
  1. Brian Michael

    B4J Code Snippet [B4X] BMVariableFixFormat

    [UPDATE V1.1] Hello everyone, today I come to you with a small tool that will help you better organize your projects, reduce the lines of code and in turn reduce the weight of your project. I called Variable Fix Format Which can reduce all this: Private fx As JFX Private fx As JFX...
  2. Brian Michael

    B4J Code Snippet Search in a List

    Hello, here I come to you with a simple way to search for a word in a list of words. It is a very simple but very useful function. It is declared as ResumableSub so you can use Wait For and wait for it to finish searching to get the results. Example: Dim Fruits as List = Array as...
  3. Brian Michael

    B4A Library [LIB] [B4A] BMTypeWriter

    Hello everyone, here I bring you a tool to create the writing effect. It is basic but functional. Thank you for viewing this library. BMTypeWriter Author: Version: 1 BMTypeWriter Create a simple TypeWriter Effect on any TextView Example: Writer1.Initialize(Me, "Writer1")...
  4. Brian Michael

    B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2

    [UPDATED V1.2] Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to show you my first library for B4A. BMPopUp is a library that will allow you to create PopUp messages in your applications. You can change the look as you like. Thanks in advance for visiting I hope you like it. Normal PopUp...