b4xtable sqlite

  1. A

    Android Question Result SET don't see column

    Hi all, I'm developing an app with b4xtable and I wish to import data from a sqllite DB. I have used the Erel's tutorial (B4XTable - Load data from SQL database). Dim rs As ResultSet = sql.ExecQuery("SELECT coalesce(via,"") as via, coalesce(nome_azienda,"") as cliente, coalesce(citta,"") as...
  2. DroidLyon

    Android Question B4XTable SQLite update advice

    Hello Everyone I'm trying to understand how best to update SQLite from a B4xtable and would like some advice. I'm struggling slightly because the help docs b4xtable help is showing nothing for me for some reason, plus the closest examples I've found B4xTable load data - loads from sqllite but...