bluetooth printer

  1. lkching7

    Android Question Can I connect to Virtual Bluetooth Printer with UUID only?

    Virtual Bluetooth Printer Mac Address is : 00:00:00:00:00:01, mean the virtual Bluetooth printer don't have MAC Address. In Android Studio, we will connect it by using UUID : 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB In B4X, I can't find any way to connect it with UUID only, I only able to connect...
  2. A

    iOS Question Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class

    Hello How can I use the code of this link in b4i? is it possible?
  3. Z

    Italian bluetooth printer POS

    ciao a tutti, sto utilizzando la libreria di Star-dust per stampare con una stampantina bluetooth pos (POS-5802DD). il mio problema è il dover stampare un immagine e sto abbastanza impazzendo per riuscire a farlo nel modo corretto. Utilizzando la libreria SD_BT_PRINTER_7 e la funzione...
  4. D

    Android Code Snippet Print chinese word in BT Printer

    i m use SP-RMT10BT bluetooth printer 50mm if print chinese string Dim o_Serial As Serial Dim o_Printer As TextWriter o_Printer.Initialize2(o_Serial.OutputStream,"GB18030") PrintBuffer = "打印中文" o_Printer.WriteLine(PrintBuffer) o_Printer.Flush