Returns a string containing the decryption of a byte array. 
ExportKey(bool Private)  : Returns a blob representing the public key, if Private is false, or the public/private key pair if Private is true.

ImportKey(byte() blob) : Imports a blob representing a public key or a public/private key pair

New1(int KeySize : Creates a new instance of this object that supports the given key size. This also creates a new exchange public/private key pair ready for use.


I signifies readable, O signifies settable.

DLLversion : Double  [I] : Returns the version of this library.

KeySize : int32 [I] : Returns the size of the key of this RSA object.