background location tracking

  1. Sandman

    Android Question How to request background locations with API 29 and above?

    Yesterday I did a lot of tests to figure out how things worked regarding permissions and background location (full report here). It's clear that background permission is more difficult to get approved since API 29. How do we request permission for background locations in API 29 and above? I...
  2. A

    Android Question How to check PERMISSION_ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in runtimepermissions

    Hi. I am trying to check if the application has permission to access the location all the time. But with runtimepermissions I did not find a way to check if the permission for location in background is allowed or not (that is, if the user selected to allow only with the app in use or to allow...
  3. I

    Android Question Does Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob) work in service while screen is off?

    The background location tracking example code works fine in its own. The service stays alive and it keeps on getting GPS location as well. What I want to do is send this location to a web service to save the location data. The code to fetch location is unchanged from the example. The only...
  4. S

    Android Question Background location tracking Android Tutorial Background location tracking Discussion in 'Tutorials & Examples' started by Erel, Nov 29, 2018. This works but, all the activity in Main module stops? I have a simple timer in main that...
  5. Didier9

    Android Question How to disable background service [solved]

    I made the mistake of installing the example in Even though I removed the program, rebooted the phone, added this code Sub Activity_KeyPress( KeyCode As Int ) As Boolean ' Return True to consume the event If...