This is an AutoComplete view, which is compatible with B4XFloatTextField, AS_TextFieldAdvanced, EditText (B4A), TextField (B4i) and TextField (B4J)
I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further...
I had a bad time searching for a bug where the program logic hung. It turned out I wrote
Wait For Msgbox_Respond (...)
instead of
Wait For Msgbox_Result (...)
Same problem when I used
Wait For JobComplete ...
instead of
Wait For JobDone ...
The problem is that neither the IDE nor the...
Hi, I was wondering if I could have an app that stores all passwords for all apps on the phone, and when the user opens these apps, their fields are autocompleted. For example, the user opens Instagram and the username and password autocomplete as he has previously saved these fields in our App...
Hi to everyone.
I have a class with two private strings declared in Class_Globals.
Private ExportFolder As String
Private FtpExportFolder As String
Now I want to declare setters for those properties. This is what I do:
public Sub setExportFolder(Value As String)
ExportFolder = Value
End Sub...
Hi, everyone, im trying to use the Place Autocomplete View from Erel.
I have the necessity to hide (or show) the view as i want by code, but the command:
PlaceAutocompleteView.Visible = False
doesn't exist... how can i solve this?
Dear Community,
i am messing with a small app, which should do a youtube-like (or other web-searches) search box.
See my try. I am endig up at 95%. :mad:
Maybe a JS Expert could give an advice.
What is missing: I got the JSON String from the YT Server and get them also on the B4J side (do a...
Hello Everyone!
I'm creating a new ABM Component (ABMaterial Custom Component) with select2.js, it works fine, but sometimes when i refresh the browser (F5), i get the error "Unexpected event (missing RaiseSynchronousEvents): abmcomp_build".
If somebody know the reason, i will apreciate the...
I got http.getstring == [{"place_return":",'','a place','b place','c place'"}] like this
and i have to insert it into autocomplete.setitem()
I tried like this ::
Dim p As JSONParser
Dim list1 As List
list1 =...
ABM 4 came up with an option to add autocomplete as if one uses ABMCombo..
Dim inp1 As ABMInput
inp1.Initialize(page, "inp1", ABM.INPUT_TEXT, "First Name", False, "inputauto")
inp1.AutoCompleteOpenOnFocus = True ' NEW
inp1.ReadOnly = True '...
Another small addition that would slightly increase productivity would be to have the IDE's autocomplete finish parentheses. Ex: When you type a "(", other code editors automatically insert the trailing ")".
I needed an EditText like SearchView but without the list shown (without ListView), to use it on a smartphone in landscape mode (you know, in this situation the keyboard takes up almost the available space).
This view uses a SQLite DB to store the words and to retrieve them typing the first...
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