bouncy castle

  1. KMatle

    B4J Library bcprov-jdk18on-171 (BouncyCastle) update (encryption)

    Tested under B4J Java 11 agains OpenSSL (PHP): AES256 RSA (creating/using keys including signing/verifying) Hashing (HMAC, SHA1, 256 and 512) via Agraham's Encryption library Download:
  2. avalle

    B4J Question Create a CMS/PKCS#7 digital signature using Bouncy Castle

    I need to create a server application that generates CMS or PKCS#7 digital signatures. Using the Bouncy Castle library would help as it has all the required functions. However I have no idea on how to write a wrapper to use it and all the libraries I've seen here using BC were focused on...