
  1. mohsen programmer

    B4J Question Transfer file from Downloads folder to Music folder in internal storage using B4J

    Hi, I am trying to connect my phone to my computer or laptop using a USB cable. Then, I want to use B4J to transfer a file from the Downloads folder in the internal storage of my phone to the Music folder in the internal storage. I would appreciate it if you could guide me on how I can do...
  2. A

    iOS Question Past a string with letters and numbers into Number type TextField

    Hi all - today one of my clients sent me a screenshot with an error message. I tried to reproduce it and found one unexpected result. Let's say I have a layout with 2 textfields - in my code they are B4XView. 1 - txtProvider 2 - txtProviderName txtProvider has Keyboard Type - Number_Pad...
  3. B

    Android Question Save As a folder

    In the following example, how do I save a folder? This source only saves the file but I want to save the folder containing the file! I will be grateful to anyone who...
  4. SimonAndroid

    Wish Copy/Paste Multiple in the IDE

    Also using other programming environments one thing that I found very useful is to be able to store clip-boards on the editing environment, basically store up to a certain number of blocks e.g. from 1 to 9, which contain pieces of code. Today programming is becoming a copy / paste and this...
  5. carlos7000

    Android Question Copy file from uri [SOLVED]

    Hello. I am trying to create an application, which through the share menu, receives a uri of a file, then the application copies it to a "safe" directory I already managed to receive the Uri correctly. I also managed to correctly extract the path of the file, from the uri But the copy...
  6. BugNot

    Android Question SDK 29 : how copy file from another (my) app

    Hi all, As you know, only a few months before the obligatory switch to targetSdkVersion 29. I have 2 applications with database, one free and one full. Until now, in the free, my database is in File.DirDefaultExternal, and when the user installs the complete one, I copied the database from...
  7. BugNot

    Android Question Copy file from another app

    Hello, How to copy a file from another application knowing that the two applications are mine? What is the path to File.DirInternal? /data/data/ How to go to the DirInternal of the other application? Thanks
  8. M

    iOS Question Copy a Map to another oen

    Hi in B4i how can I copy a map into another? Given the fact the function "GetKeyAt" and "GetValueAt" doens't exists? Thanks!

    Wish Past format

    Hello, I dont know if it would be usefull , or if that already exists but that i have not see With the designer tool, when a complicated layout creation i would get the "Past Format" button for copying the settings on all selected views (with same type) ? have a good week Regards
  10. L

    Android Question Copy file to USB stick error

    I have to copy a file in the Internal Directory to a USB stick. To select the destination path I use "ExternalSotorage" library. When I have selected the destination directory then I use ABzipunzip to zip the file, using the internal memory for source and the USB stick for destination, but it...
  11. G

    German Read/only Datei attribut umsetzen ?

    Hallo ,kurze Frage Bei der Installation meiner App installiere ich für den Benutzer eine Datei, die er später beliebig erweitern soll. (ein Excel sheet). Hierzu kopieren ich die Datei mit dem Code: LapDir = RP.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("LAPs") If File.Exists(LapDir...
  12. A

    Android Question Copy all folder content

    Hello, Does anybody know how to copy all files from one folder (for example dirInternal -> folder1 ) to another folder (for example dirInternal -> folder2 )? Thanks in advance
  13. K

    Android Question Copy DB from asset

    Hi expert I'm trying to copy file from asset folder it shows error /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.temp/files/temp1.db (No such file or directory) while Log(File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"temp1.db")) shows true my code : If File.ExternalWritable...
  14. A

    Android Question saving files

    Hello every one, I wanna save my SQLite file (*.db) to a normal folder. in notice that I can save it in this way: File.Copy(File.DirAssets,"ansdb.db",File.DirInternal,"ansdb.db") but I can't see the file in my phone. I wanna save it in way to I be able to see the file and copy it in my pc. any...