Hello World!
Another B4A Library 😍
AXrLottie (Android) Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rlottie)
What is Lottie?
What is rlottie?
What is AXrLottie?
AXrLottie includes rlottie into the Android. Easy A!
Lottie Examples
Telegram is...
Hello World!
Another B4A Library 😍
AXWaveAnimation is a wave animation or a bubble animation for recording or playing audio using the amplitude of the voice.
You can customize the wave drawables or add or remove the wave drawables.
Example ...
Hello World!
Another B4A Library with awesome animations and circular loading 😍
Inspired by HotspotShieldVPN.
See more in Github
Lib+Sample attached :)
Hello World!
Another B4A Library that makes any view to be zoomable. 🤩
Usage :
Private ZoomHelper As Amir_ZoomHelper
And you should add this java code to your activity :
#if java
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