Panel over Activity


Well-Known Member
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Hi Erel,

I have a panel which i load over an activity.

The panel covers the whole activity with some controls. I can click the buttons and sliders on the panel, all fine.

But when I click on any blank parts of the panel, the buttons under the panel (on the activity) gets clicked.

Is this an expected behaviour? Displaying a panel over other view should not allow me to click the underlying view right?

Please advice.

Thanks a bunch!


Well-Known Member
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I stumbled over this, too.
Just add:

Sub Panel1_Click
   'blank, to avoid event firing on Activity views
End Sub

I does work fine for me, though.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Im having the same trouble, when I add this sub I get no diffences, are you guys on 1.2?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
We certainly are on 1.2.
Please try and bring your panel to front: Panel1.BringToFront


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks tried that and also requestfocus, but neither worked. Basically Im just trying to perform push/pop panel stack.

Activity.AddView(pnlTicket, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)

to push

and to pop I would pnlTicket.RemoveView

something no good. When I'm on the pnlTicket I can still tap views that were displayed 1 panel before.

Thanks everything is good again,
pnlTicket.Initialize("") should have been pnlTicket.Initialize("pnlTicket")

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