
  1. Android Code Snippet [B4X] Create square Thumbnail

    Sub CreateSquareThumbnail(Input As B4XBitmap) As B4XBitmap If Input.Width <> Input.Height Then 'if the image is not square then we crop it to be a square. Dim l As Int = Min(Input.Width, Input.Height) Return Input.Crop(Input.Width / 2 - l / 2, Input.Height / 2 - l /...
  2. B4i Library SD: ImageCrop

    This new library will allow you to make cuts on images in a square (rectangular), circle and ellipse. Moreover, the image can be enlarged by the user, and rotated to obtain different cuts. I have used XUI libraries, if I have time I convert it to Android. The full version will be distributed to...
  3. B4J Library [ABMaterial] An image slider that can actually crop your image NOT

    Ola I'm looking for an image slider. Animated - check. Do not crop an image - check. Pause - check. Open a URL on image click - check. Navigation buttons - check, Pause on hover - check. Show progress of bar when viewing each image - check. Random animation per slide - check. Play local video...
  4. B4A Library B4AClayView - Crop and image trimming

    B4AClayView - Crop and image trimming And here is another Image Cropping and Trimming-library :). You can use this to trim the outline of an image and create your own custom shape. You can also undo your previous trimming actions. Source/Creator: I wrapped this...
  5. Android Question Crop bitmap

    i need to crop screen shot bitmaps continuously. However all the threads I've found use saved images when cropping.
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