
  1. Sandman

    Monospace: A JavaScript demo in 1021 bytes, winner of the demo competition

    I have an ongoing fascination with how some people can produce impressive results using very little code. In that vein, I thought the forum might find this interesting: MONOSPACE Flip dots with feelings, a JavaScript demo in 1021 bytes, winner of the 1024 bytes demo competition at Assembly...
  2. gian55

    job request for push notification demo b4a/b4i

    I need a working demo app to receive/send push notification (firebase or onesignal which i prefer) for b4a and b4i. i've the google firebase account and the apple developer account. i pay with paypal. please contact me if interested thank you
  3. Alejandro Moyano

    B4J Question [BANano] Error trying to compile demo

    Hi, i trying to run the banano demo but i don't know why an error emerges, all libraries are installed, anyone know about how to solve this? Seems its not detect the BANano library and try to compile as a regular b4j app.
  4. Sandman

    PC demo 8kb: Loonies - One Of Those Days (2018)

    The last demo of the day, this one is really big (joke) and takes a full 8kb: More info:
  5. Sandman

    PC demo 4kb: Elevated (2009)

    This is another amazing PC demo which only takes 4kb: Source:
  6. Sandman

    PC demo 4kb: The vanishing of Ashlar (2020)

    As some here in the forum might know, I'm easily amazed by software productions that are insanely small for what they deliver. Just a couple of days ago, NuSan (I have no idea what/who that is) gave us this production. It's a 4kb PC demo using GPU for sound and pathtracing. Some more info, and...