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Basic4ppc v6.90 introduces the following new features:

·    Local variables can be declared with a specific type. Declaring numeric variables significantly boosts the performance of numeric calculations.
·    Subs parameters types and subs return type can also be declared.
·    New types: Number and Integer. Correspond to .Net Double and Int32.
·    Subs parameters can be passed by reference (ByRef). This can be used to return several values from a sub.
·    Improved syntax for working with dynamic objects and dynamic controls.
Instead of writing Control(ControlName, ControlType), it is now possible to write ControlType(ControlName). The desktop IDE fully supports the new syntax with autocomplete and with the usual popup menu.
·    Desktop forms size and layout is more accurate now.
·    Scroll bar indicators. The desktop IDE now shows useful indicators above the vertical scroll bar that helps with the code navigation.
·    FileFlush keyword. Writes any cached data to the file.
·    SQL library was updated to SQLite 3.6.16.
·    More clear error messages for many common mistakes.
·    Many bug fixes and other minor improvements.

Backwards compatibility issues:
·    The type of arrays and structures cannot be changed after the first declaration.
·    The legacy compiler was dropped. That means that Basic4ppc can no longer target .Net CF 1.0.