
  1. User242424

    B4A Library AXrLottie

    Hello World! Another B4A Library šŸ˜ AXrLottie AXrLottie (Android) Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rlottie) What is Lottie? What is rlottie? What is AXrLottie? AXrLottie includes rlottie into the Android. Easy A! Lottie Examples Telegram is...
  2. User242424

    B4A Library AXEmojiView

    Hello World! AXEmojiView is an advanced Android Library which adds emoji,sticker,... support to your Android application šŸ¤© Demo ā€¢ GitHub AXEmojiView 1.2.0 Screenshots : Usage Install Emoji Provider First step, you should install EmojiView with your EmojiProvider! Dim EmojiManager...