api 33

  1. Duque

    Android Question CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS android 12+

    This worked fine up to android 11 I am referring to this same case 6 years later. Dim intent As Intent intent.Initialize("android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS", "") 'close the notifications drawer Dim p As Phone p.SendBroadcastIntent(intent) Don't scold me, I spent the whole day reading...
  2. Cainsoft

    Android Question Android API 33 - services/receiver vs http

    Hi, I had a problem for which there was no solution: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/startreceiverat-okhttputils2-during-phone-sleep.149687/ Somehow I managed to get a service to run in the "foreground" under Android 13 (API 33). What's interesting is that this service doesn't stop...