bluetooth device name

  1. Dave O

    Android Question getting device name using Settings.Global?

    Hi all, I'd like to get the name of the user's device (e.g. "Dave's Note 10"), and it's proving harder than I expected. There's a method using Bluetooth, but I'd prefer not to have to ask for BT permissions just for the device name. There appears to be a "device_name" in Android's...
  2. T

    Android Question Getting the name of the connected Bluetooth device

    I'm updating one of my apps to target SDK 28 (it previously didn't have a target) and the code which gets the name of the connected device no longer works on my Android 9 device but still works on Android 5 and 6. [CODE lang="b4x" title="errors on connectedAddress = ref.GetField("mAddress")"...