additional libraries

  1. R

    Java Question java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError ... couldn't find "

    Hi guys, I am trying to include native .so files in a Java library. Starting with the LameB4A project as example, I tried to do the same, see, but I cannot get it to work. I have both tried the Simple Library Compiler as well as exporting directly from Eclipse. I have tried...
  2. O

    Java Question Error while running b4a project when Import library that use native library inside.

    Hello All, I'm trying to import Speex library to my B4A project, Speex library depend on native library JNA, I was able to import the library to my project and it compiles fine but when running I got this error : - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native library...
  3. Android Question Manifest.txt in B4XLIB

    Try to make my first Additonal Library, After reading the Basic Booklet @5.8.3 and consulting the forum (finding the magic link to to build the lib on a click) I've not understood if the optionnal "Manifest.Text" has to be written line by line or if it is a special menu or a extra tool to...
  4. Android Question Additionnal libraries

    Hello, As it is the case into the b4a-ide, with the unused libraries (automatic alert message to unchek a library if its unused) to lighten the final apk, Should i delete additional libraries from the folder recorded into the path "additional libraries" when they are unused before to compile...
  5. T

    German gibt es anpassbare Buttons?

    Hi, ich versuche gerade viele Buttons mit Rahmen zu machen. In meiner Core version gibt es leider keine Rahmen. Ich wollte fragen ob es bereits additional libraries gibt mit denen ich das bewerkstelligen kann. LG, Tooob
  6. B

    Android Question Latest Libraries - How to find them

    Hi Erel, I started using AnotherDatePicker recently, but had issues. I had downloaded Version 1.0 from your announcement , and I now see there is a later version. But where is it ?? I have searched a lot. It is my ONLY COMPLAINT about B4a - where do find updates to additional library items ...
  7. G

    Android Question Exception using JavaObject and AdditionalJar SDK

    Hello, I'be been trying to use the JavaObject to access a Java API for a rfid reader sdk. The fist code I tried is below : #Region Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel: Test RFID #VersionCode: 1 #VersionName: 'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or...
  8. Android Question What needs to stay in the Libraries folder

    I tried to move all files from \Basic4android\Libraries to my additional libraries folder. and now b4a gives me an error message. some kind of licensing issue???
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